King's business - 1943-04

the Bible Society from supplying the Scriptures to c o u n t r i e s in enemy hands, but immediately hostilities cease, the Society will be ready to re­ sume, perhaps on a wider scale than ever before, the task of giving the Bible to Europe. Each one of us can have a'share in preparing the way by our prayers and our gifts.

Europe, the Bible Society circulated 909,000 volumes of Holy Scripture— impressive evidence of the great de­ mand for the Word of God among the people of these lands, “ Prepare Ye the Way” The. Word of God is “ happening” in Europe today. The war 'prevents

PRAY This month, pray especially for the “household of faith” in Europe. many other European countries. In face of the trials through which the church on the continent is passing many people have turned again to the ’ Bi­ ble, and have riot turned in vain. The fires of persecution have fallen on the pages of the Book and made them glow with new meaning and power. Take Finland—a c o u n t r y with which the Bible Society has had long and close associations. Our represen­ tative there, Mr,. Piminoff, is carrying on the work ip spite of extraordinary difficulties, and such information as reaches us points to the fact that there is an urgent demand for the Word of God in Finland, and in neigh­ boring countries. He arranged for the printing of 45,000 Finnish Scriptures, a special edition of the New Testa­ ment and Psalms for Finnish soldiers, and an edition ‘of the Swedish Bible. He was also making plans for the publication of Ukrainian and Russian New Testaments. What is the significance of all this activity? There is evidently a real and widespread demand for the Bible in these Northern lands. In the midst of war and suffering, men are in­ quiring whether the Scriptures hgve a messag^ for them. Once more we find that iri~ these, countries of North­ ern Europe the Word of God is “hap­ pening.” , As the war goes on news from 'countries under Nazi oppression gets scantier,’ and we have not been able to ascertain what were the circulation figures in the great majority of Euro­ pean countries,during 1941, but one remarkable fact mu s t be recorded: During 1940, in Central and Eastern

Dr. Talbots Question Box Questions (or answer, in this department should be sent to the E d i t o r i a l Department, THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, CaliL

give divine help: a thing that no mother, however good, is able to do. QUE .: A friend of mine says that every Jew> who lived and died before the crucifixion of Christ was saved, because Christ’s atone­ ment wiped out all their sins. If so, would this .not apply to all nations, as well as to Jews? Yes, it would if the statement of your friend were true. But it is not true. The Lord said to the Jews of 'His time, “If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins" (John 8:24). And again, “Whither I go, ye cannot come” .(John 8:22): The Old Testament Scriptures abound with the teaching that being a descendant of Abraham w ill avail nothing, apart from Abraham’s faith in a coming Re­ deemer. God has had one plan of sal­ vation from the beginning. People who were saved during the Old Testa- [ Continued on Page 132]

QUE .: Is there any t r u t h in the statement that a Christian mother, after death, looks down always from heaven on her chil­ dren and knows when they are good or bad? This is not the teaching of the Word of God, and one may be glad that it is not. Why should a mother in heav­ en have to bear the burdens of earth life, with its responsibilities, its dis­ appointments, or even its victories? There is nothing in the Bible that shows that the saints who have gone to heaven have any direct contact with saints or sinners who are on earth. Such teaching is a kind of Spir­ itism and fosters much error. It is much more Wholesome to dwell upon the thought that there is One in the Glory who is aware of all that tran­ spires on earth, and for those who trust Him “ he ever liveth to make inter­ cession” (Heb. 7:25). He—the Lord Jesus Christ—cannot only see condi­ tions on earth, but He can and does

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