Julius House Booklet 2025

General Information

Contacts If there is any concern, parents should contact the Housemaster in the first instance. The Housemaster can then direct the concern to the Executive Principal, Deputy Principal or subject teachers as required. Meetings with teachers and members of senior management may then be arranged. Illness/Medical Absences For daily absences or illness, please call 03 364 8676 and leave your son’s name and reason for his absence. For extended absences, please contact your Housemaster. Leave If a boy needs to leave the school grounds during the day for a dental, doctor or physiotherapy appointment, his parents must contact the Housemaster. Parents are asked to try to arrange such appointments outside school hours whenever possible. If a boy is to be absent for a private reason for more than two days, parents are asked to request leave in writing prior to the absence. Such leave is granted by the Deputy Principal. Social Events During the year there will be social gatherings for parents of the different year groups. These will generally be held at school.

School Hours Students report to the House to be ready for House assembly at 8.15am. They leave school after they have met their academic, sport or cultural commitments, usually between 5–6pm. Dayboys should not stay around school after 6pm unless for a specific purpose. Notices The Christ’s College calendar for each term can be found on the College website. Students are asked to check upcoming events at the start of each week. Students are expected to listen carefully to notices at House assembly and must regularly check the House board, as well as Schoolbox and their College email. Lockers Each boy has a locker in the House, where he can store books and school equipment, packed lunch, sports gear etc. Boys are given a combination lock at the start of the year. They are expected to keep their lockers tidy; they must not leave food in their locker and should take their sports uniforms home for washing. House Duties Years 9–10 students are rostered to complete cleaning duties in and around the House before school, at the end of break time, at the end of lunchtime and after school. Seniors are required to tidy their own common rooms and supervise House duties.

11 – Christ’s College Julius House

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