Take advantage of big savings on commercial grade site amenities from Superior Recreational Products.
Sale Score 20% off select shaded site furnishings from now until October 31, 2023.
Shaded Bench $5,478 BRU120808IG • REG. PRICE: $6,847 In-Ground Mount
Shaded Table $6,954 TRU120808IG • REG. PRICE: $8,692 In-Ground Mount
Ready to get started? Visit srpsiteamenities.com to find your nearest sales representative.
*Sale Terms and Conditions | SALE DATES: AUGUST 21 – OCTOBER 31, 2023 Items must be ordered by October 31, 2023 and may not be held for future ship dates. Prices are for exact unit and do not include freight, surfacing, taxes, or installation charges. This discount may not be combined with any other promotional offer.
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