C+S Winter 2024 Vol. 10 Issue 4

during project development. The slower roundabout speeds combined with greatly reduced traffic volumes made a roundabout the ideal design for the Chisholm Trail intersection near Round Rock High School. It is now a much safer and less congested intersection for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Self-contained treatment units for water quality management were provided for environmental protection of the outfall and the environmentally sensitive Edwards Aquifer and potential habitat of threatened and endangered species. Although roundabouts have recently gained popularity within the region, they were not common during the design phase 10 years ago. Halff produced a computer-generated, first-person drive-through video of the proposed overpass and roundabout, including narration, to educate the public on the project and how to navigate it. Accomplishments & Accreditations • American Public Works Association (Texas Chapter) - Project of the Year, $25 to $75 million Category

Background The RM 620 Railroad Overpass and Roundabout project was years in the making and aimed to improve a major east-west arterial roadway in Round Rock, between Deep Wood Drive and Interstate Highway 35. The project included road widening, medians, sidewalks, overpasses at key intersections, improved at-grade railroad crossings, enhanced storm drainage and water quality improvements. TThe completed roadway includes bridge overpasses at N. Lake Creek Drive and Chisholm Trail Road. The intersection at Chisholm Trail Road was reconfigured from a traffic signal into a roundabout, which is bisected by the at-grade railroad crossing. The bridge overpass extends over the entire roundabout and railroad tracks taking approximately 90% of traffic over the railroad crossing and out of the intersection. The walls and bridges included aesthetic treatments. The aesthetics, safety improvements, and access provided by the roundabout are signature aspects of the project. Impact The project sought solutions that yielded community and environment benefits, while minimizing detrimental impacts. The design team considered safety, sustainability, user education, and community needs


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