October 2021
Are You Being Ghosted by Your Clients? | The 6 Ingredients of Business Success
Last Chance to Sign Up! Join This Elevating Event Today! Nov. 3–5, 2021 At our exclusive hybrid event (attend in person or virtually), Keap’s founders and product leaders as well as fellow Keap customers, influencers, and entrepreneurial experts unite. Join us for presentations, strategy sessions, and networking opportunities designed to save you time and grow your business. Get the Same Value in Person or Virtually! • Watch all the same in person events, livestreamed right to your laptop. • Live or remote, get all the same content from this hybrid event.
• Attend online and in-person breakout sessions. • Enjoy Keynote and mainstage events for all. • Network with other entrepreneurs whether attending LIVE or virtual.
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See what Keap customers said about the last IKON: “IKON was such an amazing experience; we took away so many jewels we’re already implementing in our business.” –Chantel Henry, The Legacy Project “IKON, it’s the summit of all experiences.” –Mwale Henry, The Legacy Project
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Never Write Off a Client Relationship — Even When They’re Gone
The 6 Ingredients of Business Success
Close More Sales, Make More Money, and Help More People The 160-Character Secret to Growing
Your Business Meet the Team
15 16
‘7 Activators’ Needed to Build a Successful Online Course
Podcast Ads: How to Track the Bang for Your Buck Meet MagnaWave: A Family Business That Leveled Up With Keap How to Launch a Successful Customer Reactivation Campaign
Stop Reacting. Start Creating.
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3 Experts, 3 Times Sales, and 3 Basics
Recently, I recorded podcasts with three experts of small-business growth: Don Miller of Business Made Simple, Ramon Ray of Smart Hustle, and Ken Cook, one of our Keap Certified Partners. In each podcast, the experts and I talked about their careers helping entrepreneurs grow using proven strategies and techniques. As we talked, all three experts demonstrated a key skill I want to highlight for The Keap Family: All three experts focus on building relationships through effective follow-up. Don talked about his early days in business using an archaic data- base product to help him build relationships, spurring massive business growth. Then he described how he felt like he had died and gone to heaven when he found Keap and has used it over the past several years to build his business to over $20 million per year. He got a little choked up as he talked about the profound impact Keap has had on his business, which was super cool for me because I love how Don teaches entrepre- neurs to grow with his book, “Business Made Simple.” Ramon talked about how he uses and teaches the prin- ciples of Lifecycle Marketing to grow his business and help others do the same. Collect Leads, Convert Clients, and Cre- ate Fans are the Lifecycle Marketing phases that help Ramon and other entrepreneurs build relationships through effective follow-up. And Ken Cook uses these principles all the time as he serves his clients. It was cool to hear Ken talk about the way Keap differentiates itself from other software companies by teaching the principles of successful entrepreneurship, especially effective follow-up. As I talked with these three experts, they established a point that every member of The Keap Family needs to inter- nalize: Effective follow-up will increase sales by three times! People need to be presented with an offer an average of sev- en times before they buy, yet most businesses stop following up after one or two times. Furthermore, any given batch of 10 leads has one or two good leads, a handful of warm leads, and a couple bad leads. The warm leads will buy over time … if we follow up effectively. And finally, Don and I discussed the fact that he has grown so well because his company follows up in so many different ways. For example, when he does a webinar and presents an offer, a certain number of people buy. But he can triple sales over time by following up with the people who: • Didn’t register for the webinar after being invited • Did register but didn’t attend • Attended but didn’t buy • Bought and might want to buy something else The point is that when we effectively follow up, we can put all of these stats on our side and triple our sales. Intuitively, entrepreneurs know they will increase sales if they improve their follow up … and yet, it doesn’t happen.
I’ve asked entrepreneurs around the world why they don’t follow up and they tell me reasons that all fall into three buckets: no time, no system, or no know-how. This is why I wanted to emphasize this message to The Keap Family: Every entrepreneur can significantly increase sales by implementing three basic follow-ups — New Lead Fol- low-up; New Client Follow-up; and Long-term Nurture. You may feel like you don’t have the time. You may feel like you don’t know how to follow up. But you have the system in Keap. And you have The Keap Family here to help you succeed, starting with these three basics. And if you’re already doing the 3 Basic Follow-ups, great! Now it’s time to specialize your follow-up and make it more specific and tailored to your au- dience so you can build relationships and grow your business. By the way, the reason I’m so ex- cited about our new Text Marketing capabilities is that you can now dra- matically improve the effectiveness of your follow-up by mixing in text messages and reaching your custom- ers in timely, personal, and creative ways. Make sure you check out the articles and examples in this edition of The Keap Insider so that you can up your follow-up game with Keap’s Text Marketing, which includes Text Broadcast and Automated Text Mes- saging capabilities Three experts, three times sales, and three basics of follow-up. For all the complexity of business growth, it really can be as simple as effectively following up. Keep going, keep serving, and keep growing … with effective follow-up. –Clate
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No tricks here! Treat yourself to 20,000 readers every single month. Trick-or-Treat!
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Have you ever made pasta sauce? I’m not talking about white sauce or pesto here — I mean the good stuff, the red marinara we all grew up eating on spaghetti. If you have, then you can probably name the ingredients that are the backbone of that recipe: tomatoes, onion, garlic, olive oil, oregano, salt, and pepper. Those ingredients are fundamental. You can get fancy and add Parmesan cheese or red pepper flakes, but as long as you have those seven things, you’ll serve a killer dinner. As crazy as it sounds, running a successful business is like making a great pasta sauce. You need a foundation of key ingredients. Without them, the whole thing will come crashing down. I’ve run Newsletter Pro for over 10 years now, and I’ve come up with six key ingredients for busi- ness success. If you focus on these areas, you’ll easily grow, scale, and make it to the top. 1. Retaining and Maintaining No business can grow and succeed if it can’t retain customers. You know this. But if I were sitting in your office right now, could you tell me exactly the percentage of customers and number of dollars you lose each month in customer churn? If you could, you’re among just 10% of all business owners. That’s a big issue and a major reason why businesses don’t scale. When you reduce customer churn, you increase your revenue, boost your referrals, have more opportunities to upsell, and achieve a higher lifetime value for each customer, which is an all-around great thing. If you have a customer churn problem, now is the time to address it. Here are just a few ways to get started: Improve your pre- and post-sale education, amp up your support team’s response rate, focus on relationship marketing, start offering helpful upsells, and be proactive about customer problems. 2. Marketing You need to have marketing that generates quality leads and a sales process that converts those leads to customers. This is much easier said than done, and I get that. The fundamental items all businesses need are lead generation of quality prospects (not all leads or lead sources are created equal); a customer relationship management system that allows you to keep track of, nurture, and follow up with leads; and a sales pro- cess that includes long-term nurture and follow-up as well as the abil- ity to close a deal. These are only the minimum requirements, and you should make sure you have them all. 3. System and Processes Many businesses don’t scale because they don’t have systems and processes in place for things like meetings, onboarding, and addressing The 6 Ingredients of Business Success Are You Missing an Opportunity for Growth? By Shaun Buck, CEO of Newsletter Pro
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customer problems. This means their teams are wandering around in the dark, making things up as they go to accomplish their goals — or worse, constantly bugging the CEO. This is an inefficient, disorganized way of doing business, and it kills your bottom line in four ways. • It diverts your attention from the important projects you could be working on. • It holds your business back from scaling be- cause every new hire has to be trained from scratch and every project starts at zero. • It makes your business virtually unsellable — who wants a company that’s worthless without the CEO? • It causes you to miss things and create un- happy customers. If you are not a systems and processes expert, then hire a manager who excels at creating SOPs and put them to work. Having a competent per- son in this position will help you scale and put your efficiency through the roof. 4. Happy Employees One of the smartest things you can do in busi- ness is realize your employees are the ones who take care of your customers. If your employees are happy, then they will do a better job serving your customers. That will inspire them to re- fer more, spend more, and stay with you longer, which, in turn, will make you happy because you will turn a larger profit. You don’t have to take my word for it, either. Forbes reports that according to one study, “hap- py employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees” and “when it comes to salespeople, happiness has an even greater impact, raising sales by 37%.” But how do you make sure your team is happy? One way is to only hire people who align with your company’s goals and values. It’s also key to reward those hires with stellar pay and benefits. Finally, you should get to know your employees on a personal level and encourage them to form friendships. Harvard Business Review reports that "close work friendships boost employee satisfac- tion by 50%." If you’re still not convinced that happiness matters, consider this: Keeping employees hap- py may seem expensive, but employee churn is three times more expensive. 5. Playing the Long Game If you’re in business and aren’t playing the long game, then you may win the battle, but you’re
guaranteed to lose the war. I am very future-fo- cused. I will sacrifice today for a better tomorrow, and I do my best not to make emotional deci- sions in business and my personal life. An example of playing the long game in your business is utilizing relationship and referral marketing, and one tool for this type of market- ing is a newsletter. If you publish a newsletter through us or do one yourself, you’re not going to produce an easily tracked direct return on investment (ROI) like a lead generation ad does. But done correctly, a newsletter will decrease churn, increase upsells, turn more prospects into customers, and generate more referrals. If you’re unwilling to invest in a long-term relationship marketing and nurture campaign or if you require a lead generation type of direct ROI, then you’ll
never see the benefits. 6. Being the CEO
Finally, if you want to win in business, then you have to think, act, and be the CEO. What I mean by this is that mindset matters. It’s important to understand that change is constant in your role. You may not be the CEO your company needs 12 months from now, but you should be willing to bust your butt to become that person. You have to invest in yourself. Don’t chase the next shiny object; instead, focus on the skills required to become the leader your company needs. I’m happy to share shiny objects with you guys. In fact, I could make a good amount of additional profit if I did, but the reality is that shiny objects aren’t what you need. Once you discover and become comfortable with the idea that these six areas are the fundamentals you must master to scale and grow, then you will finally move your business and yourself in the right direction. Being great at the boring stuff wins business. This may not be a sexy message, but I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear. I’m here to show you what you need in order to scale, grow, and live the life of your dreams. If that’s what you truly want, then reread this article and take action!
Newsletter Pro Team Info@newsletterpro.com 208-297-5700 NewsletterPro.com
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Close More Sales,
Make More Money, & Help More People By Selling This Instead of What You Currently Offer By Dave “Selling Salvation” Dee
Whether you are selling one to one or one to many, the strength of your offer will, in large part, deter- mine whether you close successfully or not. So, you need to answer an important question in order to develop your offer: What is the ultimate outcome or transformation someone is going to experience after they buy your product, your service, or your program or join your movement, whatever it is? When they’re talking about their offer, most sales- people focus on the tangible features their prospect is going to receive. So, if I’m selling a product, I might say the product consists of a manual with 160 pages, six CDs, and a coaching call certificate. That’s a list of features and means very little to your po- tential buyer. The reality is that to move your audience, sell your audience, and get them to act, you need to talk about it on a much deeper level. You need to show
them the outcome, transformation, and promise of salvation that they will receive when they buy your product. Let’s consider an estate planning attorney. The offer, in this case, is NOT “Come in for a 45-minute appointment, and when you come in, you’re going to get a copy of my book!” That’s not the offer. That’s part of it, and you’ve got to talk about that, but that’s merely a feature. The offer, the promise of salvation, is this: “You are going to have your financial house in order, your loved ones are going to be protected, you are going to feel good, and your stress will be relieved because you know you’ve taken care of everything you can take care of.” And this brings up a crucial point. Your offer must be based on the transformation or the outcome your audience member will experience.
“You’ve got to nail this down, and it’s got to be on a deep level.”
And this applies even if they are buying what you are selling for someone else. Let me explain this because it is a critical distinction. Everyone has their self-interests at heart, wheth- er they want to admit it or not. Right now, there is an infomercial on TV about changing your child’s behavior. If you’ve got a problem child, you get this program, and it will change your child’s behavior and make them into a model child. Almost the entire infomercial is not really about the child. It’s really about the benefit to the parents of not having a brat. You have to appeal to the self-interest of your audience member, and you have to talk about what that transformation is going to be, what that ultimate salvation is going to be. So, if you’re a politician, you say, “If you vote for me, here’s what I’m promising to try to do,” “Here is how your life is going to be differ- ent,” and “Here is how you this will impact you.” One of the biggest mistakes that politicians make when talking about, for example, the national debt, is that they never bring it down to the person, the voter. They never bring it down to that level. “Okay, with national debt, the future generations are going to be screwed. Yeah, okay. I care about that, but you know what I care about more? Me. How is this affecting me?” What is the transformation someone will experi- ence after they buy your product, your service, or your idea? You’ve got to nail this down, and it’s got to be on a deep level. So, how do you figure out what this is? There are several questions you need to ask and answer about your prospect, but one of the most fundamental things to do is determine how your
By the way, the hierarchy of importance in moving a prospect to action is as follows: 1. Transformation/Salvation 2. Outcomes
3. Benefits 4. Features
When I structure my close, I do a call to action, reiterate the benefits and outcomes, then sharply paint a picture of the transformation my prospect will receive. I then do a final call to action. (That short paragraph is valuable. I suggest you reread it and use what it says.) So, what is the transformation or promise of salva- tion you are selling to your prospects? How can you make it even more powerful? Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero! Dan Kennedy says, “The techniques that Dave Dee exposes and reveals are ones I’ve personally relied on to make billions for my clients ... and that I’ve relied on to sell more than a million dollars of my programs from the stage each year as a speak- er. Anyone should pay any price to get trained to use these secrets.” Get a FREE hardcover copy of Dave’s book, “Sales Stampede,” and discover his step-by-step formula and techniques for selling more of your products and services with webinars and in-person group presentations. Go to DaveDeeBook.com.
prospect would finish this sentence: “If I could just _____, then I can _____.”
Here is an example of how someone looking to start an internet-based business might answer: “If I could just make enough money , then I can quit my job, be my own boss, and live a life of freedom .” That is the transformation and the promise of salvation you are selling. That is a heck of a lot more powerful than you’re going to get with a binder, a transcript, and six CDs. I like to talk about the mini-transformations or outcomes my prospect receives from each one of my features. For example, if I am selling a six-mod- ule course, I will discuss the results after complet- ing each module. All of the mini-outcomes add up to create the major transformation.
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Are You Seei Never Write Off a Client Relationship, Even When By Shaun Buck, CEO of Newsletter Pro
mailing list (and they never got your monthly newsletter), or you made a mistake and it was enough to push them away. The competition swooped in. It could be that your competitor is doing your job better than you. They may offer better services, products, prices, marketing, or all of the above. YOU ARE IN CONTROL If your client leaves because they don’t trust you, that’s on you. You didn’t put in the effort to build and maintain that relationship, so the client sees no reason to stick around. If you made a mistake and didn’t own up to it or left the client hanging, you’ve given them a reason to buy from someone else. You failed to work with the client to make it right. Many clients are happy to forgive when you make a mistake, as long as you do something about it. You can say the same thing when a competitor swoops in. If you “do something about it” by offering stellar service and putting effort into your relationship marketing, it makes it a lot harder for competitors to sway your clients. You could have higher prices than the competition, but if you’re offering
We’ve all been there: A longtime client goes dark, then they ghost you entirely, and you aren’t really sure why. You had a relationship with them, so what gives? They go dark because they don’t want to break the bad news to you. They don’t want to tell you that they no longer need your services. So, instead of ripping the bandage off, they go quietly. It’s not an ideal way to break off a relationship, but it happens. Some say goodbye, and some don’t. But when clients leave, what do you do? WHY CLIENTS LEAVE There’s not really a wrong answer to the above question because there are so many variables at play. Clients leave for all sorts of reasons, and sometimes you can control those reasons. Other times, the client may just break off the relationship and move on no matter what you do. Here are a few reasons clients depart.
You’re just not in their budget. This is one of the biggest reasons clients stop buying from you. They’ve evaluated their budget and the funds to continue purchasing from you at this time just aren’t there. This is very common in the first quarter of the year, especially January. They no longer see the value in your products or services. They crunched the numbers and their return on investment (ROI) just isn’t there. They wanted or needed more out of your offerings to make it worthwhile. They’ve moved on. It’s possible they no longer need what you offer. They may have shifted gears in their own business or life, so buying your particular products or services might not make sense anymore. They no longer trust you (or there wasn’t any trust from the start). Perhaps you never created a solid relationship with that client. Maybe you never added them to your
10 \ The Keap Insider \ Keap.com “ A longtime client goes
dark, then they ghost you entirely ... what gives?
ing Ghosts? n They’re Gone
unparalleled service and forging those relationships, it won’t matter. Your clients see you as worth it. And then there’s value. If your clients no longer see value in your products or services, there’s a very good chance you failed to communicate that value. The client might not be getting the most out of what you offer. They might not realize that if they do X, they’ll get better results. Sometimes, you need to coach your clients to help them get the most for their dollar. These reasons for leaving are preventable. You can and should be taking action now with your current clients to prevent these kinds of things from happening. You have the power to build trust with your clients. If you make a mistake, you have the power to correct it; it’s up to you to ...
Stop Getting Ghosted by Your Clients To read the rest of this article and find out how you can take action today, scan the QR code.
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The 160-Character Secret to Growing Your Business Have You Tried Keap’s Text Marketing?
Since 2019, the amount of time Americans spend staring at screens has increased by almost 50%. Much of that screen usage happens on our cellphones, where we watch videos, check our email, play games, and, of course, text! According to SimpleTexting’s 2021 SMS marketing report, 61% of con- sumers are texting either more or much more than they did pre-pan- demic. That’s an impressive sta- tistic considering that back in 2011, Americans were already sending six billion texts every day. Texting is just as effective at reach- ing people as email, if not more so, and it’s an entirely different experi- ence. It’s immediate, compelling, and — dare we say it — fun! This doesn’t just apply for person- al messages, either. Studies show that email marketing is still the best revenue-generating tool out there for small businesses, but text marketing is coming up beside it. If you want to grow your business quickly and keep pace with today’s competition, you need to embrace a multichannel marketing approach. Here at Keap, we can help you with every one of those channels — in- cluding text!
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Why Should You Use Text Marketing?
• 134 million people in the U.S. use coupons — and 50% of them use mobile coupons. • One survey found that 66% of customers made a purchase because they received a personal- ized text message. That’s an awesome result! To sum it up, people notice text messages more quickly than emails and open them about five times more often. You can see how this would be huge- ly beneficial, especially if the information you’re communicating is an urgent offer or appointment reminder. Time is often of the essence in marketing, and texting can come through for you and generate revenue and customer action in a time crunch. Here at Keap, we saw the potential in text market- ing right away. We’ve been working behind the scenes for years to develop the ability, get it right, and inte- grate it into the full Keap product suite. Now, we’ve made it happen, and you can reap the benefits! Do It All With Keap’s Text Marketing. Business owners like you need to get a lot out of every marketing tool you use, which is why we built a high level of customization into our text marketing feature. In every edition of Keap, you can now send text messages to leads and clients automatically after they complete a web form, schedule an ap- pointment, make a purchase, or complete a similar important action. Texting through Keap falls into two buckets. Broadcasts: In Keap Pro, Max, and Max Classic, you can send broadcast text messages in much the same way you’ve been able to send broadcast emails via Keap for over a decade. This feature allows you to send 160-character messages, announcements, pro- mos, and coupons to a group of contacts from your list. You can pick the recipients individually or choose a group from your CRM. You can use this feature to blast out coupons or promo codes, notify customers of sales and product launches, and direct traffic to new videos and blog posts. Easy Automations: In Keap Lite, Pro, and Max, you can automate your text messages to save yourself
Texting has been around since 1992, but business- es have only just begun to leverage its power. There are three key ways text marketing can benefit your business. It cuts through the noise. • SMS marketing statistics for 2021 show nearly 80% of consumers like receiving offers via text. • According to Campaign Monitor, 18- to 24-year- olds receive and send an average of 128 texts per day, making text marketing a great way to reach millennials and Gen Z. • The average adult looks at their phone 150 times a day. Think about your own phone usage. How many of those times were you texting, and how many were you checking your email? It improves communication with customers and prospects. • Text messaging has an open rate of 94%, com- pared to 21% for email. • 90% of all text messages are read within three minutes. For emails, it takes 48 hours! • Customers respond to text messages within four minutes. Again, it takes 48 hours to get the same results for an email. • 88% of people ignore phone calls from busi- nesses and unknown numbers either “often” or “very often.” With texts, you don’t have this problem. You can share your company name in the opening line of your message and know it’s getting in front of the eyes of your audience. It helps you close more sales. • Customers are 10 times more likely to redeem an offer sent via text message than via email.
Turn the page to find out the seven ideal moments to text for the best results.
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Text marketing is an extremely versatile tool, and there are dozens of ways you could incorporate it into your multichannel marketing efforts.
time, generate more revenue, and level up your customer experience. That means it’s easier than ever to thank your custom- ers for purchases, notify them about quotes, and confirm appointments. We also offer an advanced automa- tion builder in Keap Pro, Max, and Max Classic. It’s a powerful drag-and-drop tool that helps you to build a promo campaign, set conditional logic for send- ing emails and texts, and more. To add icing to the cake, with our text marketing, you can also ... 3 Personalize your message using merge fields. 3 Choose your audience using lists and tags. 3 Receive notifications when you get replies from your customers. 3 See all of your sent messages in a single record. 3 Drive better engagement with customizable opt-in messaging. 3 Preview your texts with our easy text message builder. 3 Send yourself “test” text messages for free. 3 Use our toll-free marketing phone number to send four times more messages three times faster without any extra cost. 3 Send out text blasts with confidence thanks to our built-in compliance feature. 3 Track your success right there in the Keap app. Don’t Forget: Text and Email Are Better Together. We’ve been talking up texting a lot in this article because we’re truly excited about the potential our Text Marketing feature has to level up your business. However, it’s important to note that text marketing is like the peanut butter to email mar- keting’s jelly: They’re just better together! You can create both text and email sequences inside Keap and mix and match them to achieve the best results possible. That multimedia, mul- tistep approach will help you reach people on multiple devices, collect more data and metrics, segment your offers, and drive even more cus- tomer engagement. So, what are you waiting for? If you aren’t al- ready texting with Keap, Check out the seven key moments to send a text in the sidebar and get started on your first campaign today!
If you’re not sure where to start, try leveraging these seven key moments in your company’s relationship with leads andclients.
1. RIGHT AFTER YOU GENERATE A LEAD You can convert more leads by automatically sending them a welcome text when they fill out a form on your website using Keap’s Easy Automations. 2. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING AN INVOICE You’re in business to help your customers solve their problems, but if you don’t get paid, you can’t help anyone. Use easy automated text messages to remind your prospects — and yourself — when an invoice has gone out and needs to be paid. 3. IN THE MINUTES AFTER A SALE The best time to make a sale is when your customer is basking in the glow of having just made a purchase from you. You can text them a discount code or other offer while they still have their credit card in hand! 4. BEFORE AN EVENT OR APPOINTMENT Ensure that your clients show up for events, webinars, and meetings and have all the information they need ahead of time with Keap’s automated text message reminders. You can send meeting links, phone numbers, directions, and more. 5. IN THE WAKE OF AN IMPORTANT EMAIL Make sure your clients are reading your most important emails by sending an automated follow-up text message after each email. This will boost your email open rate and spur the client into action. 6. AFTER A CANCELLATION OR RESCHEDULE When you find a surprise opening in your calendar, treat it like a flash sale and send a broadcast text message to your customers to fill open appointment slots and maximize your earnings. Alternately, use text messaging to prompt a no-show or cancellation to reschedule. 7. WHEN YOU ADD A NEW PROMOTION OR OFFER You can close more sales and get repeat business by offering special offers and promotions to your customers with text broadcasting. *BONUS MOMENT: WHEN YOUR TEAM NEEDS A HEADS-UP Guess what — you can use Keap’s text features to reach your team as well as your clients, prospects, and referral partners! Texting is a great way to notify your sales team automatically when new leads are tagged or start moving through the pipeline. A quick text reminder will cut through the clutter and bubble the hottest leads to the top.
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Each edition of Keap Insider is carefully curated and designed by our team of experts to make the magazine a reality. Meet the people who make it happen.
Mykeah Kranzler Editor in Chief
Sydnie Kremin Managing Editor
Brandon Buck Sales and Advertising Manager
Katie Leoni Design Manager
Rebecca Driver Copy Editor
Charlyn Mayfield Assisting Chief Editor
Emily Jane Traub Copy Editor
Karli McNamee Assisting Sales Manager
‘7 Activators’ to Build a Suc Online Course
I f you’re selling an online course or planning to create one, one of the biggest chal- lenges you’ll face is getting students and members to actual- ly complete the course. Attention spans are shrinking, and it’s especially hard to get someone to complete an entire online course without a clear plan in place to make it happen. That’s why I’m excited to share with you the 7 Activators needed to build a successful online course. When I say successful, I’m not just talking monetarily. I’m talking about creating a course that people will finish and walk away from changed, improved, and beyond satisfied with the content you created.
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6. Reporting Having clear reports is crucial no matter what business you run. When it comes to an online course, you need to be tracking module, course, and video com- pletion rates and times. This way, you can spot where roadblocks are, then optimize your content to fix the areas where people get stuck. You can get good reporting from Graphly and PlusThis ( Memberium.com/plusthis ) when they are combined with your membership site solution, which applies tags to track people as they progress through the site. 7. Quizzes and Certifications It has been proven that quiz- zing and giving final exams to test comprehension is effective in get- ting adults to actually learn and retain information. Using some- thing like LearnDash can help you build these quizzes if you’re using WordPress. When someone completes a quiz, you can issue them a badge, and if they complete all of your content, you can certify them. Creating certification programs encourages people to complete the content so they can list said certification on their website, LinkedIn profile, or anywhere else it might suit them. We’ve covered a lot of points already, but if you’d like to see some real examples of how these activators have been put into play
you have to support all devices for your students to be able to learn wherever they are on whatever device is most convenient. 3. LMS Course Structure Keep your course organized, easy to follow, and clear to nav- igate and include a road map or outline of what is completed and what is coming next. In general, people do not like the unknown. By simply giving a road map or syllabus to your stu- dents that automatically updates with their progress, you’ll see increased completion rates. 4. Automated Client Accountability Some of your students will in- evitably get off track, forget about the course, get busy with other things, etc. You need automated systems that remind students to resume their learning, earn their badge, and complete the course. You can ideally use the Keap Campaign/Automation feature to do this. By sending both emails and SMS where appropriate, you can keep your students engaged and on track to finish, even when distractions come into play. 5. Gamification An entire article could be writ- ten about this, but to keep it sim- ple, people are typically compet- itive. They want to be at the top of the leaderboard, even when it doesn’t really mean anything. Add point tracking for com- pleting lessons, passing quizzes,
s’ Needed ccessful e
I’m going to share a quick over- view of the seven factors, but you can also watch a video that goes into much more depth by visiting Memberium.com/7-Activators. 1. Digital Badges Return on Education™ and Digital Education Currency™ are two terms that quickly convey why issuing digital badges for your courses is important. You want your students to be motivated to complete the course, and by awarding them a badge, you’re increasing the chances of that happening. Integrating your course with a badge system that lets students add the badges to their LinkedIn profile not only increases course completion rates but is also free marketing for your brand, as people will see badges on your student’s profiles that link back to your site. 2. Responsive Design There are so many devices in our world that in 2021, your course pages must be responsive and ca- pable of working across all devic- es and screen sizes. If you’re using WordPress, a plugin such as LearnDash makes this easy because it does the heavy lifting to make things look good on desktop, tablet, and mobile. The bottom line is that
(and more on how you can use them), visit Memberium. com/7-Activators, or simply scan the QR code and watch the video we have there for you.
and other activities on your site that progress the learn- ing forward. Have a public leaderboard that encourages students to gain points in order to rank higher. You’ll be surprised at the lengths we’re willing to go for this “status” symbol.
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Use These 3 Measure Yo Adve Podc
tracking and information gath- ering tool) through its hosting provider. Then, you have to install one on your website. Together, the pixels will reveal the connec- tion between podcast downloads and visits or conversions on your site. You get a lot of detailed data with this strategy, but some podcasters may not agree to use pixel-based tracking because of privacy concerns. 2. Post-Checkout Surveys This is a tactic as old as time. When your customers sign up for your service or buy your product, simply ask them where they came from and make sure the podcasts you advertise on are options on the list. You can do this with an online survey or by incorporating it into your live sales process. According to Marketing Insider, 80%–90% of customers will complete this kind of survey, making it a pretty accu-
I f you’re not already adver- tising on podcast episodes, you might want to add it to your list of marketing strat- egies. According to a 2019 survey from Edison Research and Triton Digital, more than half of all Americans have listened to at least one podcast. That means over 167 million people have officially tuned in to audio shows, many of them dozens of times each month. That’s a pretty large demographic your company could (and probably should) be targeting.
But once you do advertise on a podcast, you’re faced with a different challenge: How do you measure your results? It turns out there are quite a few ways to track the bang you’re getting for your buck. Here are just three of them, ranked from the most effective to the least. 1. Pixel-Based Tracking This method requires a true partnership between the podcast and its advertisers. To make it work, the podcast publisher has to install a pixel (a tiny digital
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ertising on casts?
3 Methods to our Results
be an ide- al stomping
provided. That means you might end up with podcast-driven customers who appear to have found you from somewhere else. Whether you’ve already invest- ed in podcast advertising or are considering taking the plunge, these strategies will help you keep track of your investment. You can use them individual- ly or stack all three! Of course, there’s no guarantee of results, no matter how effectively you track your spending. If the con- versions aren’t there, they just aren’t. The money you make from your advertising will depend on the podcast you choose, its num- ber of listeners, and its listener demographic. Every podcast is different. The economics pod “Freakonomics Radio,” for example, draws in millions of listeners each month, targeting young, affluent, well-ed- ucated men in the computer and mathematics field. It wouldn’t
rate tracking method. The big- gest downside is that you won’t be able to track podcast-driven traffic that doesn’t convert to sales, which is possible with both pixel-based tracking and the next option we’ll dive into. 3. Promo Codes and Vanity URLs Finally, you can drop a podcast- specific promo code or URL into your advertisement, then track how many clients visit your website or purchase using those options. One big perk of this method is that it’s shareable between customers: If one person finds you from a podcast and makes a referral, you’ll be able to track their referral back to the podcast, too. Unfortunately, Marketing Insider reports that only 2 in 3 listeners remember promo codes, and only 1 in 6 use vanity URLs when they’re
ground for a make- up company, but the booze-and-boos show
“Spirits,” which has fewer listeners but reaches pri- marily young working women, might be a great fit. Tracking your results is the key to identifying which podcasts work for your business and which are busts. Whatever route you choose, podcast advertising is a booming industry: According to eMarketer, podcast ad spending made up over 20% of digital radio adver- tising spending in 2020 and is set to surpass $1 billion this year. It’s time to jump on the bandwagon if you haven’t already — just do it the smart way.
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Meet MagnaWave: How a Visit to IKON Triggered a $1 Million to $20 Million Revenue Surge
I n September 2001, entrepreneur Pat Ziemer was in dire straits. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks had just shaken the nation, and the airline industry was in trouble. The fallout put his aircraft maintenance company out of business. Pat was hesitant, and he needed to find work to support his family. So he called up a friend. This friend wasn’t in the aviation busi- ness — far from it! He sold therapy equipment for horses. But Pat needed the work and was ready for anything. Fortunately, he’d grown up on a farm in Southern Indiana and knew his way around a horse
horse therapy equipment, Pat snapped it up. He learned the ropes quickly, and before long, it was time to sell. “He told me, ‘I want you to go to the horse shows and the jumping shows. Don’t go to Churchill Downs [the home of the Kentucky Derby] because they’ll eat you alive if you aren’t used to the horse show business,’” Pat recalls with a twin- kle in his eye. Of course, like any bold entrepreneur would, Pat ignored his friend’s words of caution. Churchill Downs was where the real money was, so, as he puts it, “I went straight there!” Within a month, Pat had integrated himself into the horse world. He dis- covered an even more powerful piece of pulsed electromangetic field (PEMF) therapy equipment than what his friend was selling and had it re-engineered and repackaged for the market as a compli- mentary piece. MagnaWave was born! Before long, Pat wasn’t just performing therapy on horses — he was selling de- vices to owners and trainers. “If I could sell one a month, I’d make $20,000,” he said. “By the time my daugh- ter, Alane, came on board at MagnaWave in 2012, I wanted to sell four a month to make $1 million a year in revenue.”
as well as he did around a plane. “On our prop- erty in Evansville, Indiana, my mom had a barn and a few horses that she would ride. I’d go to the barn in the morning and sleep in the hay loft,” Pat re- members. When Pat’s friend offered him a job selling
20 \ The Keap Insider \ Keap.com Ziemer Family
Pat and his wife, Debi, spent five years traveling the country in an RV to sell MagnaWave’s devices, rent them to small-business owners, and grow their com- pany. It was a long, slow process, but they reached their $1 million revenue goal! Soon after, Pat and Debi, along with Alane, who had become president of the company, realized that they’d hit a growth wall. If they really want- ed to level up their company, they needed to get serious about marketing as well as automate their internal processes. Their first step was finding a CRM. In 2013, Magna- Wave’s rentals were really taking off, but they were communicating with renters entirely by hand. One of MagnaWave’s six employees had to manually grade every test, email every snippet of login information, and track every rental. It was a massive time com- mitment that held them back from growth. On her CRM hunt, Alane discovered Keap. “When we first looked at CRMs, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, we can’t afford [Keap’s service].’ But we need- ed it so badly. Even Dad was like, ‘We really need something to automate this process’ … and he was right! It’s amazing how much Keap’s automation has helped us,” Alane says. MagnaWave was thrilled with their investment in Keap, but throughout 2014, they were just scratch- ing the surface of what it could do. In 2015, Pat, Debi, and Alane attended an IKON event (at that time called ICON) that really brought the platform’s potential home to them. At IKON, Pat learned for the first time about the massive benefits of putting 10%–20% of his top-line revenue toward marketing and sales. It terrified him, but he decided to trust the experts at Keap and take a leap of faith. “It was scary to approach that,” he admits. “On a good year when I was handling everything, I might spend $5,000 or $6,000 on Facebook mar- keting back then, and now, we’re spending almost $100,000 a month.” Not only did Pat double down on his marketing and sales, but he also dug in deeper and attend- ed one of Keap’s Accelerator programs in Arizona. Working with Keap experts and other ambitious business owners opened up a brand-new world of opportunities for him. It gave him the education and confidence he needed to dive deep into Keap’s fea- tures and take MagnaWave to the next level. Today, MagnaWave uses 75% of all of the features available in Keap Pro, including lead scoring, cam- paigns, affiliate program, sales pipeline, e-com- merce, order forms, and quotes. Pat and Alane particularly love Keap’s automated email and text
features, which enable them to effortlessly follow up with prospects within 24 hours and capture more leads. Their results have been massive! MagnaWave’s revenue has grown exponentially from $1 million per year in 2016 to $20 million per year in 2020. Now in 2021, Alane reports the com- pany is on track for at least a 24% growth over last year! The company also made the Inc. 5000 list in 2021 for the first time — and MagnaWave is just get- ting started. It’s amazing how much Keap’s automation has helped us. Since Pat attended the Keap Accelerator pro- gram, the company has grown from six employees to 49. They rent and sell 250 PEMF machines each month, and Pat estimates that through its 4,000 practitioners, MagnaWave has a $200–$400 million impact on the economy. They’ve opened their own clinic and expanded to PEMF machines for other animals and even human athletes through their new Aura Wellness line. “At IKON, Clate said, ‘You want to work yourself out of a job,’ and I thought, ‘Well, that’s stupid. That’s just not going to happen!’” Pat remembers, laughing. “But sure enough, I’m still working, but, in essence, I’ve worked myself out of a job and Alane into one. She is in the position today she could almost work herself out and still have all of the benefits of a job. It’s just incredible,” Pat says. Alane agrees. “We’re growing incredibly quickly, and I don’t think we would be able to do it without automation,” she says. MagnaWave isn’t the only company that has achieved rapid growth and success by utilizing all of the game-changing features in Keap. Hundreds of other businesses have also leveled up the same way, and yours can, too! To get the burst of inspiration and education that Pat talked about, register now for IKON 2021 before it’s too late. The conference will run Friday, Nov. 3 through Sunday, Nov. 5 and includes unparalleled network- ing opportunities, mind-blowing marketing break-
out sessions, valuable product training, insider secrets, a first look at Keap’s new features, and much more. Scan the QR code on this page or visit KEAP.com right now to claim your virtual or in-person seat .
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Don’t Write Off Lost Clients — Get Them Back! How to Launch a Successful Customer Reactivation Campaign
Losing a customer always feels like a blow, and it threatens to knock the wind right out of you. We know. Our team at Newsletter Pro has been there. In business, customer loss is something unavoid- able. People will always come and go. But, while it’s tempting to shake off those losses, move on, and focus on potential and current customers, banishing customers to a “canceled” list is the last thing you want to do. Newsletter Pro has been a successful, thriving company for more than a decade, but we’re not immune to customer loss. What we are immune to is apathy. We want to get those customers back! To do that, at least once or twice a year, we sit down and go through our list of lost customers, asking ourselves, “What’s the best way to win these cus- tomers back and get them to sign a new newsletter contract with us?” At this point, you’re probably wondering that same thing. What is the best way? In our experience, the ideal strategy is a custom- er reactivation campaign (also known as a custom- er reengagement campaign or winback campaign). A customer reactivation campaign entails reach- ing out to lost customers with a personalized note, special offer, or combination of the two. It not only gives you the tools to react appropriately to can- celed or lost customers, but it also coaxes them back to your company. The process of creating and then implementing your very own campaign is far more straightforward than many people might guess. The key is to make it personal.
We first started Newsletter Pro’s Lost Customer Campaign by choosing who we wanted to win back. This is crucial — sometimes two people just don’t click, and chasing after the people you didn’t work well with is a waste of time and energy. From the list we were considering, our team pulled 43 clients who we knew, without a doubt, we wanted to come back. Then, our CEO, Shaun Buck, wrote a sto- ry-based sales letter that centered on new begin- nings with the start of a brand-new year. He topped it with the perfect ending: an irresistible offer. In addition to Shaun’s letter, we mailed out a book that he co-authored with Dan Kennedy, “No B.S. Guide to Maximum Customer Referrals and Retention,” along with a testimonial booklet that we use in some of our marketing. To finish off the package, Shaun made sure to autograph and personalize each book and include a branded bookmark. Since we only had 43
clients to reach, we de- cided the best and most efficient method to get these packages to our lost clients’ hands was through FedEx. Including shipping, each package cost about $18 for a total of $774. That price was worth every penny for the end result. Once these packages were on their way, we started to prep for the next couple steps of our Lost Customer Campaign. To follow up
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