October, 1939
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
to Serve Others Living
■ HE Bible Institute of Los Ange les was conceived in p r a y e r , founded by faith, and continues to be established through sacri fice. Biola’s purpose is to train youth for Christian life and service, and to give them, by the grace of God, deeper conscientiousness of responsibility to ward God, government, and fellow men. Ever since its conception, Biola has fulfilled this commission, and again this year the Lord has intrusted us-with the responsibility of training 417 students during the coming term. -
the Lord of Glory who paid the price for their redemption with His own pre cious blood. Students meet the milling throngs on the busy downtown,streets of Los An geles. They distribute tracts, speak a word where the opportunity is pre sented, and tell the “down and out” and the “up and out” of the love of ■God as it is found in Christ Jesus. Teaching Thousands The most extensive work done by students is in Sunday-school classes in
Field of Activity A community of 2,000,000 people con stitutes the laboratory of practical Christian work into which these 202 men and 215 women of the Institute student body go for definite training in aggressive Christian service. The aca demic training of the students is car ried on in the classrooms. This train ing is put into actual e x p e r i e n c e throughout Southern California, as the students seek to bring Jesus Christ to the multiplied thousands who are Jiur- rying about, with but little thought of
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