King's Business - 1939-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October, 1939

NOTES on Christian Endeavor By MARY G. GOODNER

P E R R Y ’ S LUNCH ROOM and DAIRY. STORE HOME COOKING Food to take out Catering to Christian people O pen 6 A. M. to M id n ig h t S u n d a y 7 A . M. to 10 E M .. W h o le s o m e A tm o s p h e re C e n tra l L o c a tio n 617-619 W. Sixth St. (B e t. G ra n d A ve. a n d H o p e S t.) L o s A n g e les, C alif. Located 20 years on Sixth St. N o liq u o r s e rv e d o r so ld . K IN D E R G ARTEN AT HOM E Fascinating Pldy-Work For Your Child Easily solves “What-to-do-Now” problems. Keeps your child happily, profitably, occupied. Includes all m aterials and plans developed by child train ­ ing experts at- world-famed Calvert School. Cost is low. Praised by thousands—parents, and edu­ cators. W rite today for FR E E booklet—-“ How To Educate Your Child At Home.” Donald Wells Goodrich, H eadm aster, CALVERT SCHOOL, 510E, Tuscany Bd., Baltimore, Maryland 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 J EWS gathered in New York m ake it the largest Jew­ ish mission field in the world. THE NEW YORK JEW ISH EVANGELIZATION SOCIETY, Inc., founded in 1908 by the saintly DB. THOS. M. CHALMERS, is striving zealously to reach them. Its manifold m inistry includes the care of He- brew-Christian refugees from Europe. This faith work is dependent upon yonr cooperation by gift and prayer..Subscribe for our monthly “ JEW ISH MISSIONABY MAGAZINE,” $1.00 per annum. Sample copy 10 cents. W rite REV. FREDERICK A. ASTON 56 S e c o n d A v e n u e st

only God would work on his behalf, would break the power of sin and save him, spirit, soul, and body, for time and for eternity, he would re­ nounce all earthly prospects and be ut­ terly at His disposal. He would go anywhere, do anything, suffer what­ ever His cause might demand, and be wholly given to His will and service. This was the cry of his heart; nothing held back—if only God would deliver him and keep him from falling. He rarely referred to this experience, though all life lived it out. “’■’over sir’ll I forget,” he wrote, “the 'feeling that came over me then. Words can never describe it. I felt I was in the presence of God, entering into cov­ enant with the 'Almighty. I felt as though I wished to withdraw my prom­ ise, but could not. Something seemed to say, ‘Your prayer is answered; your conditions are accepted.’ And from that time the conviction never left me that I was called to China." ' For distinctly, as if a voice had spoken it, the command was given: “Then go for Me to China.”—Hudson Taylor’s Early Years. n . S ome R esults China open from end to end; an “In­ land Mission” working in its most dis-i tant provinces; a thousand stations and outstations manned by hundreds of missionaries. Thirty thousand church members, two thousand native work­ ers, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. As to money, a million five hundred thousand pounds, not dollars, had been put into their hands for the spread of the gospel in China, and that without a collection or a single appeal for fi­ nancial help. “A God that worketh for him that waiteth for Him.”—Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. III. H udson T aylor ' s S upreme D esire “Come over and help us.” Had I a thousand pounds, China should have it. Had l a thousand lives, China should claim every one. No, not China, but Christ!' Can we do too much for Him? Can we do enough for such a Saviour? “Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Shall have my life, my soul, my all.” —J. Hudson Taylor. IV. D aily R eadings War is born of deceit (Prov. 12:17-22).

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Christian En­ deavor helps for the month of Novem­ ber were already set in type when war broke out In Europe. Recent events have corroborated the Word of God In its picture of the human heart and in its prophecy that “unto the end shall be war” (Dan. 9:26, R. V.). It is thus more clear than ever that the Christian should be occupied, as Mrs. Goodner urges in the ,lesson below, with God’s primary program for this age: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). NOVEMBER 5, 1939 MUST WE HAVE WAR? J ames 3:13 to 4:2 Meditation on the Lesson None of us wants war. It is ghastly, horrible, cruel, and heartbreaking. And yet as long as sinful men, filled with greed, live on this earth, there are cer­ tain to be periodic outbreakings of warfare, for God has foreseen this con­ dition and has described it. In Dan­ iel 9:26, R. V., we read: “Unto the end shall be war; desolations are de­ termined.” The writer of these notes has taken the liberty of changing the emphasis for this meeting, endeavoring to stress God’s program for permanent peace— evangelism throughout the earth. The illustrations that follow, drawn from the experience of Hudson Taylor of China, are the more forceful when they show the permanent, eternal fruit of evangelism when international peace pacts and the League of »Nations have failed to preserve peace in the Orient. If, however, the leader of the Chris­ tian Endeavor meeting desires to dis­ cuss the regular topic, I would suggest that a very good way would be to use the Daily Readings on this lesson. (See Part IV, Helps for the Leader.) But while the Christian will rejoice when­ ever sincere efforts toward peace have a measure of success, the greatest thing that he can do in the interest of peace is to pray that the Prince of Peace may come—and in the meantime, to be zealous in winning souls to Him. True peace will reign when, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, God again comes to earth and through a series of super­ natural events consummates His pur­ pose^ for the human race. Helps for the Leader I. H udson T aylor ' s C all While he was alone upon his knees, a great purpose arose within him. If

N ew Y o rk , N. Y .

Complete. . .


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