King's Business - 1939-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October, 1939

with darkness? . . . for ye are the temple of the living God; . . . where­ fore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord” (2 Cor. 6:14-17). Crime, like ‘‘the poor,” we have with us always, because men will not' trust Christ as the only Saviour from sin. While social reforms are good, and though they exercise at least some re­ straint, they cannot succeed in sup­ pressing or eliminating all crime. What the world needs is to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, “for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). Helps for the Leader I. S in and T ransgression or the D evil (1 John 3:4-10) In no uncertain terms, the “Apostle of Love” here sets forth thè true cause of crime. While we acknowledge that badly managed homes, bad companions, poverty,.and other factors help to pro­ duce criminals, yet we know that the Word of God gives the ultimate and real cause when it states, “Hé that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning” (1 John 3:8). As long as the devil is in the world, he will persuade men to re­ main in bondage to him and to follow him. But we have this blessed truth to offset the' devil’s success: “For this purpose ¿the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” The most effective v/ay to stop the crime wave is to win men and wo­ men to Jesus Christ who alone can make them victors Over sin. We are too much inclined to make a distinc­ tion between “crime” and those “little sins” which we excuse in ourselves. But the Word of God says, “All have sin­ ned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). And “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). II. S in , D oes it P ay ? Few men in any bad business make their fortunes in it and succeed in keep­ ing them. They roll in wealth for a time, but they die poof. There is no short cut to a competence. The devil does not pay his devotees. He exacts from them the best they have and gives them back the worst.—Amos R. Wells. HL D efeat and D eath , R esults of S in The sad story of Achan is found in Joshua 7. It is a record of defeat for a whole army and of death for a fam­ ily, all on account of one sin. In Achan’s confession we read the history of sin, step by step: 1. “When I saw . . . ” (v. 21). "Lust of the eyes” (cf. 1 John 2:16). 2. “I coveted them.” Lust of the mind. 3. “I . . . took them.” Act of the will.

4. “And . . . they are hid.” Act of the hand. There were four seemingly simple acts and yet so fraught with purport that a whole nation was involved. Achan realized it as he said, ‘‘Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel.” Oh, the exceeding sinfulness of sin! —M. G. G.

GOOD SAMARITAN NEEDED! Young, widely-heard evangelist, after sev­ eral years* travel, forced to seek less strenu­ ous work. Doctor’s orders. Desires office po-' sition, clerking, printing or other work- intelligent, versatile,, trustw orthy, Excellent references. P refer Southern California connec­ tion. Anything considered. The need is urgent. Who can help? Address Box 730, The King’s Business. 50 Personal Greeting Folders $1 Sent postpaid — 10 designs—your name (one line) printed on all the 50 of one design—Send for picture folder show ­ ing designs. A gents w anted. Good opportunity as they sell fast. W rite fa r full inform a­ tion. H . L. D E VA LL 52 W o o d b rid g e A v e n u e N ew B r u n s w ic k___________ N ew J e r s e y E V E R Y T H I N G f o r t h e C H U R C H THE JUDSON PRESS 313 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles, Calif. R a i s e M O N E Y ••• E a s i ^ There is no surer, easier or more pleasant way to raise needed funds for churches or dubs than with the aid of our co-operative plan. "Women everywhere accept Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponge as the foremost metal scouring device. They buy this time and labor saver without hesitation. A sale is made almost every call. In the past 20 years we have assisted thousands of organizations to raise money. Wo will be delighted to help you. Write for particulars. METAL SPONGE SALES CORPORATION, Phila­ delphia, Penna. Gottschalks I METAL SPONGE RAINBOW GOSPEL TRACTS The tracts' th at are sure to a ttra c t attention. 3 More than 200 titles, many illustrated with striking cartoons and illustrations. Send post­ age for a large sample package. Thousands of tracts FR EE to Christian workers. . Sup­ ported by voluntary offerings. Pilgrim T ract Society, Inc.. Dept. K, Randleman, N. C. new LILLENASI ook Ju st Out! “New Sacred Solos and D uets.” .Ideal for singing evangelists, gospel singers, choirs, etc. 60c per copy; 2 copies, $1.00. Send for. our free Music Catalogue. LILLENAS PUBLISHING COMPANY .‘‘The Best In Gospel Music” 2923 Troost Ave., Dept. KB, K ansas City, Mo# Singing Bound the World Songs in the Desert 30 New Gospel Songs and Choruses Beautiful Leatherette cover. 50c postpaid. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Circulars free. CLARENCE E. RANCH Author and Publisher 817 -V H arvard Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.

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Los Angeles T U c k e r 4323

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C h o ir g* A W I I c o u /p if u U K l r n l 3 Fine materials beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog ana samples on request. State your needs and name of church. D eM o u lin B ro s. 8C Co. 1126 S. 4th St., Greenville, HI.

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