King's Business - 1939-10



October, 1939

High School Course at Homev Many Finish in 2 Years Prepare for College or promotion in Business and Industry . Credit fo r High School subject« already completed. Diploma awarded. CO LLEGE. If you are a H. S. Graduate, we can give you by home study college-grade vocational training in tie important branches of Business and Industry and Liberal Arts. Free Bulletin. ■American School, H ::r» Drexel at 58th, Chicaga Y o u A re I n v ite d to O p en Y o u r S a v in g s A c c o u n t w ith EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY “ A S a v in g s I n s tit u tio n ” NOT a B u ild in g -L o a n A s s o c ia tio n 5% P e r A n n u m I n te r e s t C. O. A ND ER SO N , M gr. S u ite 802. F in a n c ia l C e n te r B ld g . P h . VA -3 935. L o s A n g e le s . 704 8. S p rin g Higley’s Commentary

our true need. Faith is really just the channel of •communication between our need and God’s supply. The deeper that channel is dredged, the fuller is the flow of heavenly blessings. Thus the trials which our heavenly Father per­ mits to come to His children are for the deepening of that channel whereby His blessing enters into us. —Life of Faith, SIXTEENTH DAY Cheerfulness "Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing” •(Psa. 100:2). In the joy of the Lord are we strong; cheerfulness is the support of our strength. It acts as the remover of dif­ ficulties. It is to our service What oil is to the wheels of a railway carriage. Without oil the axle grows hot, and ac­ cidents occur; and ii there be not a holy cheerfulness to oil our wheels, our spir­ its will be clogged with weariness. The man who is cheerful in his service of God proves that obedience is his ele­ ment; he can sing: “Make me to walk in Thy commands ’Tis a delightful road.” ^-Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Wakened at the stirring Of a new-born breeze, Fairer than the musiG Of some organ grand Throbbing at the im pulse Of a master hand, Fairer than the angels Of Thy starry train, Fairer than the jewels Of Thy diadem, Fairer than the lovelight On Thy thorn-pierced brow— Altogether Lovely! Fairer yet art Thou!

—E. Margaret Clarkson.

THIRTEENTH DAY Christ Revealed

E v e ry V e rs e E x p la in e d . 320 p a g e s , n e a rly . 300,0 00 ; w o rd s, 5 n e w f e a t u r e s fo r 1940. O rd e r fro m y o u r b o o k s e lle r. P r ic e o n ly $1.00 p o s tp a id . P o c k e t Q u a r te r ly a n d 196 p a g e C h r is ­ tia n W o r k e r ’s C a ta lo g F R E E . W rite The Higley Press D e p t. K .B . B u tle r« In d .

“ But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me” (John 15:26). It is important to remember that we cannot stop at the Gospels if we want to know Jesus. That is the mistake many are making today. Martin Lloyd Jones said in my hearing quite recently: "No one understands the Gospels until he has read the Acts of the Apostles.” That is a great truth. No one can understand the Person of our Lord, if he neglects the interpretation of Him which came when the promise was ful­ filled when He gave the Holy Spirit to the church.—G. Campbell Morgan. FOURTEENTH DAY Release “What the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh” (Rom. 8:3). An airplane on the ground is held to the earth by the power of gravity, and is in captivity to that law. . . . Soon that airplane is seen to move upward. Where is the law of gravity now? . . . It is still there, and is just as powerful as it was before. A new law, however, has taken possession of that machine— a law of life, power and motion—with the result that the airplane has been lifted above the law of gravity and re­ leased from its bondage. . . . Hallelujah' This is the "reigning life.” Such a life is pregnant with glorious possibilities. Here alone can be found true joy, heavenly wisdom, and spiritual author­ ity.—Reginald Wallis. FIFTEENTH DAY Deepening the Channel "Now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold tempta­ tions . . . the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth” (1 Pet. 1:6, 7). This "trial of your faith” is much more precious than of gold, because it deepens the channel by which God en­ ters Our inmost being to the supply *f

Communion Cups Send for Folder and SPECIAL I OFFER at low Driees. GlassesJ1.6C Dozen. Tray and 86glasses86.60up. Beautiful CHROMIUM-PLATED, Aluminurt, Wood and Silver-plàted I. Services.Collection&BrendPlatea, Pastor’sSickOutfits, etc. Thomas Communion Service. Box 1214 Lima. Ohic

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