King's Business - 1939-10


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

October,. 1939

fear, prepared an ark” (Heb. 11:7). Noah had a telescope whereby he could see the invisible; there is a glass for every one whereby we may see the things not seen as yet. Faith brings the unseen near.' Noah had great faith. Believing God’s Word, he gazed up into the cloudless sky and saw the black clouds of judgment already looming on the horizon. I want you to remember that he saw it only by faith . . . he believed the Word of God in spite of the laughter and the sneers of man. Faith brings the unseen near. —H. Eamshaw Smith. TWENTY-SECOND DAY Murmuring “And the people were as murmurers, Which was evil in the ears of Jehovah” (Num. 11:1, R. V. margin). The loss of Canaan began in the spirit of murmurings. The first break in their fellowship, the first falter in their advance, came when they began to doubt, and grieve, and fret. Oh, keep the heart from the perforations of depression, discouragement, distrust and gloom, for Satan cannot crush a rejoicing and praiseful soul. Don’t let the first touch of evil be harbored: Oh, to keep so encased in the Holy Ghost and in the very life of Jesus that the eyil cannot reach us!—A. B. Simpson. TWENTY-THIRD •DAY A Vision of Christ “What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard him, and observed him" (Hosea-14:8). 1 am sure the disciples would say: “What have I to do any more with the idols of self and self-interest and self- importance and place and position? What have I to do any more with the thing that has spoiled my life ? I have seen Christ crucified, I have stood by the empty tomb, and I have talked with my risen Lord. He is altogether lovely.” So let us gather up our ttiought in a new vision of Him. Bring j thy gift to the altar, bring thy life, and let Christ be to you altogether lovely. —W. ,W. Cash. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY My Denials “This night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice” (Matt. 26:34). With frightened lips, I shall not ever say, T know Him not,” for none will question me. I shall not need to speak a word today To publish to the world my loyalty. And yet a hundred times there comes a voice, “Know you this Man, the Master?” ahd behold, A hundred times I make the fateful choice Today, as the apostle once of old. And every unkind word or straying thought.

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SICK FROM HUNGER Russian Christian Appeals for Help We just received a letter from one of the 1 L^ e r ^of rible suffering conditions of one of the Russian families on, the border of Soviet Russia. The letter reads as follows: “Dear Brother Pleshko: I am writing this tetter to F®“ hurry to let you know about the terrible economic conations of one oftheChristtan families. The mother of « ^ a m U y U *ck. in te d from being undernourished. I have not found a h l last home. I have helped them all I could but how long willmy help test them? They need constant support, and I am not much, as I am in great need myself. ^Please send them support a t once, otherwise they will die. Yours in Him. B. F. We axe urging all God’s children to help us save tfie life of this dear sick Christian mother and her family. Send your gifts to

R U S S I A N C H R I S S ™ = S I E F S O C U S Y O R K C ITY . 89 0 E IG H T H A V E N U E BO OM 50« K. . . •

Each deed of hatred or disdain, Say plainly to the world, “I know Him not;” And then the cock crows—bitter mom of pain! And would indeed today that they might be— The times I have denied Him—only three! —Sunday School Times. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY Motives “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory- of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Many a man contents himself with the avoidance of actual evil actions, and lets any kind of motives come in and out of his mind unexamined. It is all right to look after our doings, but “as a man thlnketh in his heart, so is he” . . . “What am I doing this for?” is a question that would stop dead an enormous proportion of our activity, as if you had turned the steam off from an engine. If you will use a very fine sieve through which to strain your mo­ tives, you will go a long way to keeping your actions right. —Alexander Maclaren.


1443 -A N . Vine S t., Hollywood, C a ll!.


“Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to- be dead indeed unto sin, but. alivt

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