King's Business - 1939-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October, 1939

unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:11). There are many Christians who are so busy fighting their sins chat they never make any headway for God! We struggle with our bad temper, our spirit of irritability, our worldliness, our hasty tongues, and all the rest of the ugly catalogue. We are so busy fighting the “flesh” in all its ugly forms, that we never discover the true secret of victory. We can never conquer sin and self by doing; no, we can only do so by dying. . . . I must cease to struggle with sin, and put my self-life into the place of death.—Reginald Wallis. TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY Sensitiveness to Sin "Then said I, woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean Ups” (Isa. 6:5). X ■'»- The artist who looks at a masterly picture of Raphael’s Michael Angelo wiU look back upon his own as mere daub- ings without art or skiU, but that does not prove that in his pictures there Is not great beauty with marks of won­ derful progress. So, when turning from all human standards, we compare our­ selves with Jesus, the Altogether Love­ ly, our only thought will be: “Vile and full of sin I am Thou art full of truth and grace!” But, at the same time, we may, in this very consciousness of infinite dis­ tance between the cast and the model, only show how our very advance is pre­ paring us to appreciate differences far less apparent to the common eye. —A. T. Pierson. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY Living Miracles “And Stephen, fuU of faith and pow­ er, did great wonders and miracles among the people” (Acts 6:8). I do not know of anything that America needs more today than men and women on fire with the fire of heaven; and I have yet to find a man or woman on fire with the Spirit of God that is a failure. . . They are never discouraged or disheartened. They rise higher and higher, and it grows better and better all the while. My dear friends, If you haven’t this illumination, make up your mind you are going to have it.—D. L. Moody. TWENTY-NINTH DAY Abiding “Abide in me, and I In you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, ex­ cept it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me” (John 15:4). Abide in Thee, in that deep love of Thine, My Jesus, Lord, Thou Lamb of God divine; Down, closely down, as living branch with tree,

I would abide, my Lord, my Christ; in Thee. Abide in Thee, nor doubt, nor self, nor sin, Can e’er prevail with Thy blest life within; Joined to Thyself, communing deep, my’ soul Knows nought besides its motions to control. Abide in Thee, ’tis thus alone I know The secrets of Thy mind e’en while below; All joy and peace, and knowledge of Thy Word, All power and fruit, and service for the Lord. —Evangelical Christian. THIRTIETH DAY The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne “And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for eyer and ever” (Rev. 5:13). There is no book in the Bible to which I turn more eagerly in hours of depression than to this, with all its mystery. . . . I go hack to it, to the throne, and to the Lamb as it had been slain; and my puzzled mind and trou­ bled heart feel the healing virtue; anJ I hear the song, and am .ready for an­ other day’s fighting, for I know that Jesus shall reign. . . Jesus who is the Lamb in the midst of the throne is God; and in His presence is the place of worship; and in His power is the place, of refuge.—G. Campbell Morgan. Did >wou see the Lord this morning just as Isaiah saw Him ? Did His reality grip your heart; His Presence rapture your soul? Oh, that each morning we might see Him anew —high and lifted up—till His Presence and beauty fill our lives and hearts. A fresh revelation of Him each morning, O Christian, will make your life victorious and radiant. Stay before Him, till He has revealed Himself to your soul, till He has en­ dowed your life with power and beauty; then, go forth!—Arshaloos Bedrosian. Eighteen New Gospel Songs B y G E O R G E B E N X A R D T h is g ro u p o f g o sp e l s o n g s b y th e a u th o r of th e b e lo v ed “O ld R u g g e d C ro ss” is p la n n e d to m e e t a v a rie d ra n g e o f need. T h e re a re m e ss a g e s o f in v ita tio n , c o n ­ s e c ra tio n , a n d te stim o n y , on e e n title d “T h e C h ild re n ’s P r a y e r,” a n d a n o th e r w h ic h Is u s u a b le a s a C h ris tm a s C aro l, “O W o n d e r- fur N ig h t! 16 p a g e s . T h e B e n n a rd M usic Co., A lb io n , M ich. P a p e r. P ric e 25 c e n ts. THIRTY-FIRST DAY Have You Seen Him? “I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple” (Isa. 6:1).

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