King's Business - 1939-10


October, 1939

TH B K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

Hamilton, ’22) have moved to Rt. 1, Alton, HI. Mr. Roos preaches and teaches Bible classes in three churches, one in Fosterburg and twp in the country. Thomas F. and Mrs. Dixon (Alma M. Kruggel, ’23), who are affiliated with Baptist work in El Salvador, C. A., returned to California in time to attend the Northern Baptist Convention at Los Angeles in June. They can be addressed in care of Mrs. J. J. Miller, Beaumont, Calif. In "he absence of these workers from the field, Robert William and Mrs. Dixon (Annie Maude Fulton, ’26), who were married m March, have had new responsibilities at San Salvador, El Salvador. C. A., where Mr. Robert Dixon is now inn charge of the seminary. Edna McNeil, 19, has secured a leave of absence from- her teaching in the Los Angeles public, schools and was scheduled to leave on August 9 for a fourteen-months’ visit in Papeete, Ta­ hiti. She plans to spend most of the time across the channel in Moorea’on a coconut plantation with her ' '"her. Married Willard K. Claassen, ’32, and Justena Harms, ’33, July 14, Newton, Kans. Lester W.- Hartman, ’36« and Mar­ jorie M. Arnold, ’39, Sept. 1, Los An­ geles, Calif. Benjamin B. Hinkson, ’36, and Elenor Reukis, Sterling, Kans. William Joseph Lindstrom and Beth Ellen Coffman, ’33, July 29, Glendale, Calif, J. Irvin Overholtzer and Ruth N. Pennebaker, ’19, May 4, San Antonio, Tex. Garland H. Read and Hope Ganten- bein, ’34, June 17, Alhambra, Calif. Wilber B. Wallis and Marie Coulombe, Sept. 9, Santa Monica, Calif. David Weitzel, ’34, and Lois Charl­ ton, ’37, July 16, Paradise, Calif. Born To Louis and Mrs. Claassen (Ruth Quenzer), a son, Elwin Darrell, Aug. 21, Whitewater, Kans. To Leonard and Mrs. Harder (Alice Drake), a son, Leonard Lloyd, May 10, Whitewater, Kans. To Dr. Richard F. (’32) and Mrs. Jantzen (Ella Gimbel, ’32), a son, Mil- ton Douglas, July 26, Los Angeles, Calif. To Calvin and Mrs. Sanders (Lucile MacWilliam), a daughter, Lona Lucile, Aug. 15, Seattle, Wash. To Herbert and Mrs. Thiessen (Leona Thierstein), a son, Ivan Roy, Aug. 13, Whitewater, Kans.

News of Former Students A group of graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have been at­ tending the Summer Institute of Lin­ guistics at Camp Wycliffe, Siloajn Springs, Ark., preparatory to mission­ ary service, with special emphasis upon translation work. Those in attendance include Helen Brundage, ’39; Marjorie Davis, B. Chr. Ed. ’39; Nadine Doug­ lass, B. Chr. Ed. ’39; Richard High­ tower, ’39; Albert Nikkei, ’38, Florence Weasel, ’39 and Elizabeth Cheairs. Eu­ gene A. Nida, recently head of the De­ partment of Biblical Languages at Biola, has been serving on the faculty at Camp Wycliffe during the summer.: Rowland Davies, '33, who with two other workers has been serving under the Unevangelized Fields Mission at Altamira, Rio Xingu, Para, Brazil, S. A., writes that during the absence of the missionaries several months ago, all but twelve of the three hundred or so Indians from the station center had gone back to the forest. He adds: “It seems that we must pray more earnest­ ly. If you could only hear the way the Brazilians talk of our foolishness in expecting to make Christians out of these Indians, and realize that the glory of the Lord is at stake in this effort, that should we fail the power of the gospel will be belittled in the eyes of the unbelievers all along this Xingu River, then I am sure you would spend a more fervent time on your knees for us, not that we might be blessed, but that Christ be glorifu In us and in the salvation and sanctification of these Indians.” Juanita Wright, ’37, 717 Covina Blvd., Baldwin Park, Calif., has been engaged in Vacation Bible School work in country *districts in the Northwest under the American Sunday School Union. In some of the places, her work has followed that done by Russell Hens­ ley, ’37; William Leonard; Harold Long- streth, ’36, and Reidar Roldness, ’38. William G. (’23) and Mrs. Scherer (Elva Burnham, ’23) and their son Paul were scheduled to sail from Ho­ boken, N. J., on July 29 to return to Peru, where their address will be Cas- 111 «: 231, Iquitos, Peru, S. A., via Para. In line with the new expansion pro­ gram of the Association of Baptists for Evangelism in the Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Scherer are now affiliated with that organization. Roy H. and Mrs. Fuller (Rebecca Harrison, ’27) have been living at 335 Madrona Ave., Salem, " re., where Mr. Fulldr has been preaching in the Im­ manuel Baptist Church. John R. (’22) and Mrs. Roos (Alice

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