King's Business - 1939-10

October, 1939

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


show that the entire Communist Party only cast about forty thousand votes in our last national election! In Ger­ many, several millions of Communists were casting their ballots in pre-Hitler days; but, of Jews, men, women, and little children, a few more, than 500,000 were to be found in all Germany! Again, will some one arise and tell why it is that when a Jew is a Com­ munist, everybody thirsts for his blood; while, when a Gentile is a Communist, masses of people are ready to offer him a home in the White House? They tell us that the Jew is not loyal to his country—that he cannot be, be­ cause he is a bom internationalist. Now, the fact of the matter is, that the internationalist Jew hates the real Jew, and is hated by him. The vast part of the world’s Jewry form the the most ardent nationalists on the face of all the earth. By all the rivers of Babylon, they only» sit and mourn, saying: “Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? If I for­ get thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do ' not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy” (Psa. 137:3-6). These words, which have echoed and re-echoed throughout every land where­ on the sons of Israel have ever set their weary feet, burst from the depths of the true Jewish soul. They are hardly the words of internationalists! To say that the Jew is hated be­ cause he is a vagabond, a parasite, a burden to society is not true, only as the Gentile nations have forced him to be such. Let the Jew alone, and he will not tax your resources to pro­ vide himself sustenance, nor will he be a bother to your society. He has proved his ability—only too well, some men believe—to care for himself. No, no! All this fails to answer the burden of the little girl’s plaintive query: “Tell me, Father, what makes folks hate us so?” God’s Explanation The answer is absolute. I t is God’s own answer to this strange antipathy of unregenerate nations^ to the Jew— to their refusal to live by his side; to their innate hatred; to their thirst for his blood; to their desire for his destruction. The Master absolutely set­ tled the question, when His disciples asked Him: “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world [lit., ‘age’] ?” He replied that, when that fateful hour approaches, “Ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” (Matt. 24:9). It is not so much what the sons of Jacob have done or have not done. The real cause of this hatred is their relation to Jesus Christ, whom Satan hates with an in­ conceivable hatred— because the devil

in the womb of a Jewish virgin. The crown that shall grace the brow of Satan’s Conqueror is the crown of a Jew, even David, the son of Jesse. The throne from which the decree shall go forth for the binding of the devil in chains, will be the throne of a Jew. “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22)! So cried the great Jew Himself! Therefore, unto the Jew are the earthly promises made. The Jew is that chosen instrument of God through whom all these glorious promises are given. Could that innocent little Jew­ ish child on her weeping father’s knee have understood, would she have need­ ed to ask: “Tell me, Father, what makes folks hate us so?” Erroneous Explanations for Anti-Semitism It is far astray from the truth for any man, Jew or Gentile, to say that the Jew has been hated of all nations and in all ages, because he is a Com­ munist. What sheer nonsense to say that “the Jews are all Communists” when, as a matter of fact, there are three or four million Jews in the Uni­ ted States; yet, the actual statistics

“WHAT MAKES FOLKS HATE US SO?” [i Continued from page 380] a “seed” that should some day bruise the Serpent's head. Unto Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Mary, God reaffirmed His oft-repeated promise of a Son that should fulfill this promise to Eve. From Judah was to come the Lion that would bruise the dragon’s head, break in pieces all the dominion of the unregenerate dupes of Satan, and blast the ages-old hope of Lucifer, that some day his throne would be “above the stars of God.” The “testimony” of Jesus, the “or­ acles” of God, come to us through the Jew (Rom. 3:1, 2). The “blood of the Lamb” first flowed in His veins SOMETHING NEW IN Christmas Cards À regular postcard w ith a reproduction of some famous painting and a Scripture mes­ sage. Suitable for correspondence or to send as greetings. Four diffèrent titles. Only 10c a dozen: 75c per 100. Order yours a t once. FAITH, PRAYER & TRACT LEAGUE Dept. KB. Muskegon Heights, Michigan


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