King's Business - 1930-05

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^ h e K in g ’s b u s in e s s W illiam P. W h ite , D.D., E ditor J. E. J aderquist , P h .D., M anaging E ditor M otto: "I, the L ord, do keep it; I will w ater it every m om ent: lest any hurt it, I w ill keep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3.

Founded on the Old Bible and the Whole Bible


Number 5

May, 1930

Volume XXI

Table of Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...................................... 227 Editorial Comment ...................................................................-................229 The Ideal Mother—Dr. G. B. Young.................................. .................231 A New Interpretation of Colossians 2 :16—Ernest Gordon...........233 The Glory of the Church—Dr. F. E. Marsh.................................... 234 The Salvation of Scripture—-The Provision—B. B. Sutcliffe........237 The Divine Christening—Rev. Stanley H. Bailes.....................|.......239 The Priestly Service of the Evangelist—C. F. Hogg......................241 Seed Thoughts from St. Mark—Rev. Wilfred M. Hopkins.........243 Unfading Life—G. B. M. Clouser............................................... ........ 246 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers L^TT-Florence Nye Whitwell...............................................................248 Gleanings from the Harvest Field............................................... .......... 251 Radio K TB I ..............................,..................... |.......- ........... ................... 253 The Regions Beyond.................................................................................. 254 The Junior King’s Business—-Sophie Shaw Meader......................... 255 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell..................................................257 Homiletical Helps for PreachersTand Teachers............................258 International Lesson Commentary...........—......................................... 259 Notes on Christian Endeavor.........|.......... ,.......................................... 268 Our Literature Table....................................................................... -....... 271 Daily Devotional Readings.......................................................................272

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May 1930

T h e . K i n g ’ s

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| Qrumbs ^Jrom the K ing’s able j gj„— h —„. By t he Ed itor —■— ItoRtoAMTtfiikOGiy Can God Pardon Sm? pajfeagg*HERE is only one answer if we have not a

Can God Give a Pardoned Sinner a New Nature? T HE second question is as vital as the first. It also is unanswerable without divine revelation. Can God take away my desire and tendency to sin ? Can He give to me a real love for holiness? Can God ever make me like Jesus Christ? One of old said, “1 shall be satisfied when I awake in his likeness.” Who would not be satisfied to be like Jesus Christ Himself? Can God do that for me?

divine revelation. When a governor pardons a man who has been convicted of a crime it is evident that there is something the matter with the governor, or there is something the matter with the law, or there is something the matter with the execution of the law. There cannot be pardon in a p e r f e c t state. In Paul’s day, as in

He says He can, and more than that, He says He will. Jesus Christ is made unto us sanctification as well as redemption. I am al­ ready a partaker of the divine nature. Thank God f o r t h e eighth chapter of Romans. God is able to per­ fect the good work that He began in us when the Holy Spirit came in as our abiding guest. Christ is able. All his­ tory demonstrates it. Our ow n experience confirms it. “He is able,” says Peter the denier and blasphemer. “He is a b 1e,” says Zacchaeus, the cheat. “He is able,” says the woman who was a sin­ ner. “He is able,” says the dying thief. “He is able,” says Paul, the persecutor. “He is able,” says Mark, the coward. “He is able,” says Onesimus, the run­ away. “He is able,” says the great army of fornicators and idol­ aters and adulterers a n d drunkards an d

our own, the most ter­ rible and obtrusive fact in the world was the fact of sin. It was do­ ing its deadly work on every hand. What an appalling picture of the unspeakable a n d hideous r u i n wrought by sin we have in the first of Romans! It polluted men’s bodies, it defiled men’s minds, it destroyed their souls. It made the past a very nightmare; it made the present a sheer misery; it filled the future with a nameless and terrible dread. The w o r l d is no better today. The whole creation g r o a n s and travails beneath t h e burden of sin. It is the source of all the w o r l d ’ s wo e a nd wretchedness and pain. The vision of th 'e world’s sin would have d r i v e n Paul, as it drove some contempor­ ary moralists, into bit­ ter and angry despair, but for one thing—God

A Mistaken Idea J N a recent trip to Washington, D\C., Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, Chicago, and other cities, I met with a large number o f Christian business men and women who are rejoicing over the splendid conditions existing at the Bible Institute o f L os Angeles. But, without exception, these friends are laboring under the delusion that the Institute is endowed. In the fe a r that our readers have the same mistaken idea, let me State positively that the Bible Institute o f L os Angeles is not endenved and never was. Those splendid men o f God, Mr. Lyman Stewart and Mr. Milton Stewart, gave millions fo r great missionary enterprises at home and abroad, but they did not leave any endowment fo r this Institute. Since the death o f Mr. Lyman Stewart we have su f­ fered fo r the lack o f funds because our many friends think we have plenty o f money to carry on. Most o f us on the present Board o f Directors had nothing to do with the past troubles o f the Institute. The entire Board is in perfect harmony with the present poli­ cies. We are giving our best to keep the Institute going on the present high standard. I plead with you, my dear friends, in the name o f our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, help us bear this burden, and please do it at once. Faithfully yours,

revelers and extortioners who have been washed and sanc­ tified and justified, and from the halls of heaven there comes to us a sound as of the sound of many waters, all the hosts of the redeemed, praising the Lamb and saying, “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless b efore the presence o f his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” And backed by the testimony of all the saints, I say this is not a guess, or a perhaps, but as a matter of certain and absolute knowledge, I know and am

has provided a way to pardon sin. He sent His Son, coequal with Himself, and the Son suffered the penalty of our sin. And when we accept the Son, we accept the pardon which God bestows through Him without violating justice or lowering the standard of His holy law. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begot­ ten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not per­ ish, but have everlasting life.” “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the, propitiation fo r our sins.” “On the Cross He sealed my pardon, paid the debt and made me free.” ■


T h e

K i n g ’ s

May 1930

B u s i n e s s

persuaded that He is able to break every chain, to shatter every fetter, to save every man, to redeem every sinner, to save and to keep, and at last to set them without blem­ ish, perfect before the Throne. — o — May We Understand the Mysteries of Providence? W E talk of the mystery of sorrow and pain, and it is a great mystery. Our wondering soul asks the question, Why? Why the sorrow? Why this bereave­ ment? Why this waste of life? I am not overstating the case, am I, when I say that pain seems sometimes to be absolutely needless, wanton and cruel? When we see a man stricken down in the midst of his days, when we see a father removed just when the family want him most, or a mother taken while little children still need her care, we feel that we cannot understand, that we cannot account for it. But though we may not be able to explain why trials like these come, or to understand them when they do come—yet one thing the Christian knows,' and that is this:—He knows, not simply guesses, or hopes, but he knows “that all things work together fo r good to them, that love God.” He knows that underneath him are the everlasting arms. He knows that God beset him behind and before and lays His hand upon him. He knows that God orders his path and his lying down. I have often wished that Joseph had known the text, “All things work together fo r good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” What a mighty solace it would have been to him when his brethren turned against him and sold him into Egypt. What a comfort it would have been when he lay in prison. What a blessing it would have been in the hour of temptation. Quietness and peace of heart are only possible to those who know that God sees the end from the beginning and He is working out mighty purposes of grace even in the darkest hours. How it helps us to make a pulpit out of our cir­ cumstances when we know, “H e that spared not his own S on , but delivered him up fo r Us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things ?” The cross of Jesus Christ spells love, infinite, boundless, unveiling. Once you have realized the meaning and the power of the Cross— there may still remain a hundred things which are dark and doubtful to you; you may still be unable to under­ stand the precise object of any particular trial; but this one thing you will know, with a certainty that admits of no questioning or suggestion of doubt, you will “know that all things work together fo r good to them that love God.” an open grave, without revelation, when he said, “Life is but a barren veil between the cold and iceclad peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We lift our voices in the silence of the night, only to hear the echo of our cry.” But the Christian has something better than that. “We know that i f our earthly house o f this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a build­ ing o f God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” Socrates and Plato speculated as to what came after death—the Christian knows. We know that “we have a building o f God, an house not made with hands.” Our Lord has said, “L et not your heart be troubled : ye What of the Future? Does Death End All? T -T E R E again we need a revelation from God. Inger- soli spoke as well as any man could have spoken at

believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: i f it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place fo r you. And i f I go and pre­ pare a place fo r you, I will come again, and receive you unto m yself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” The gleaming vision of that eternal house robs death of all its terror. I f my Lord tarries and I must die, I am sure of this one thing, I am not going to be at my funeral. That is no place for me. Loving hands will put my body in the ground, but I will not be there. I shall have an experience that some saints will never have—the expe­ rience of being absent from the body and present with the Lord. On these great certainties let us rest. We do not know everything, and we never shall till we know as we are known. But we know enough to enable us to face with brave and quiet hearts all .the manifold experiences of life. Fundamentals Association Convention T H E Christian Fundamentalist for April reports that there have been many inquiries coming from all parts of the country concerning the convention to be held in the Institute auditorium, June 8 to 15, 1930. Doubt­ less the fame of southern California as a summer resort is inducing many to combine the privilege of the con­ ference with a pleasant vacation trip. It was hoped that the program of the convention might be ready for announcement in this number of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , but it has not, at this writing, reached the editorial office. It may suffice to reprint the earlier an­ nouncement of the general subjects of each day upon which the program will be constructed. It is as follows : Sunday, June 8, “The Holy Spirit and Revival.” Monday, June 9, “The Holy Spirit and Education.” Tuesday, June 10, “The Holy Spirit and the Children.” Wednesday, June 11, “The Holy Spirit and Missions.” : Thursday, June 12, “The Holy Spirit and Evangel­ ism.” Friday, June 13, “The Holy Spirit and the Laity.” Saturday, June 14, “The Holy Spirit and the Young People.” Sunday, June 15, “The Holy Spirit and the Second Coming of Christ.” For programs and other information address Rev. Paul W. Rood, 710 Main Street, Turlock, Calif. For in­ formation about transcontinental railroad rates consult any railroad ticket office. Three transcontinental lines, the Southern Pacific R. R., the Santa Fe R. R., and the Union Pacific R. R., enter Los Angeles. Reduced round-trip tickets during the summer months can be purchased over all lines. Editorial Announcement T HE Editors would be very ungracious if they did not acknowledge their indebtedness to the many subscrib­ ers and friends who have assisted in the campaign to increase the subscription list. They will be encouraged when they know that as a result of a few weeks of effort, approximately 4,000 subscribers have been added to our list. This is but the beginning, we are sure, for from all directions come assurances of renewed effort on the part of very many friends to send the message of T he K ing ’ s B usiness to a much wider circle of readers.


T h e

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B u s i n e s s

May 1930


ßditorial (Somment ~Q^> j

by Genesis and the sections of Exodus dealt with in this volume,, are only possible and intelligible within an environment in which Hebrews and Egyptians lived together. Dr. Yahuda’s contention,, if it be held to be proved, would carry fateful consequences, in other than linguistic directions. It would involve a radical revision, and indeed overthrow, of current critical conceptions o f real Hebrew literature . . . . if the Pentateuch is only explicable in an Egyptian milieu then the critics will’ have to begin their work all over again. — 0 — Imperialistic Scieyice P RE S S reports indicate that some members of the American Association of University Professors are assuming a belligerent attitude. They remember the Scopes trial in Tennessee, the dismissal of faculty mem­ bers in the University of Missouri because of the distri­ bution of a questionnaire on sex, and other events which to them appear to be “breaches of academic free­ dom.” They are stirred to a “more aggressive de­ fense of their rights as teachers and research workers to think and work unhampered by the taboos of society.” The attack upon what they presume to be their liberties is described as “the present-day con­ flict between science and superstition.” They produce again the much-overworked piece of fiction concerning Pope Urban’s ban upon “the honest inquiries of Galileo- about the universe” in order to make it appear that the orthodox Church has always been and still is the foe of true learning. They take themselves very seriously; in­ deed, they make definite suggestions as to the best method of preserving their freedom, lest, forsooth, our civiliza­ tion, bereft of their guidance in matters of scholarship, shall lapse again into the gloom of the dark ages. Their scheme was reported by Watson Davis of the Associated Press as follows: Citing the recent dismissal of faculty members of the Uni­ versity of Missouri because of the distribution of a questionnaire on sex, and earlier breaches of academic freedom at the Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh and in teaching evolution in Tennessee, a com­ mittee of the American Association of University Professors suggested to the visiting scientists (Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology) that they defend themselves by bringing about the adoption of a plan .whereby universities and colleges that dismiss teachers for unpopular ideas would be removed from an accredited list and professors who subsequently accepted positions in black listed schools would lose membership in their professional societies. The public will not take these men too seriously. I t is inconceivable, also, that any reputable college or uni­ versity would dare to defy public opinion by adopting such) a suicidal policy as is here proposed. And yet there are serious features about such a propaganda which cannot be ignored. It will stir counter agitation in two directions. First, it will spur men to new efforts to eliminate from schools supported by public funds all men whose teaching and methods are so evidently working toward the destruc­ tion of Christian faith and morals. Second, it will empha­ size the demand, already felt to be urgent, for the build­ ing of new schools of the highest scholastic standards

Egyptian Coloring of the Pentateuch

a half century or more a flood of rationalistic literature has been pouring forth from Ger- many. It has come to be expected that every new theological vagary or novel scheme of Bib- Heal criticism that emanated from German universities would' be accepted by “modern scholarship” without question. But there are signs of a reaction against rationalism, or better still, of a revival of the orthodox faith in that land. The writings of Dr. Karl Barth and Dr. Emil Brunner have been calling attention again to the old Christian standards which many sup­ posed Germany had totally discarded. And now comes a new voice, that of Professor A. S. Yahuda, of Heidel- burg, who has written a book entitled “The Language of the Pentateuch in its Relation to Egyptian.” It appears to be shaking the faith of the critics in the Graf-Wel- hausen dogma, to which they have long and tenaciously clung. A new theory about the Old Testament has been com­ ing from Germany about every ten years. The irony of the situation has been that each of these theories has been accepted in the United States about the time it was becom­ ing out of date across the water. Critics have not been discouraged, however, by the kaleidoscopic changes in details of these imported ideas. They have held firmly to their main thesis that there was a natural evolution of Israel’s religion. The Pentateuch has not been accepted as history but has been held to be a patchwork product of many minds and many pens which became completed, as we now have it, after the exile. The very foundations of this theory are threatened by Professor Yahuda’s showing that the Egyptian had a very strong influence upon the literary language found in the Pentateuch. He argues that the Egyptian coloring in language and style is such as would be possible only if the writing were done in an Egyptian and not a Babylonian environment. This opinion of the learned professor is not new to conservative scholars. Such books as “The Unity of Gen­ esis,” by the late Dr. Samuel G. Green, and “The Problem of the Old Testament,” by the late Dr. James Orr, as well as the more recent writings of Dr. Robert Dick Wilson and Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle, and others, have repeatedly called attention to the Egyptian coloring of the Penta­ teuch. It has been the habit of the critics to ignore this evidence offered by the conservatives. Are they at last being compelled to admit that it is unsafe to build upon an unproved and unprovable theory concerning the devel­ opment of religion against the testimony of evident and abundant facts? Dr. MacFadyan, of Glasgow, in a review of Professor Yahuda’s book, seems to recognize the'peril of the critical position and makes the following startling admissions: The broad thesis of the book, that the Pentateuch has been profoundly influenced by Egyptian, is supported by an ampli­ tude of detail of which this brief sketch can furnish but the remotest idea, and the conclusion of the whole matter is that linguistic phenomena, exhibited by the Pentateuch or at any rate ¡ r jg |H I

May 1930


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for this disease. But is Bolshevism merely a disease of the body or the mind ? Or is it a canker of the soul ? The term “Bolshevism” is loosely applied to various forms of unrest which profess to seek a cure of the world’s ills by a violent overturning of the present political and social order. But at heart this disturbance is more than an enemy of society; it is avowedly anti-Christian. It is based on infidelity. It has no place for the Bible. It curses and blasphemes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It aims to stamp out religious worship. It laughs at the idea of retribution for sin and scoffs at the mention of coming judgment. In short, it aims at the God of heaven and would remove from earth, if it could, all knowledge of His name. I f this description of Bolshevism is correct, it is ap­ parent that it is not a new thing. Its root was not first planted in modern Russia. Satan dropped the seed of re­ bellion in the soil of the Garden of Eden. The noxious growth has spread throughout the world. More than once in the history of the race there has seemed to be almost universal defiance of God. But He who sitteth on the throne laughs at puny rebels, whether they be of ante­ diluvian times, or of the days of the tower of Babel, or of contemporary Red Russia. There Is no need to fear that God will be defeated. But His servants will do well to inquire what should be their attitude toward this menace at the present hour. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has no criticism of those who seek to deal with this problem through national legislation, or international agreements, or the fostering of better feeling between capital and labor, or any other sec­ ondary agencies which may prove useful. It believes, how­ ever, that since Bolshevism is a disease of the soul, the only remedy fully and finally effective is the Gospel of Christ. For more than twenty years its evangelistic bands have been busy in shops, in missions, and on street corners where men gather to listen to Bolshevistic propaganda. Sometimes these preachers come into direct competition with soap-box orators who would put the messengers of Christ to shame and destroy the influence of their mes­ sage, but God has always protected His servants and hon­ ored His Word. Therefore the workers of the Institute are firmly convinced that whatever may be accomplished by other methods, there is in the present situation a tre­ mendous challenge to the church of Jesus Christ to match the persistent propaganda of haters of God and religion with an ambitious program of evangelism. That men of affairs in political and commercial life are sympathetic with this evangelistic program of the Insti­ tute was discovered recently when the President of the Institute and the Chairman of the Board of Directors ap­ peared before the Radio Commission in Washington to ask for the privilege of installing new radio equipment. The hearing occurred shortly after Bolshevistic agitation and rioting had occurred in Washington. The commis­ sioner in charge of the hearing courteously listened to the committee from the Institute and carefully looked at the photographs and other exhibits which told of the life and work of the school. He seemed to be especially interested in a photograph of a shop meeting and asked, “Do you tell me that this is the kind of congregations you preach to?” He received an affirmative reply, and at once by his friendly attitude and questioning gave the impression that he was-favorable to the Institute’s request. In due time word was received that the Commission had granted all that had been asked. • - ........... • jvmi

which will make the Word of God the center of their curriculum and consider it their first and great aim to train young men and women in the things of Christ. — o — A Revival Our Supreme Need S O much has been said and written about the trend to­ ward unbelief which prevails in schools of higher learning that there is danger of fostering either hysteria or melancholia or both among the faithful. Bad as the situation confessedly is, it is not necessary as yet for any individual educator or school to complain with Elijah, “I, only, I, am left.” There are no doubt many college presidents who would heartily endorse the words of Presi­ dent W. J. McGlothlin, of Furman University, Greenville, S. C., as reported in The Western R eco rd er : I belieye absolutely that the only hope for progress in the great fields of missions, education, and evangelism is a genuine spiritual revival., It seems to me that we have reached the place where the only thing for us to do is to get down on our knees, the entire group of earnest, godly men and women among us. A wave of practical materialism has swept over the country leading the people to go into debt for all kinds of follies and amusements and comforts, until our vision of the kingdom has been shortened and our willingness to sacrifice has been weak­ ened and in some of us, perhaps, has almost disappeared. If we could have a genuine revival, our schools would again be full of .students and money would flow into every channel that is now threatening to run dry. A worldly man or woman is not going to give much in money or support to any of the great objects of ■the kingdom. What can we do? I repeat, I know of nothing except the .generation of a spirit of genuine humility, repentance, humilia­ tion, and. prayer. Spiritual power needs machinery just as steam or electricity must have machinery in order to do work. But nothing is more helpless than machinery without power and it ■seems to me that we are almost in the position of having machin­ ery' destitute of power or, at least, supplied with insufficient power. Puritans and Impuritans T HE Editor of The Presbyterian thinks the time has come for plain speech in protesting against the lax social and moral standards and teachings of many able lecturers and journalists. The writings of men like Ber­ trand Russell, atheistic in their background and putrid in their expressions, are held up to scorn and contempt. However, the Editor thinks the outlook is not without promise. His hopefulness is expressed in a trenchant sentence that is worth reproducing: Those who now scorn the Puritans, will soon be so surfeited with the nauseating laxity and indecency, that they will come to scorn the Impuritans with a zest as severe as their admiration now is for the libertines themselves. — O— Evangelism Versus Bolshevism T HE menace of Bolshevism is engaging the attention of the best minds in civilized lands. The danger from this enemy of society is very evident and is so great that it is perplexing and alarming to all who do not will­ fully close their eyes, to the facts. The remedies offered are too numerous to be catalogued. Some,years ago, a well-known and successful manu­ facturer, who had a deserved popularity because of his generous treatment of his employees, became an editor arid'publisher. In one of the first issues of his magazine there appeared a cartoon labeled, “Cure for Bolshevism.” "ft.pictured a, table well supplied with .tempting viands and above the table were the words, “Three times a day.” ' The philosophy of this employer may well represent the thought of many who seek td discover a “cure-all”

May 1930


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The Ideal M o ther B y D r . G. B. YpuNG (Seattle, Wash.)

j T he I nfluence of H er P resence The first is that tremendous-influence-which-she wields, over her children simply by her presence in itfae home.' Who can measure the power of silent forces? As we ascend the Hudson River, on either side of us rise moun­ tains which increase in height as we proceed. They utter not a word, and yet who can be unimpressed by their majesty and might? We walk through earth’s gar­

HE traveler through the Near East constantly" hears the word adet. Translated into English, it means “custom.” Surely adet plays a large part in the life of the Orient. Just as certainly it, also fills a large place in the Occident. Customs, old and . new......have...Their_per­ suasive power over both individuals and...groups. Of the riew^customs which have arisen in America during the

last few years, one of the finest is that of setting aside a special day each year when the entire nation pays tribute to motherhood. The day thus set apart has come to be nationally known as “Mother’s Day.” What a beautiful custom it i s ! It stirs our imagination, warms our hearts, kindles anew the fires of devotion in the homes of our land/ f Surely this custom has come to abide, for who are more worthy o f honor than the mothers of our jnuntry.? Abraham Lincoln said, “All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my mother.” Is not this true with us all? Is not the old adage correct which says, “The hand that rocks the cradle rule: the world” ? • What makes a mother’s influ- pncp so potent in the upbuilding of the world’s young life? Does she wield some mystic wand and by its magic touch weave a spell, or cast a charm, about the lives of her chil­ dren? Or is it by chance that she stands in her position of command­ ing influence? No, the laws of cause and effect are always at work, and wherever high and holy ends are achieved we may know that mighty causes have been set in operation. What, then, are the great forces at work through a mother’s life which make her our ideal? For she is our ideal.

dens and are greeted by untold myr­ iads of flowers, blue, and violet, and orange, and scarlet, and purple. Do they speak? Not a word. Not a whisper. Is not their silence more eloquent than would be their lan­ guage if they spoke with a million tongues? They are God’s silent wit­ nesses of beauty and fragrance in the earth. As these great forces of Nature operate silently, and yet effectively, so a mother, as she quietly goes about her daily work in the home, exerts an immeasurable influence. Long after she has gone, her chil­ dren will remember the expression of her face, the love-light in her eyes, the gentle touch of her hand, the sweet soothing tones of her voice, the radiance of her life. Dr. Robert E. Speer tells the story of a man who stepped one morning into an office in New York to transact some business. Befóte leaving, he chanced to look up, and he saw hanging upon the wall of that private office, a reproduction of Henry Hofmann’s great painting, “The Boy Jesus in the Midst of the Doctors.” Long and earnestly he looked into the eager, loving face of the boy Jesus, and finally turned away. Early in the afternoon he

We Can Only Have One Mother W e can only .have one mother, Patient, kind and true. N o other friend in all this world Will be so true to y o u : F o r all her loving kindness S h e asks nothing in return; I f all the world desert you, To mother you can turn. Many tears you’ve caused her, When you w ere sad or ill; Maybe many sleepless nights, T ho’ grown you cause her still. S o every time you leave her, Or when you com e or go, Give her a kind word or a kiss; ’Tis what she craves, 1 know. W e can only have one mother, None else can take her place; You can’t tell how you’ll need her, Till you miss her loving face. B e carefu l how you answer her, Choose every word you say. R em em ber she’s your mother, Though now she’s old and gray. We can only have one mother, , O, take her to your h eart; You cannot tell how soon the day When you and she must part. L et her know you love her dearly, Cheer and com fort her each day. You can never get another W hen she has passed away.

— S elected.

came back and asked if he might see the picture again. Permission was granted and once more he searched'that Face with hungry eyes. Never had he seen such a Yace! As he left, a strange, new feeling stirred within him. Aim­ lessly, almost as though he were in a dreám, he walked the streets of New York. The day wore on. Night was approaching. Soon all the offices would:be closed. í‘On¿e more I must see that Face!1 Once more!” he exclaimed, and rushed away to seek permission for yet one more look at the painting. When he finally came forth from; that office his eyes were wet with tears and he was heard/to murmur, “The Boy has won! The Boy has won!” The silent and blessed influence radiating from that, matchless work of art was sufficient to: forever win his heart to the loving and living Christ. If the/presence of _a single painfe- ing in a business man’s office catt'‘wbrk:sufcfi a miracle, as

Ask ten thousand times ten thousand children the ques­ tion, “Who is the best mother that you know ?” and quick as a flash will come the reply, “My mother!” From child­ hood’s days to the years of maturity we ask for no one better than “my mother.” „ \ Still, the question persists: “Why?” What is th e ' secret of her persuasive, prevailing influence over the lives ot her oil spring ? There are many things which cannot be fully explained.‘"“They are too deep, too mystical, too in - j tangible to be analyzed. Yet there are certain things which we can easily trace in a mother^ life, and thus account in some degree for ¡the meastire-qf blessedness which emanates; from her. We ,see at least four mighty stream's of influence flowing from .hfcr life., vri £ if : ■


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Lord, what a change within us one short hour Spent in Thy presence will prevail to make! What heavy burdens from our bosoms take, What parched grounds refresh as with a shower! We kneel, and all around us seems to lower; We rise, and all the distant and the near Stands forth in sunny outline, brave and clear. We kneel how weak, we rise how full of power. Why, therefore, should we do ourselves this wrong, Or others, that we are not always strong, . That we are ever overborne with care, That we should ever weak or heartless be, Anxious or troubled, when with us is prayer, And joy and strength and courage are with Thee? T he I nfluence of H er D a ily T eaching

In the third place, a mother’s influence is felt in her daily teaching. Some one has said that given a Mark Hop­ kins at one end of a log and a James A. Garfield at the other end of the log, we. have a university. It is a truth well stated, for a real university does not consist in costly buildings, rich endowments and a long history, but rather in the quality of teachers and students. And of all earth’s teachers who is the greatest? Our Mother! Why? Be­ cause first of all she faces Godward and drinks deep draughts from the Fountain of all wisdom, and then goes , forth and puts heart into all she says and does. Back of her teaching is the wealth of a mother’s love, a love which is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens, and as enduring as the ages. When all other earthly loves fail, mother’s love abides. Back of her teaching is a concern so deeply rooted that it will not let her rest until she has expended her very best effort to shape aright the destiny of her children. Every true mother realizes that she is engaged in a far greater task than building houses, or ships, or railroads, or great business blocks. Hers is the nobler task of helping to build precious lives. Henry Drummond once said, “Foun­ dations which are to bear the weight of eternity must be securely laid.” This is the firm conviction of our mothers and therefore they seek to lay deep and wide and strong the foundation principles of character in the lives of their children. This foundation building is not easy. Sometimes it seems that all their teaching will be for naught. Then bit­ ter days come, tears and heartache, and more tears and still more heartache. Nevertheless, with a courage and a patience such as only mothers know, they arise from bended knees to begin the battle anew each day and im­ plant in the young lives entrusted to their care those high and holy principles of truth and honor, purity and patience, courtesy and kindness, gentleness and goodness, reverence and faith, without which they know that a life is worse than wasted, yea, without which life becomes a menace to others. And so mother becomes our first teacher. She lays the foundation upon which others are to build. At mother’s knee we learn to lisp our first evening prayer. It is she who answers our first eager, searching questions concern­ ing God, It is she who gives us our first conceptions of heaven and immortality. With fine discernment, it is she who draws for us the clear distinction between right and wrong and calls upon us to choose the'right and Spurn the wrong. Other teachers may and will come, but not one will be received with that confidence and eagerness ac­ corded a real mother. Because this is so, she stands at the head of the long procession of earthly teachers. Moses owed much to his teachers in the great Egyptian University at Heliopolis. We read that “he was learned in all the wisdom o f the Egyptians.” Much as he owed to his

that upon a business associate, what shall we say about the daily presence of a godly mother in the midst of her children in the home ? Who can measure that influence ? T he P ower of H er P rayers The second source of a mother’s power lies in her prayers. The Book is filled with promises concerning prayer and its answers. The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews says, “H e that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder o f them that diligently seek him.” The Psalmist, with all boldness, looks up into the face of the Heavenly Father and declares, “N o good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” And Jesus says, “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Every devout mother lays firm hold of these promises and makes them her own, and this accounts, in a large degree, for her unusual strength, her steadfastness of character, and her subtle and far-reaching influence brought to bear upon the lives of her children and her children’s children. Hannah prayed and made her vows unto God; and she lived to see her son become the mighty prophet, Samuel. Monica prayed and her son was recalled from his way­ wardness and became the great St. Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, a light and a comfort to all Christians in north­ ern Africa and even down to the days of the Reformation. Margaret Luther prayed and to her son, Martin Luther, was given such faith and love and courage that he became the central figure of the Sixteenth Century, the mighty Reformer, and the founder of the church which bears his name. Mrs. Wesley prayed and that glorious day dawned when her two sons, Charles and John Wesley, were aflame with love and zeal for God. They became the channels of God’s grace through whom a countless host were brought into the Kingdom. ¡Mrs. Moody prayed and her son,- Dwight L. Moody, was so filled with the Spirit of God that he became, beyond question, the greatest evangelist this country has ever known. Oh, a mother’s prayers! What transforming, trans­ figuring power is exerted by our mothers as they fall upon their knees and make earnest intercession for us. Arch­ bishop Trench grasped the truth when he wrote those memorable lines:


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Word is settled in heaven,” declares the Psalmist. This every godly mother believes. Critics may analyze, dissect, and seek to eliminate God’s Word, but with unfaltering trust, a mother builds her hope upon thè Rock of Ages. More than that—she not only maintains unbroken faith in her Lord, but also in her children and their future great­ ness, and in so doing, leads them to believe in themselves and urges them to ascend the ladder of success. We are told that when Oliver Cromwell was a lad, he came in from the, fields one day and threw himself upon his bed. The light of day was all about him. Sud­ denly an angel appeared to him and told him that some day he would be the greatest man in England. When he told the vision to his family his father upbraided him, but his mother believed in him. Her faith in him was not in vain. When Oliver Cromwell' was made Lord Protector of England, his aged mother was the first to rise up and do him obeisance.

wise Egyptian tutors, he owed still more to his mother, the devout Jochebed. She, more than anyone else, except God, made him ultimately the liberator of his enslaved people. Abraham Lincoln studied law and in due time was recognized as one of our country’s best jurists, and was finally honored with the Presidency, but he never forgot the debt which he owed to Nancy Hanks, his precious pioneer mother. Whatever is good in you or in me we owe very largely to the patient, loving teaching which was given us by our mothers under divine direction. H er F aith Finally, in seeking to measure a mother’s influence we dare not overlook her faith. Her soul is anchored in the eternal .God and in His Word. “Forever, 0 Lord, Thy




A New In te rp re ta tion of Colossians 2 :16 B y E rnest G ordon

I N The Bible League Quarterly for June, 1928, is an important article by Dr. W. L. Baxter on The Sabbath as a Divine Institute. The section dealing with Col. 2 :16 is summarized below. This text, so often used by those who would abrogate the Sabbath, does not in fact refer to the day of rest. . . • ■ The usual Greek word for “week,” hebdomas, is not to be found in the New Testament. What takes its place? The word for Sabbath occurs in Scripture in both singular and plural form and with two distinct meanings, namely, a single day ; the seventh day, or day of rest ; and a week of seven days, that is, the complete Sabbatic period (six days of work and one of rest). “Upon the first day of the week,” wrote Paul, “let every one of you lay in store” (1 Cor. 16 :2 ). The Greek is, “on the first day of the Sabbaths” ( sabbata ). “I fast twice in the week,” said the Pharisee in the parable (Luke 18:12). The Greek is, “twice in the Sabbath” ( to sab- baton). In the Resurrection story (Matt. 28:1) it reads, “In the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week.” In both cases the word used is sabbaton, and the meaning, “In the end of the week as it began to dawn toward the first [day] of the [next] week.” The Fourth Commandment deals not with a single day exclusively but with a whole week. “Six days shalt thou labor: on the seventh thou shalt not do any work.” The seven days are treated as a unit—a full Sabbatic period. The Lord of the Sabbath is Lord of the entire week, work days as well a$ rest day. Thèses facts-have an important bearing on the much- controverted 16th verse of Col. 2, “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath.” Dr. Bagster translates this verse preferably as follows: “Let not any­ one, therefore, judge you in meat or in drink, either in a portion ( meros ) for a feast, or for a new moon, or for a Sabbatic period.”

To what does the verse refer? Meat and drink refer, obviously, to the meat offerings and drink offerings pre­ scribed for various Jewish sacrifices. A Jew’s ordinary meat and drink were no “shadow of good things to come.” It is only the sacrificial meats and drinks which were such a’ foreshadowing. The 28th and 29th chapters of Numbers deal at length with Israel’s sacrificial meats and drinks and with the periods in which they were to be offered. These periods were a week, a new moon, a feast. There are no others mentioned, and the whole 71 verses deal with the meats and drinks appropriate to each. First comes the week, or full Sabbatic period. The meat offerings and drink offerings appropriate for each of its seven successive days are enumerated in Num. 28: 1-10. Then comes the new moon with its meat and drink offerings (Num. 28:11-15). Then come the feasts; Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles, with exact assignment of meat and drink offerings to each. Is it possible to avoid the conclusion that this enumeration of all the seasons for Israel’s “meats” and “drinks” was in the Apostle’s mind when writing Col. 2:16? The sea­ sons are exhaustively spread out in Numbers and they are tersely and comprehensively summed up in Colossians. There is absolute coincidence save that the order is reversed. gfe Biola in China Chas. A. Roberts writes as follows of the Institute in Hunan, China: We are very happy to write that at the beginning. ®£/this new semester our regular'student body has been increased by a few more students and a very fine class of nearly seventy men and women has been enrolled for our Spring Short Term Course which runs for six weeks. This course closes at the end of this month'. With conditions as they are in China at the present moment we consider this large number of men and women com­ ing to study the Word of God as most encouraging and indica­ tive of greater things for the future. Then I am glad too to say that the general political outlook is somewhat brighter, for which we give thanks to God.

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