King's Business - 1930-05

May 1930

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


I can think of no greater blessing that could come to one than to be under the constant protecting care of Him who is the Lord Almighty. There is strength and confi­ dence in that name which enables us to defy the hosts of darkness and which dispels every shadow of worry and anxiety. Nothing can reach the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty except with His permission. He as­ sures us of His protection, but in order to claim it we must fulfill the conditions of the promise and have no fellow­ ship with darkness. Wonderful are the names which our Lord has applied to u s ! To recall them frequently and meditate upon them will be an inspiration. We are “epistles,” “m inisters” “vessels ” “temples o f the Holy Spirit,” and “sons and daughters o f the Lord Almighty.” Through the new birth we have received the spirit of sonship. With childlike simplicity and confidence we say, “Abba, Father.” The Lord Jesus Christ is our Elder Brother. Appreciating such a rich inheritance in Christ, should we not avoid all worldly entanglements and defilements and enter into the fulness of His life and love? The Bible in the Waste Basket R ECENTLY the head of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, stopped at a Chicago hotel. After being shown to his room he took the Gideon Bible that was on the table and threw it in the waste basket, stating that it was a lie and belonged there,—or words to that effect. ■We are not much alarmed about this attack, but we really are concerned about those who have, as far as actual use is concerned, “put the Bible in the waste bas­ ket,” never looking into its pages, never studying it to find out its message. There are thousands of homes, we fear, where the Bible has been discarded, put out of sight, where they would hardly know where to find it. if they were called upon to furnish one. We believe that in God’s sight they are just as guilty as the man who openly and defiantly threw the Bible into the waste basket. We need a general awakening throughout Christendom in the homes of those who are members of the Christian Church. We need more memberships in the club that is known as “The Know Your Bible Club”—the homes in which God’s Word is read every day. We recently heard a story of a young mother who was rocking her baby to sleep and reading the Bible aloud at the same time when her pastor suddenly came in and said to her, “It is no doubt difficult for you to find time to read your Bible, with so many cares,” and the mother said that sfee had promised that she would read her Bible aloud to her daughter every day of her life, as long as she was under her roof. What a tremendous influence this would have upon the lives and minds of the youth of our land if the mothers and fathers would follow this example. In the coming years there would be fewer members of this Atheistic Club, less to doubt the power of this Word of God. Seldom do we hear of any one doubting God’s Word who has a thorough knowledge of it. We can constantly search God’s Word and always gain new truths, yes, new blessings, and grow in His knowl­ edge. We can neglect it and put it in the discard, grow cold and lose the vision that we once had, lose the Christ out of our lives and lose the knowledge of what God’s will is concerning us, lose the vision of the crucified Christ, the resurrected Christ, the redeeming Christ, and lose the hope of Eternal Life.— S. A. Fulton in “The Gideon.”

Lucifer attempted to take to himself the glory belonging to God alone, he was cast from heavén, and one-third of the created beings with him, to await everlasting doom. When Herod claimed for himself the glory which be­ longed to his Creator, he was immediately smitten of God. Truly “we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency o f the power may he o f God, and not o f us.” May we never yield to the insidious temptation to take to ourselves the glory that belongs to God. Nothing could be a greater hindrance to our usefulness. We dwell in a parched land. The great Potter has made us humble ves­ sels, to be dipped into the River of Salvation in order that we may carry life and blessing to those about us. IV . T emples “Ye are the temple o f the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them” (2 Cor. 6 :16 ). The ancient people of. God looked with reverence and awe upon the great Temple at Jerusalem. There is innate in the heart of mankind a measure of respect for any house of God. This is quite proper. But it is more consis­ tent and appropriate to have respect for the human body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Probably nòne of us realizes the infinite wisdom which the Creator displayed in fashioning the human body which He calls His temple. From the crown of the head to the soles of the feet we see the unmistakable evidence of a De­ signer who fashioned a wondèrful house before He took possession of it. Thè body is made up of myriads of cells, 1,200,000 of which are found in the brain alone. If these are destroyed, reason is gone. What infinite wisdom has made every cell and fitted it to its proper use ! Thé eye, for instance, is the most remarkable camera in;the,\VOrljd. (There are 338,000 nerve fibers running from thélifeÿè JB*'the brain. No instrument ever constructed by maif.,nâs even remotely approached the wonderful mechan­ ism^fey which this tiny organ gives the blessing of sight. Ouf hearing is no less remarkable. Three small bones, the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup, convey vibrations from the oftter to the inner ear by an amazingly intricate process. Only those who are technically trained can speak accurately and in detail of the wonders of the blood, the heart, the digestive system, etc. In such a mansion, which we call our body, God has taken up His abode. Wise indeed is the one who recog­ nizes the Designer as the Owner, and gives to this temple of the Holy Spirit its due reverence and care. V. S ons and D aughters “I . . . will be: a Father unto you, and ye shall he my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (2 Cor. 6 :18 ). In the context of this passage is a call to separation: “B e ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; fo r what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness : and what communion hath light with .darkness? . . . . W herefore come out from among them, and be ye sep­ arate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” A life of separation from the world is a life which God loves to bless. From the days when He desired Israel to leave Egypt and go three days’ journey into the wilder­ ness to sacrifice to Him, unto the present time, God’s way of blessing has always been the same.

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