King's Business - 1930-05


May 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

ested in the things of the Kingdom, and he wanted to see what was being done by the Institute here in San Fran­ cisco. As he talked on he said, “By the way, we have a young preacher in Philadelphia from California—Don­ ald Barnhouse. I think he is one 6f the coming men of the Presbyterian Church. Do you know him?” Imagine the joy of any graduate of the Institute on hearing this, especially when one could say, “Oh, yes, I know him very well. We graduated in the same class.” Our visitor had some fine things to say of Mr. Barnhouse—that he knew his Bible, could preach, and was absolutely sound. He also referred to the fact that his sermons are broadcast and are heard at points as far distant as Alaska. We were happy to hear this good report of the work of one of our graduates from such an impartial judge, for the gentle­ man was not a member of Mr. Barnhouse’s church. We have many such interesting experiences in our office. Graduates whom we have not seen for years, and others who have been at the Institute more recently, meet here to talk over “things new and old.” Some seek infor­ mation about the Institute, others need help of one kind or another, while still others, like our friend from Phila­ delphia, desire merely to be friendly. Whatever the errand, we are glad to see every one who comes and we try always to be helpful. We hope that our friends when in San Francisco will call at our recently opened offices at the Presbyterian Headquarters, 228 McAllister Street, and see our Bible Institute home in this busy city. M The Word of God Abideth ( Continued, from page 250) P rof . S. (gravely). I will! B ill (who can hardly believe his ears). You—you mean it ? It hardly—no, with God all things are possible! But you do mean it? P rof . S. I do. B il l . How—may I ask how it happened? I thought all my reasonings made no real impression—spiritually, or on your heart. P rof . S. They were good reasonings and that is always a help, but it was you, B ill! It was your faithful burning missionary heart that finally won me. It is not reasoning so much, it’s—it’s just living it that wins us. We know there’s something to it when we see that. B ill . Will you pray with me? Let me be the one to hear your first prayer. P rof . S, Y ou ! You pray first and I will follow. B ill (with head reverently bowed). Father! Some­ times we wonder, when we look on trouble, and on—on the world as it is, whether Thou art ! Whether Thou canst really be! We thank Thee that whatever else befalls us. Thou wilt abide faithful, Thy Word will never change. Keep us close to Thy great heart of love in this, the world’s dark hour. Help us to be strong in behalf of the weak. Let Thy holiness be manifest in our lives. Give us of Thy glorious strength to overcome the wicked one. And now, Father, bless this friend who has become my brother in Christ. Let him feed on Thy Word, the Bible: Give him power from on high to meet the opposition he is sure to encounter. Bless him in his new walk! For Jesus’ sake. P rof . S. God help me to serve Thee—God help me to do Thy work. God grant that I may overcome the wicked one; and oh, help me to know the Word of God that abideth forever, that I may perfectly praise Thee! Amen.

A New Member of the Faculty

T H E Music F a c­ ulty o f the B ible Institute has re­ cently been strength­ ened by the coming o f P ro f. E lton Roth. H e a l s o serves the Church o f the Open D oor as director o f the chorus choir. P ro f. R o t h w a s graduated f r o m the music course o f the M oody B i b l e Insti­ tute in 1916. Since that time he has spent years in study under s o m e o f the best teachers o f Chicago and N ew Y ork, and has gained recogni­ tion as a musician o f m arked ability, H e has appeared in con­ cert w ork both as a tenor soloist and as a m ember o f the Clar­ ion M a l e Quartet, N ew ark, N. J . H is


years of. experience as a soloist and leader of. singing m evangelistic campaigns, and as director o f music depart­ ments in other B ible schools, have given him exceptional training fo r his present task. P ro f. R oth’s name is known to many lovers o f music through his Gospel songs. One o f his best known and deservedly popular songs is the one entitled “H ow Can I H elp But L o v e H im?” H e has prom ised to let the readers o f T h e K ing ' s B u sin ess from time to time have the first glimpse o f som e o f his new songs. condition and showed them the awful destiny awaiting those who refuse God’s plan of redemption in Christ. They accepted the truth and both that day yielded to the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Then care­ ful instruction was given on how to grow in grace through study of the Word and prayer. We encouraged them to constantly witness for Christ and to win others. There are thousands of others like these two boys. Contacts with them are but casual, for they do not stay long in the harbor. Besides the lads of this type there are thousands of other sailors from many lands and speaking many tongues. Effort is made to give them the Word of God in their own languages. The prayers of all God’s children are coveted for this needy and important work. p i Our San Francisco Office By Miss M arie C arter , S ecretary O NE of the many pleasant things about our San Fran­ cisco office is that people often drop in for a friendly call and to express their interest in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Recently our office door opened and a friendly voice exclaimed, “Well, well, so this is the San Francisco office of the Los Angeles Bible Institute!” and a genial, keen-looking business man entered. He in­ troduced himself as a Fhiladelphian. In the office direc­ tory in the lobby he had noticed the name of the Institute and had come up to Room 220 to call. He is an elder in one of the old churches in Philadelphia, deeply inter­

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