King's Business - 1930-05


May 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Oregon Alumni Note Will all former and present B. I. stu­ dents expecting to be in Oregon this sum­ mer, please send their names and ad­ dresses to Miss Eunice R. Hart, 2250 Hazel Avenue, Salem, Oregon, that they may receive announcement of the Oregon B. I. Reunion this summer. Births ’20, P. G. ’24.—REV . A N D MR S . P E T E R H. SIEM EN S (nee KATH ­ ER IN E W IEN S ) of the Salem Mission, Elk Park, North Carolina, announce the birth of VELMA RUTH on March 5th. ’25.—REV . AND MRS. JACOB W. BERGEN (nee MARTHA R. HARMS ’26), Ransom, Kansas, have sent word that GERALD ARTHUR arrived on March 7th. ’21.—REV . AND MRS. G. M. BAER - GEN, Dallas, Oregon, are announcing GLENN JAM ES as a new member of their family. Glenn’s father is pastor of the Zion Mennonite Church and is also at­ tending the Oregon State Normal. Born to the REV . AND MRS. BYRON TRAV IS a son, BYRON ALBERT , on March 14th. The father of Byron, Jr., is pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Lebanon, Oregon, was graduated with the Class of 1925, is finishing college this spring, and looks forward to entering San Anselmo Seminary next fall. Born to MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND A. PERRY , a son, DAVID REUBEN , on March l5th. Mrs. Perry was formerly ALICE BORDEN, and spent several years in Africa under the Africa Inland ' Mission. Born to MR. AND MRS. L. V. KIRSCH , Los Angeles, LE ROY KEN ­ NETH KIRSCH , December 5th. Mrs. Kirsch was M EL ISSA FLACK T5. News Items Honoring several who had served in China and who were in Los Angeles at the same time, an impromptu and in­ formal supper was participated in by a few former friends, acquaintances and Bible Institute employees in the Fisher­ men’s Club Rooms. Each of the honored guests told something of experiences on the field. Speakers were as follows: FRANCES DOWNS ’24, MRS DAWES, AURORA FLUK ER ’24, MRS. FRANK KELLER , LO IS PRO SSOR ’23, China, and ED ITH OVERMAN ’23, recently of Ming Quong Chinese Home, Oakland. Such fellowship is indeed an inspiration. ’22.—E R N E S T W. STUCHBERY , Superintendent of the Shop Work De­ partment of the Bible Institute, in his Prayer Bulletin, sounds a .note of praise for one of the best years this department has ever had, and one in which there

have been many wonderful experiences. MR. STUCHBERY is also pastor of Shoredale Chapel, Los Angeles. NORA JORDAN ’24 and BEA TR ICE S P IE S ’27 ask us to remember them in prayer as they travel through Nevada holding meetings for young people in out- of-the-way places. They are having more calls, than they can possibly fill. At Yuba City alone they report over seventy deci­ sions for our Lord. JOHN T. MORR IS ’24 recently sent in the names of a large number of people with whom he has had contact in his evangelistic work who we hope will en­ ter B. L for Christian training. Brother Morris is conducting union evangelistic campaigns through Idaho. E T H E L STOCKTON ’25 is one of his assistants. Another member of the Class of ’25 has also been heard from, namely, G. H. HOY. Brother Hoy is pastor of Quin- daro Christian Church, Kansas City, Kansas. He reports great blessings from the Lord since being called to the field. A good letter from ANGELA . C. REYNOLDS ’25, San Antonio, Texas, tells something of her activities since leaving the Institute. She has taught in the mountain districts of Georgia, and is now serving in what she calls a “small way” in the Sunday school, teaching a class in a downtown mission, and oc­ casionally helping at a day nursery. JUN E C. REYNOLDS ’28, writes a personal word of appreciation for all that Biola means to her. Mrs. Reynolds has been assisting the First Baptist Church of Fresno temporarily. MARGARET CLARK ’28, P. G. ’29, is on the staff of the First Baptist Church of Hollywood. The First Baptist Church of Watts, California, extended a unanimous call to the REV . H. ELSON McCUTCHEON ’23. The call was accepted and MR. AND MRS. McCUTCHEON are now actively engaged in this field of service. We were glad to hear from our friend and former student E. K. RICHARD­ SON, who has three churches under his immediate charge in Koloa, Kauai, T. H. Several have written us that the Lord is greatly blessing Mr. Richardson in his ministry. ’23.—MRS. WM. G. GRAVES (nee MADGE HENDERSON ) is president of the Lyceum Club for girls and young women which meets at the Bible Insti­ tute Tuesday evenings. ’23.—H. H. N IKKEL , Hepburn, Sask., has been teaching school since being grad­ uated from the Bible Institute. Last year he was ordained to the ministry and has been helping in church work and preach­ ing on Sundays.

’28, P. G. ’29.—GLADYS BOND has been taking further training at the South­ ern Oregon Normal School at Ashland, and is looking forward to the days when she can spend more time in Girls’ Work. ’27 and ’28.—GRACE WH ITN EY and ANNA LEW IS are attending junior col­ lege at Long Beach. Through the help of a fine Christian teacher a club for Chris­ tian young people has been started in the college and the Lord is richly blessing. ’22, P. G. ’27—LEO POLMAN is pas­ tor of the South Gate Brethren Church, Los Angeles. T9.—EDGAR W ILLIAMSON , who is Educational Director of the First Baptist Church, Houston, Texas, recently paid a visit to the Bible Institute. LULA CONOVER ’28 is engaged in secretarial work in the department of education at Yenching University, Pe­ king, China. She is enjoying the work although she feels herself limited for the possibilities of real Christian service. The following have been going through testing in the way of illness: JO Y H IL L IS ’26, 1124 La Veta Ter­ race, Los Angeles; DELLA EVANSON ’24, Olive View, California; LUC ILE BAGLEY ’27, Wisconsin General Hos­ pital, Madison, Wise. We suggest that friends write them at least a card. B IR D IE G ILGERT ’20 was recuperating from broncho-pneumonia, according to last word. Miss Gilgert is in Indian work at Sells, Arizona. From the Belgian Congo, BENN ETT H. W ILL IAM S ’27, wrote a note to Alumni friends from which we quote: “Greetings to all. . . . It is not with any great joy that I write at this time, giving you a change of address. Am indeed sorry to have to admit that my health has given out and that the doctor has or­ dered me back to civilization as soon as possible. Therefore, my wife and wee daughter and I are preparing to sail for New Zealand. . . . Just two short years in Africa . . . .” Mr. Williams men­ tioned Romans 8:28 in his letter. His new address is c/o Mrs. G. T. Lawrence, Wakefield, Nelson, N. Z. Married EVELYN TROMANS T8 to the REV . LEW IS FRA SER , February 4th. Mr. Fraser is pastor of the United Presby­ terian Church, at Lisbon, Ohio, and Mrs. Fraser has been a missionary in India. Deceased E LO ISE Z ILLG ITT , former student, sister of CURTIS Z ILLG ITT ’28, passed away February 28th, at Pomona, after a long illness. MRS. N E T T IE S. POWELL, ’28 E. S. Mrs. Powell had been making her home at the Bible Institute.

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