King's Business - 1930-05


May 1930

Ï h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

BLACKBOARD LESSON Tue DeemiTe article . THOU ART « l l l f OFQOD

Roman guards, the women. Then the Lord Himself appears, first to the women and finally to the eleven disciples in Gali­ lee. In the final interview He gave the Church her marching orders: “Go . . . make disciples.” * * * G olden T e x t I llustration Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, used to remark that he could get any amount of men who were “willing to shed their last drop of blood,” but he found it a little difficult to get men to shed their first drop to make a begin­ ning. Don’t talk about what you will do for Jesus by and by. Just begin now to love Him, serve Him, and follow where He may lead. _____________ What Are the Alliance Methods

ing angel, had terrified the Roman sol­ diers. As soon as they recovered from their fright they hurried into- the city (verses 11-15). The angel spoke to the women those joyful, comforting, wonderful words: “He is not here; He is risen 1” Two of them ran to tell the other disciples, but Mary Magdalene lingered, weeping, and here Jesus came to her. What a glad day that was for Mary! It is a glad day for us, too, when the risen Saviour comes to us in our sorrow and need, and it will be a glad day for others who hear of Him, believe in Him, and let Him come into their hearts. Jesus appeared eleven times during the forty days after He rose from the grave. Find for yourselves when He appeared, to whom, and in what place: Mark 16:9; John 20:11-18; Matt. 28:9, 10; Luke 24: 34, 13-31; John 2 0 :19-25; John 2 0 :26-29; John 21:1-13; Matt. 28:16-20; 1 Cor. 15: 6 ; 1 Cor. 15: 7; Luke 2 4 :50, 51; Acts 1 : 6 - 12 . As the two women hurried to carry the glad tidings to the other disciples, so we, when we love Jesus, will wish to tell someone else about Him. Jesus gave to His disciples this work, or commission, and He gives it to us now. He said that He would be with us, and by His Spirit live in and through us every day, as we open the door of our hearts and let Him in. He is the Captain, the Leader; our part is but to follow and obey. And some day He will come again. We shall see Him, the very same Jesus who lived and died and rose, long ago! Do you “love to tell the story of Jesus and His love” ? Tell it by your life as well as by your words. Help to send the story to ¿lose who have never heard it. And when He says “Go—tell,” answer gladly: “Here am I, send me!” P rayer. —o— June 29, 1930 Review Lesson The lessons of the quarter are gathered around the closing events in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. L esson 1. “The Law of the Cross.” Matt. 16:13-26. Golden Text, Matt. 16: 24. J Three great doctrines essential to Christianity stand out: (1) The deity of Christ; (2) the vicarious suffering of Christ; (3) the resurrection of Christ. There are two interpretations of Christ by disciples: (1) He is a prophet; (2 ) He is God. Lesson 2. “The Child and the King­ dom.” Matt. 18:1-14; 19:13-15. Golden Text, Matt. 19:14. There are three im­ portant central lessons: (1) The child spirit enables one to achieve true great­ ness; (2) the helplessness of a child calls for his protection; (3) children should be brought to the Lord Jesus that He may bless them. Lesson 3. “Jesus Teaching Forgive­ ness.” Matt. 18:21-35. Golden Text, Matt. 6:12. The lesson shows: (1) Human and divine standards in the matter of for­ giveness differ widely; (2) God gracious­ ly forgives the debt the sinner cannot pay; (3 ) God’s retributive justice is not inconsistent with His love. Lesson 4. “Giving Up All for the King­ dom.” Matt. 19:16-26. Golden Text, Matt. 6 :20. The ruler was an earnest seeker but on the wrong ground when he asked, “What good thing shall, I do?” When he was told what to do—sell all


I.Q.H. JUNE: 29- //Tnef(E- 15 NO omei\! and follow Christ—he refused. His earth­ ly gain, tightly grasped, spelled for him eternal loss. Lesson 5. “Promotion in the King­ dom.” Matt. 20:17-28. Golden Text, Matt. 2 0 :28. Ambition appeared among the disciples in the very shadow of Cal­ vary. Jesus gave two rules for promo­ tion: (1) “Drink the cup”—that is, suf­ fer with Christ; (2) take the place of lowly service. Lesson 6. “Jesus Acclaimed as King.” Matt. 2 1 :1-11. Golden Text, Matt. 2 1 :9. This lesson portrays Jesus Christ as: (1) the prophesied King of Israel; (2) the King receiving popular but not official welcome to His city; (3) the King misun­ derstood—“Who is this?” Lesson 7. “Jesus Teaching in the Tem­ ple.” Matt. 2 2 :15-22, 34-40. Golden Text, Matt. 22:37-39. The King overcame the craft of His enemies. Three classes were arrayed against Him; the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Herodians, united only because they hated Him. They failed to “ensnare him in his talk.” L esson 8. “Jesus Describes the Future of the Kingdom.” Matt. 2 5 :1-13. Golden Text, Mark 13:33. This parable pictures the coming King and the waiting Church. There are two classes, the ready and the unready ; two destinies—some go in to the feast, others are shut out from His pres­ ence. The application is, “Watch, there­ fore.” Lesson 9. “Contrast Between Faithful­ ness and Slothfulness.” Matt. 2 5 :14-30. Golden Text, Matt. 2 5 :21. This parable portrays the coming King and the work­ ing Church. The absent King has distrib­ uted talents to His servants. He expects increase. At His coming again He will reward the faithful and punish the indo­ lent. Lesson 10. “Jesus in the Shadow of the Cross.” Matt. 2 6 :31—46. Golden Text, Matt. 2 6 :39. This is a lesson full of con­ trasts. Note the weakness of the disciples : (1) All will be “offended” ; (2) Peter will deny the Lord; (3 ) the privileged disciples slept in the garden. See the vic­ torious Christ : (1) The smitten Shep­ herd will rise again as the Great Shepherd of the sheep ; (2) deserted and denied by His disciples, He upholds and pre­ serves them; (3) He prays with agony, but yields to the Father’s will and is tri­ umphant in spirit. L esson 11. “Jesus on the Cross.” Matt. 27:33-50. Golden Text, Heb. 12:2. The Saviour was condemned by Israel, deliv­ ered over to death by the Roman gover­ nor, crucified by soldiers, reviled by men, and forsaken of God. Yet no one killed Him. He yielded up His life willingly (John 10:18). Lesson 12. “The Risen Lord and the Great Commission.” Matt. 2 8 :1-10, 16-20. Golden Text, Matt. 2 8 :19. Note the wit­ nesses of the Resurrection : the angel, the

of Missionary Work ? A lliance Missionary Methods Include I. Winning men to God through the preaching of the Gospel, that they may believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved. II. Instructing every Christian in the Word of God and building believers up in the fulness of Christ and of the Holy Spirit. III. Training Spirit-filled men and women in the Word and work of God for effective ministry. IV. Building the Church of Christ in every land according to New Testament standards. The Christian and Missionary Alliance is an interdenominational missionary movement,' organized in 1887, now operating on twenty foreign fields. W orld Evangelization Spiritual Revival New Testam ent M ethods For further information address The Christian and Missionary Alliance 260 West 44th Street New York, N. Y.

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