King's Business - 1930-05

May 1930

T h é

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


May 15—“Commit thy w orks unto the L ord , and thy thoughts shall be estab­ lished” (Prov. 16:3). You have no right to think at your pleasure, to follow all the vagaries of your imagination. Your thoughts must be brought into subjection to Christ, they belong to Christ; and this is the main point in practical sanctification—TO G IVE TO CHR IST TH E GOVERN­ MENT OF OUR THOUGHTS. We cannot be carried far away as long as our thoughts are centered upon Him— as long as we truly believe that we are not “sufficient of ourselves to think any­ thing as of ourselves,” and that all our sufficiency is of God.— Rev. T heodore Monod. As a man thinks in his heart, so he prays. Prayer is the acid test o f his char­ acter, and character is the product of his life.—Dr. Stuart. Holden. —o— . May 16— “Instead o f the thorn shall com e up the fir tree” (Isa. 55:13). Among the great principles underlying all the undertaking of God for His peo­ ple, there is this:— That He makes strong in the weakest place. This is not a principle which only comes into action after we have been made new creatures in Christ Jesus. It is far more fundamental than that. As we follow it out in His Word, it comes upon us with overwhelming force that it is the way He has worked from the beginning. That He has ever chosen the spot of gravest defeat for the best victories of His glory; that it is from the fields of greatest waste that He produces His best harvests; that it is upon the most hope­ less material that He displays His choic­ est and most wonderful workmanship.— S. M. Nugent. Nothing is too hard for Jesus, No man can work like Him. —o— May 17— “A s captain o f the host o f the L ord am I now come” (Joshua 5:14). The appearance of God to Joshua, when the conflict to which he was pledged was imminent, was his crisis hour. Hence­ forth he knew himself to be under the Lord’s direction. The true Leader of Is­ rael’s host was invisible. He must sus­ tain a twofold relationship to the unseen Lord, and to the people who looked to him for guidance. That the One who ap­ peared to Him was the Son of God Him­ self is a matter of no doubt.’ Hence this appearance is prophetic of His yet greater coming, and of His perpetual presence with those' who seek to do His bidding. Joshua need have no apprehension as to the outcome of the long campaign before him. The drawn sword he has seen is the sword of God Himself. By its unsheath­ ing, .victory is entirely assured. We are not here to help God. H e :can well gain . t h e ¡victory apart from our service, though in His grace He deigns to use His redeemed people for the fulfillment of His purpose, toward, the world. Our right­ ful attitude is submission to His leader­ ship. ¿The- one who-seeks to. receive his orders from the Great Captain,: and from * 0 $nfe ¡other, i s ; everywheEee .and always, certain of success, for »losthing can with-

long time in answering your prayer. Days and months and even years have gone by! You do not understand His silence 1 “Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger s h u t up his tender mercies ?” David thought so sometimes, but he came to the conclusion that it was his “own infirmity,” his want o f faith, that made him doubt so good a God 1 Go on trust­ ing. “He that believeth in me shall never be ashamed” (i.e., that he has trusted Me). Your faith may be like the bruised reed, but God will not break it. It is only green and tender. Go on, and it will grow firmer. I f you fall or fail, get up and begin again. The grace and tender­ ness of God will help you and comfort you till you grow stronger.— Faith. . —o— May 14— “Enoch w alked with God" (Genesis 5:24). Christ is our example of walking. “Ye should walk in his steps.” His life was a life of faith. He says, “I must walk to­ day, and tomorrow and the day- follow­ ing.” No matter what darkness, what suf­ fering, would meet Him in His path.— H e must go on. So must His children. Some­ times it seems as if the sufferings get sharper, the darkness thickens, mysteries entwine themselves around us, friends forsake us, and even God seems to hide His face from us, but we have to go on. We dare not look back! To look down is defeat and destruction—to turn to the right hand, or to the left, in bypaths that look invitingly lovely and easy, means to be an easy prey to the great lion. There is no other way than by the way of faith, straight on, “looking unto Jesus,” who goes before and His sheep are to follow after. Abraham followed on in this path, and every saint does also who has counted the cost before he begins his journey. He must be prepared to go “whither the Spirit is to go,” and not to turn as he goes along, not to choose, but obey. Enoch walked and talked with God. And Adam and Eve also might have gone this way had their walk been a faithful and obedient one. The night is dark and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my fe e t; I do not ask to see The distant scene: one step enough for me. K S S S A F R IC A INLAND M ISSION gSS? v H ead quarters is 3 7 3 C arlton A ve., Brooklyn , N . Y . Long cen tu ries have elapsed s i n c e is C alvary b u t A frica still lies under a pall 5) of m idnight blackn ess, and cruel crim es a ) a tten d its devil w orship. S) T han k God for th e ch an ges w hich the A) G ospel of grace, preached by m ission- j) aries, has m ade in p laces w here groups ¡v of devoted C h ristian s are w itnessing to j) the pow er o f the blood. B u t , the other $ ninety per cen t o f its one hundred and $ fifty m illion souls— “How shall they hear « w ithout a preach er I) ' • ;■ --- ~P --- jaffia | "f , , - Inland A frica and o th e r. literatu re • . ’ sen t free on requ est. < F O R D A R K A F R IC A N S

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