King's Business - 1930-05

A Heart to Heart Letter to the Readers o f The King's Business

The Million T es tam en ts Campaign F o r L a tin Am erican Lands 1 5 0 5 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Friends of The King’s Business: On my return from a nine weeks’ trip to Latin America, during which I travelled over 10,000 miles, and visited seven countries, there are three impressions that are uppermost in my heart and mind. 1st, THE OPEN R EC EPT IV E ATT ITUD E OF THE PEO P LE TO THE WORD OF GOD. They receive it gladly. They read it eagerly. It is a new Book to them. Now is the providential moment to flood these lands with the Word of God to produce a spiritual and moral revolution. 2nd, THE URGENT A PPEA LS OF THE M ISS IONAR IES AND PAS ­ TORS FOR MORE TESTAMENTS . Already 200,000 have been sent out. Others are being printed. But they are calling for more, more, more—to meet the dire need and the unparalleled opportunity. 3rd, TH E FEA R FU L MORAL COND ITIONS IN TH ESE LANDS. In one South American country government statistics place the number of illegiti­ mates at 50 per cent of the population. In another country a missionary estimates them at 80 per cent. Why is this terrible plague raging in these lands? Chiefly because they have not had the Word of God to hide in their hearts to keep them from sin. Here is what the Word will do (a missionary gave me the facts at first hand during our tour) : A copy of the New Testament was found in a dead man’s pocket. It was passed around the neighborhood and the people began to read it. First one was converted and then another and another. Now there is a splendid group of believers, and they are about to organize a church. One of the converts had three “wives.” After'he found the Lord he put away two of the women, and was legally married to the third. What was the cause of the spiritual and moral revolution in the lives of these people? It was all the outcome of the reading of A SINGLE COPY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . Will you make an investment in the Word of God which He guarantees shall not return void; or will you shrug your shoulders and “pass by on the other side” ? Dare we say with Cain, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” May the Lord show you very clearly what share you should have in meeting this crucial situation. And let us pray, pray, pray; and enlist the prayers of others! Yours cordially in Him, GEORGE T. B. DAVIS Isaiah 55 :11. THE TIME IS SHORT! THE NEED IS GREAT! LET US ACT QUICKLY!

M r. Fred erick C. G lass, vet>- eran m issionary, who is dis­ trib u tin g m any thousands of T estam en ts in B r a z i l .

A C hilean boy who w as glad to receive the W ord of God.

Railw ay m en in A rgentina who w ere delighted to get the T estam en ts.

M r. P e te r S iam , J r ., T reasu rer,



You ca n ren d er sp len ­ did serv ice to th e cau se by s e n d i n g for Illustrated Sh eets and P ra y er C ards fo r d istribution in B ib le classes, m issionary so cie­ ties, e tc., and fo r mailing to y ou r friends, to arou se in terest and enlist in ter­ cession.

M illion T estam en ts Cam paign, 1505 R a ce S treet, Philadelphia, P a . D ear Mi*. S tam : I enclose $ ............................... to give th e W ord of God to our neigh­ bo rs in L atin Am erica. N am e................................................... ....... ........................................ S treet and No.................................................................................................. C ity and S ta te ........ ............................................................................................ .. P lease send m e........ ............P ray er C ards and....................Illu strated Sh eets fo r d istribu tion . (N ote: T he sh eet co n tain s 15 p ictu res tak en by Mr. D avis during h is trip to L a tin A m erica.)

A w orkm an in B razil who gladly received thè W ord.

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