King's Business - 1930-05

.. May, 1930

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K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


His forever, only His'; Who the Lord and me shall part? Ah, with what a rest of bliss,; Christ can fill the loving heart! Heaven and earth may fade and flee, First-born light in gloom decline;- But while God and I shall be, * I am His, and He is mine. May 20—“ And the fam in e w as sore. . . They had eaten up the grain which they had. . . . E x cep t w e had lingered, surely w e had now returned. . . . And they took double money in their hand, and B en ja­ m in ; and rose up, and went” (Genesis 43:1-15). Praise God for the famine in our life that drives us in utter helplessness back to Him! Praise Him that what we have gets eaten up, and we must turn to Him for more. But how like unto the falter­ ing, fearful family of Israel and his sons we act! We could find absolute relief, sufficiency, satisfaction in Jesus Christ; yet we delay, debate, wonder, waste time, and stay hungry. When finally in des­ peration we are driven to Him we think we must do some great thing to meet His terms, and we try to carry “double money” in all sorts of ways, to make sure of what He is yearningly waiting to give us. He does ask us for one thing, and one only: and that'is the dearest pos­ session of our lives. With Israel’s fam­ ily, the dearest possession was Benjamin. When we lay down our dearest posses­ sion, then the treasures of the Kingdom are flung open to us and lavished into our life. O Master, show me this morning how to yield myself up to Thee complete­ ly, and then how to ask of Thee things great enough to be worthy of a King’s giving. Make me equal in my ..requests to Thy infinite eagerness to give.— M essages fo r the Morning Watch. May 21— “And they brought h im hastily out o f the dungeon. . . . And Joseph answered, . . . It is not in m e : God will give” (Gen. 4 1 :14-16). That was the reason why Joseph was brought out of the dungeon: because it was his life habit to say, “It is not in m e: God will give.” The dungeon bars break for any man who learns to say that. It is freedom, release. It is bondage, indeed, for me to suppose that there is in me any good, any knowledge, any power, any­ thing worth while, any capability of meet­ ing the responsibilities that confront me. The light of liberty breaks when I say, and mean it, “It is not in me: God will give.” That is the life that is Christ, and it is freer and more satisfying than the life that is sell.—Selected. —o— May 22,— “In whom w e have bold­ ness and access in confidence through our fa ith in him” (Eph. 3:12, R. V .). Some people say all faith is alike— that faith means confidence in God, and so it does; but, like the rainbow of light, it has many colors, many beauties, diver­ sities of" lights, and even shades, accord­ ing to the eyesight of those who are priv­ ileged to behold the many wonders of God’s grace. We can explain bold faith by saying it is a daring faith; it can do wonders; it can work and fight, and ask,

stand His power exerted through obedient weakness. It is of all folly the greatest for any man to presume to go forth in Christ’s service without this qualifying vision and direct commission of the Lord Himself. All may have it, for He never fails to respond in power to faithful obe­ dience and obedient faith,— Rev. J. Stuart Holden, D.D. May 18-—“ And they told him, that Jesu s o f Nazareth passeth by’’ (Luke 18:37). H e passes by —adown a lilac-scented lane, ’Neath radiant summer skies, And through the fevered rush of city life, He comes, The Joy of Paradise— The Perfect God and Perfect Man still passes through our midst, Though veiled to human eyes. H e passes by —at dead of night, ’neath starlit skies, And passing on His way, He lifts the weary sufferer’s head to lie In peace upon His breast; And binds the wounds of broken hearts, and bids The restless ones to rest. Oh, hear the thronging steps of multi­ tudes of men O f every clime and race Pass on and on, all careless of their need —and Time Sets a relentless pace; But those who hear the Silent Footsteps pass must long To see Him—face to face. —Ruth Salwey. Christ will come unto thee, and show thee His own consolation, if thou prepare for Him a worthy dwelling-place within thee. All His glory and beauty are from within, and there He takes delight. The inward man He often visiteth, and hath with Him sweet discourse, pleasant solace, much peace, familiarity exceeding wonderful. O faithful soull make ready thy heart for Him, that He may vouch­ safe to come unto thee, and to dwell with­ in thee. —Thom as a Kempis. —o— May 19— "The L ord . . . forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved fo r ever” (Psa. 37:28). The motto of Spurgeon’s College shows a hand holding a cross. About both are the Latin words, T eneo et ten eor : “I both hold and am held.” Good as _the first word is, the third is better. It is fine to hold the Cross; it is far finer to be held by it. St. Jude’s word “keep” (verse 21) is a necessary injunction, but St. Peter’s word “kept” reveals the grace which makes the other possible. We hold the Cross, but W E ARE HELD BY TH E CROSS. We keep our­ selves in the love of God, but W E ARE K E P T B Y TH E POW ER OF GOD. “My beloved is mine” passes on to the more satisfying blessed fact of owner­ ship on His part: “I AM H IS !” Loved with everlasting love, Led by grace that love to know; Spirit, breathing from above, Thou hast taught me it is so! Oh, this full and perfect peace 1

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Oh, this transport all divine! In a love which cannot cease, I am His and He is mine!

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