King's Business - 1930-05


May 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

sense of His love. I received from God a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost. As the sun was westering, I went back to the road, found my horse, mounted it, and went to my appointment. On the follow­ ing day I preached with such new power to a vast concourse of people gathered on the hillside, that a revival broke out that day and spread throughout all Wales.” “Send the power, O Lord, Send the Holy Ghost power, Let it now be outpoured. Send it surging and sweeping June 6— ‘‘B e still, and know that I am G od: I will be exalted among the heathen, I w ill be exalted in the earth. The L ord o f hosts is with u s; the God o f Ja co b is our refuge" (Psa. 46:10, 11). In order really to know God, inward stillness is absolutely necessary. I remem­ ber when I first learned this. A time of great emergency had arisen in my life, when every part of my being seemed to throb with anxiety, and when the neces­ sity for immediate and vigorous action seemed overpowering; and yet circum­ stances were such • that I could do noth­ ing, and the person who could, would not stir. For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward tur­ moil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, “Be still, and know that I am God.” The word was with power, and I hearkened. I composed my body to perfect stillness, and I constrained my troubled spirit into quietness, and looked up and waited; and then I did “know” that it was God, God even in the very emergency, and in my helplessness to meet i t ; and I rested in Him. It was an experience that I would not have missed for worlds; and I may add, also, that out of this stillness seemed to arise a power to deal with the emer­ gency, that very soon brought it to a suc­ cessful issue. I learned then effectually that my “strength was to sit still.” —Hannah Whitall Smith, in “Everyday Religion." - June 7— “W here is God my maker, who gw eth songs in the night?" (Job 35:10). Do you have sleepless nights, tossing on the hot pillow, and watching for the first glint of dawn? Ask the divine Spirit to enable you to fix your thoughts on God your Maker, and believe that He can fill those lonely, dreary hours with song. Is yours the night o f bereavem ent? Is it not often at such a time that God draws near, and assures the mourner that the Lord' has need of the departed loved one, and called “the eager, earnest spirit to stand in the bright throng of the invisible, lib­ erated, radiant, active, intent on some high mission” ; and as the thought enters, is there not the beginning of a song? Is yours the night o f discouragem ent and fan cied or actual failu re? No one under­ stands you, your friends reproach; but your Maker draws nigh, and gives you a song—a song of hope, the song which is harmonious with the strong deep music of His providence. Be ready to sing the songs that your Maker gives. Like the waves of the sea, Send a world-wide revival, And begin it in me.” —Stream s in the Desert. —o—

God, as He rose and came to the front door of heaven to listen, when they were badgering me and the hounds of hell were upon me. “I knew my David’s voice among ten thousand voices.” And God came out and scattered the foe right and left, and set me on high from mine ene­ mies. —Jo h n McNeill. While His eye is on the sparrow, I shall not forgotten be.

tongue faileth fo r thirst, I the L ord will hear them, I the God o f Israel will not fo rsa k e them. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the m idst o f the valleys” (Isa. 41:17, 18). Christmas Evans, the Welsh evangelist, tells in his diary that one Sabbath after­ noon he was traveling a very lonely road to attend an appointment, and he was con­ victed of a cold heart. He says: “I teth­ ered my horse and went to a sequestered spot, where I walked to and fro in an agony as I reviewed my life. I waited three hours before God, broken with sor­ row, until there broke over me a sweet

June S—" When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their

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