King's Business - 1947-09

Dr. Walter L. Wilson

T he H oly S pirit ’ s R elationship to the U nsaved J ohn 16:9 There is a differencé between the cry of distressed nature, and the con­ viction of the Holy Spirit. Men cry out for help when they get into trou­ ble. Men cry out for God when they are convicted of their lost condition and their helplessness to save them­ selves. No man can realize his own wickedness, and his condition before God except as the Holy Spirit re­ veals them to him. He convicts of the sin of the wrong relationship to Christ Jesus. Hé convicta of the need of righteousness because the Saviour went to Calvary and then, because of that, He was given a place at God’s right hand. In no other way can any man become righteous except by receiving ;Christ as Saviour from sin. He convicts of judgment, for as Christ has judged Satan and rejected his advances so should we. There is no substitute for the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of lost men. T he H oly S pirit ’ s R elationship to , C hrist J ohn 14:26 We should consider the fact that the Lord Jesus preached no sermon and performed no miracle until that memorable day when the Holy Spirit came from heaven to abide with Him. As soon as the Spirit came down and publicly united Himself with the Lord Jesus, at once Christ entered into His public ministry. It was by the Holy Spirit that He gave com­ mands to His disciples. It was by the Holy Spirit that He was led into the wilderness to be tempted of Sa­ tan. He urged His disciples to make no effort to teach or preach until the Holy Spirit came upon them to em­ power their hearts and lives for Christian ministry. He told His fol­ lowers that they were unable at that particular time to understand the truths which He told them, but that they would comprehend them after, the Spirit came. Today this wonder­ ful Person, the Holy Spirit, is largely ignored. May our hearts turn again to Him to be thrilled and stirred for His glory. PAGE TWENTY-SEYEN

October 5. 1947 WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT J ohn 14:25, 26; 20:19-23; A cts 2:1-36

W HEN the Saviour returned to heaven, He and the Father sent another Perspn to live on earth. A body was not made for Him in' a virgin, but God gives the true Chris­ tian the privilege of presenting to Him his human body as the temple in which this wonderful Person may live and perform His miraculous work. He is a real Person who is to be loved, honored, trusted, obeyed, and followed by the believer. He un­ folds the mysteries of the Godhead. He explains the Scripture. He makes the Christian useful. He directs the Christian into paths of righteousness. He leads the troubled soul to the ser­ vant of God, and leads the Christian worker to the troubled soul. He is the One who makes the Christian spiritual, and fruitful; and He devel­ ops in the life of the true follower of Christ those beautiful graces which we admire so much in him. T he C hristian ’ s R elationship to the H oly S pirit J ohn 7 :39 Because this royal Person has come from heaven, the Christian should give Him a glorious welcome into his soul. He should be regarded as the Lord of the life and the One who enables the Christian to bear fruit. He should not be treated as a guest, but as Lord. He should not be con­ sidered as an influence, but should be acknowledged to be what He is —a wonderful Person, the Holy Spir­ it. Neither should He be treated merely as a teacher, though He is that, but He should be regarded as the lover of the soul, and the One who will administer the things which the heart needs. The Christian should sit at His feet to listen and to learn; and should accept Him as the Lord and the Leader of his life. He alone can make the Christian what he should be. SEPTEMBER, 1947

Dr. Wolter L. Wilson T he H oly S pirit ’ s R elationship to the C hristian J ohn 16:14 In the absence from the earth of the Lord Jesus, the Spirit has come to take His place. The Apostle Paul calls Him Lord throughout his epis­ tles. That should be His relationship to every Christian. He should have no competitors for rulership in the life. He should be the chief Guide in regard to our actions, deeds, and plans. He has come to guide us into all truth. He will give a retentive memory. He will restrain us from serving where He does not want us to be, and He will place us in that part of the field where we can bring the most glory to Him and to God. He will explain the Scripture until we have the true understanding of God’s thoughts. He will give skill in ministering the Word to others and there is no substitute for His per­ sonal presence and power.

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