Òtte Someth, Anoth& i Hecupeth
By Rev. Norman Lewis, Missionary to Argentina
I T WAS a cold winter morning in Lima, Peru. For four years, one of the original evangelical mis sionaries had toiled there. Now, stricken with typhoid fever, the mis sionary lay dying. The sad word reached a thin, dark, twelve-year-old Peruvian boy in his nearby home. He hurried to the bedside of his dying friend. "Eduardo,” said the mission ary, “I am going to leave you, and I want you to promise me that when I am gone, you will be a missionary to South America.” "Yes, I promise,” said Eduardo. In a few moments more he stood in the presence of death. At the funeral but one convert was present—this lad who understood not one word of the English ceremony. But in an agony of grief he prayed that God would help him to keep his promise. The contact had been made four years earlier as the missionary sought to tell the saving story to children. Eduardo was one of a hun dred children who had been drawn to a Christmas party by the promise of pudding to eat, and magic lantern pictures of the life of Christ to see. But on the following Sunday only fifty children were allowed by their parents to go. Eduardo enjoyed everything, went home-with his text, resolving to commit it to memory by the next Sunday. When he recited the verse, there were nine other chil dren present. Parents were feeling other pressures. It was not wise to let their children attend evangelical services. Finally the solitary, thin, eight- year-old boy was all that remained of the class. The missionary pon dered, “All these weeks of works, and only this lad. Is it worth carry ing on?” He did carry on. Three times a week, after prayer, the man and boy
would sit down together and read the Gospels, verse by verse. The Gos pels finished, they went through Acts and then through Romans. One day the boy read out the verse, “There is therefore now no condem nation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” A light flashed inside, and the boy asked, “Does that mean me?” “If you believe in Christ as your Saviour, it does,” said the missionary. “Then I’m really saved!” shouted Eduardo, springing joyfully to his feet. But the boy was only twelve when the missionary died. Years of lone liness and poverty followed. For a time Eduardo worked for a printer and studied English at night. Drift ing about, he finally reached Pan ama. The place was a beehive of activity. One Sunday he heard women’s voices singing. “That’s the Salvation Army,” said a man beside him, and Eduardo investigated the matter. A young English woman was struggling to read out the words of a Spanish hymn. Her grasp of the language was poor. The crowd was indifferent. An inward pressure made Eduardo step forward, and say, “Let me help you; I understand both English and Spanish.” The young Salvationist asked, “Are you saved?” Through the young man!s mind flashed the memory of the day he had read for the first time the words “There is therefore now no condem nation to them that are in Christ Je sus.” He answered confidently, “Yes, I am.” That was the beginning of more than thirty-five years of service with the Salvation Army. Eduardo Palaci traveled widely, preaching the gos pel, and since his coming to Buenos Aires in 1911, he has had an increas ingly important role in evangelical work in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. His perfect understand ing of both English and Spanish has been invaluable in translation work. He has now been appointed by the Salvation Army as secretary of lit erature and Evangelistic Special for all Spanish-speaking countries. This is the first time this appointment has ever been made by the Army. Who could have foreseen such fruit from the promise exacted by a dying missionary? As I sat by Eduardo Palaci’s desk and learned these facts, I could only think of the words of Jesus: “One soweth, another reap- eth.” And what a harvest! T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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