King's Business - 1947-09

even years, when the totals will seem to add up to fruitlessness. The mone­ tary reward for service will, most times, be pitifully small. There will be plenty of heartaches and testings on every hand, but in and through these mountains of difficulty will flow the refreshing streams of- as­ surance, which remind us that the good which, under God, we are allow­ ed to accomplish, will last while eternities follow eternities. Nor is that all, for God has a way of multiplying our service. The one whom we lead to Christ may be God’s chosen instrument to reach a thou­ sand souls. The booklet or tract which we have sent forth in His name may be the means of touching millions. The radio message breathed out over the air waves may find lodgment and bring forth fruit in a million hearts. It is not our welfare, but God’s good, which we are handling, and He has guaranteed that His Word will most certainly accomplish His pur­ pose. So, lift up your heads, tired Christians, and find new hope, dis­ couraged ones, remembering that the good which you have begun, perhaps in a small and faltering way, will never end, and we do mean, never, never end. A BILL (S-265) which would pro- hibit the transportation of alco­ holic beverage advertising between the states is now before Congress. Many church groups throughout the country have circulated petitions asking for the enactment of this bill into law. This legislation would pro­ hibit the United States mails from accepting any material which was eventually to be used to advertise the liquor industry, which means, of course, that liquor, advertising would be virtually prohibited. Bills of this character have appeared in Congress from time to time without having been passed. However, there sterns to be stronger pressure being placed upon S-265 than any previous bill. Christian people of our land are asked to remember this matter in their prayers, and to write to their Congressmen stating their views. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ☆ Bar Liquor

have later sought the communion and fellowship of the church. ☆ Responsibility TN a recent archaeological expedi- tion to thé ruins of ancient Nineveh, one of the finds was a plaque dealing with the laws of the realm. One of these laws reads: “If you fail to teach your child to obey, if you fail to teach him to re­ spect the property rights of others, you and not he are responsible for the result of your neglect.” To this the Word of God agrees. God, who does everything in perfect wisdom, gave parents to children because they needed them. Consequently, parents with the added wisdom of years are responsible for the correct rearing of their children. If the child fails, responsibility belongs to the parent, and if this principle were strictly maintained with par­ ents being roundly punished for the misdeeds of their children, you may be sure there would be a great deal less juvenile delinquency. ☆ The Good Will Never End Tn a recent visit to Yosemite Na- -*- tional Park, our attention was drawn to a bronze plaque located near one of the beauty spots in that wonderland of nature. The plaque had been erected in appreciation of one who had been the director of the department of National Parks over a period of years. This wise and far­ sighted individual had laid the prin­ ciples of conservation and preserva­ tion which were proving of such in­ estimable value and pleasure to the American people. The writing upon the plaque set forth briefly America’s debt of gratitude to this man, closing with these words, “The good which he has begun will never end.” When we read this, we were quite naturally struck with the analogy of this statement to that which is most certainly true in the Christian life. Those who serve the Lord Jesus Christ are dealing in eternal things. There may be times of difficulty and there certainly will be times of dis­ couragement. Months will go by, and

19 Million ALTHOUGH the world ostensibly ■*Ms at peace, there are still 19 mil­ lion men under arms and the larger nations are continuing to spend more than 27 billions yearly on arma­ ments. In addition to this money, which is admitted by 39 major na­ tions, there are other unrevealed bil­ lions being spent in research and development of atomic bombs, bac­ teriological warfare, jet planes and many other new weapons. The real force of this statement is under­ stood when we remember that many of the nations involved are still struggling under tremendous eco­ nomical burdens from the last war. The picture is sadder still when we almost daily see the incapacity of the United Nations organization to make any headway toward the goal of permanent peace. We wonder what the figures would be if, for the next ten years, a tithe of these bil­ lions could be diverted into the chan­ nels of worth-while missionary ef­ fort, taking the earnest youth of our land and sending them to the far corners of the earth with the story of peace through the Prince of Peace. ☆ Membership Increase rpHE latest figures available con- -*• ceming the membership in the various denominations throughout our land reveal an over-all increase this year of nearly 2 million. A total of 73,673,182 are reported on the various church rolls of our land with 24,402,124 listed as Roman Catholics. Almost every one of the more than 50 denominations showed a sizable increase, with the large Protestant bodies exhibiting the greatest. Just how many of these millions are ac­ tually born-again children of God no one of us can ever know. Biit it is true that one of the best places to hear the Word of God taught and the gospel preached is within the walls of a place dedicated to worship. Many have felt that the consistent increase in church membership dur­ ing the last two decades has been brought about partly by the strong evangelistic preaching of the Word of God over the radio. Many have been saved in their own homes and


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