That is exactly what Abi ham, “the Friend of God,” did om lay! God spoke to Abraham and sked him to leave his country a:: his relatives and to go into a land which God would show unto him. Abraham “we: t out, .not knowing whither he w e nA b r a h am knew that he could truf, God; he believed that Goc never made a mistake. Abraham’s relatives and friends must have thought he was a very foolish man. But because he obeyed Him quickly and willingly, God made him the father of the great Jewish nation, God’s chosen people. God made a great promise to Abraham: “I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse him that curseth thee: And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” How' richly God rewarded Abraha.1 love for and faith in Him! Abrah, m knew that God was always with him and al ways ready to help him. Sometimes God asks Christian boys and girls to do things that seem foolish to others. God will do great things through them if they, like the writer in God’s Word, will say, “I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength.” It Is not always easy to obey God, but God always gives great joy, and rich blessings to those who obey Him. Also, God will give to Christian boys and girls the courage that is neces sary in order that they may obey Him, in all things. done in order to be saved, but to faith-works, accomplished because of the performer’s being saved already. None but Christians can do the works to which James refers. A man may say he has faith, but unless the declaration is substanti ated by appropriate action, it is no better than to say to the hungry, “Be filled,” or to the naked, “Be clothed,” without effort to supply the need of food and clothing. This is mere pro fession. And to believe there is one God, the main article in the Jews’ creed, without works, is mere ortho doxy, not better than what the de mons have. All demons are orthodox. Hence, the profession without works is the height of folly; ortho doxy without works is the depth of sin; but true possession of Chris tianity without works is an impossi bility. Man sees the works; God sees the faith from which the works spring, and faith without works is dead; it never was alive; it was born dead, and continues to be dead. Points and Problems "He is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass" (1:23). Some men look at their countenances in the mirror and'quickly forget that some care is needed to make their appearance more pleasing. Mere hearers of the word are like these. The Word tells them what kind of men they ought to be, but they do nothing about it. True believers will look carefully into the mirror of God’s Word (v. 25; 2 Cor. 3:18), seeing not only the glory of Christ therein, but also what needs to be done in their own lives to make them conform to the profession they have made. 26, 1947 RELIGION 5 2:14-20
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OCTOBER LIVING OUR J as . 1 -. 22-27
Outline and Exposition , L iving by O bedience (J as . 1:22-25)
There is danger in hearing and reading the Word of God lest it be forgotten and what is found therein is not done. To hear, and not to do, leads to self-deception. The blessing is for those who look into the Word, the perfect law of liberty, and continue therein. The continuance is applicable both to the looking and to the doing. It should be noted that it is the system of lib erty, not the legal system given by God through Moses. L iving in T rue R eligion (J as . 1 :26, 27) If any man seems to be religious, and is like the Pharisees of the time of our Lord’s earthly life who were constantly performing religious du ties, but did not withhold their tongues from blasphemy, the Chris tian is warned that this is an exhibi tion of a religion which is vain. The marks of true religion are: sympa thy, visiting the fatherless and the widow, and separation, which is the keeping of oneself from the world. But in this connection It should be remembered that Christianity is not a religion; it is a revelation, and a life. The word visit used here means not merely the calling upon the af flicted ones, but an investigation to discover any need present, and acting to relieve the necessity. Thus did God visit mankind. B y M anifesting W orks (J as , 2:14-20) James does not refer to law-works,
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