Viking Views 2022

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Dr. Bonnie Humphrey’s Missouri Valley story began in 2000. Her story spans more than two decades, and in it comes numerous successes and triumphs. Without a doubt, Dr. Humphrey is leaving Missouri Valley after more than 20 years of service, having given the college the footing it needs to continue to thrive in the future. For 22 years, Missouri Valley College has been a part of Dr. Humphrey’s daily life. It has been a part of her family’s life. Two of her children graduated from Missouri Valley, as well as one son-in-law. Humphrey has gotten to watch countless students arrive on campus, and leave as productive citizens of the world. She has witnessed faculty and staff grow personally and professionally at a place that they love. She has had the pleasure of visiting with alumni from around the globe who credit much of their success to this small, but mighty place in rural Missouri. Dr. Humphrey’s leadership has positively impacted the Missouri Valley College community for more than 20 years. She has built new buildings, established new academic programs, expanded student services offered, but above all, she has cared. She has cared about the students. She has cared about the faculty and staff. She is why this place has the family-like atmosphere that so many tout. So, as her time in office winds down, her footprint in Missouri Valley College’s history cements deep. This college wouldn’t be the place that it is without her leadership and guidance during the past 22 years. And for that, Valley Nation will be forever grateful. 9

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