Sanitation Yard COVID-19 Outbreak Halts Service Following a coronavirus outbreak at Baltimore’s East- ern Sanitation Yard, the city’s Department of Public Works (DPW) announced the immediate suspension of all solid waste operations for three weeks. Matthew Garbark,Acting Director of the DPW, said effec- tive June 10 all operations from the east side solid waste yard will be suspended so employees can stay home and self-isolate. According to The Baltimore Sun , fifteen sani- tation workers have tested positive for the virus, including seven at the east side location. Twenty will be isolating at home. “DPW is shutting down all operations at the [Eastern] Sanitation Facility out of an abundance of caution to pro- tect our solid waste workforce.We are working closely with employees and their families to protect their health during this difficult time,”Garbark said in a release.The facility had previously been closed to the public since March due to COVID-19. Sanitation crews tasked to take over collections in re- sponse to the Eastern Sanitation Yard shutdown are refus- ing to report to work. After suspending operations at the Eastside Sanitation Yard,DPW officials began mobilizing other sanitation crews within the Bureau of SolidWaste. “These other employees had been on permission leave (Cont’d on Page 7)
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