RM—JUNE 22, 2020

COVID Outbreak (Cont’d from Page 1)

(not working, but being paid) for weeks with the under- standing that they would support core operations, if and when needed,” officials said. Officials said the delays are “completely unacceptable and pose an additional threat to public health.These workers are considered essential and must report to work.” The DPW said it is taking the immediate actions: All permission leave for solid waste workers is revoked and workers must return to work immediately. Failure to report will result in job abandonment. Anticipating that some employees may not return to work, an aggressive recruitment campaign is underway to hire la- borers and Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) drivers to fill positions. NWRA Applauds Introduction Of PPP Flexibility Bill The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) ap- plauds the introduction of bipartisan legislation that would help provide relief to the waste and recycling industry from potentially onerous customer bad debt. The bill would increase the Paycheck Protection Pro- gram’s (PPP) flexibility by including payments for waste and recycling collection services for purposes of calcu- lating the eligible amount for forgiveness of indebtedness under a PPP loan.

MILL BUYING PAPERSTOCK PRICES Average prices per ton PAID BY MILLS . For Baled, F.O.B. Seller’s Dock, Packed to PS-09 standards. ISRI Specifications (PS-09) numbers appear in parentheses. Prices are intended for purposes of REFERENCE ONLY . They do not connote any commitment to sell or buy at the indicated price. Transactions may be completed at any time at a price agreed upon by seller and purchaser.








Unprinted SBS (47)

385 - 390

385 - 390 465 - 470 435 - 440 285 - 290 285 - 280 280 - 285 200 - 220 190 - 195

355 - 360 435 - 440 400 - 405 280 - 285 260 - 265 255 - 260 190 - 195 190 - 195

310 - 315 355 - 360 340 - 345 280 - 285 220 - 225 250 - 255 220 - 240 220 - 240

345 - 350 435 - 440 395 - 400 285 - 290 270 - 275 275 - 270 200 - 205 200 - 205

345 - 350 435 - 440 395 - 400 285 - 290 265 - 270 200 - 210 125 - 130 160 - 165

345 - 350 425 - 430 395 - 400 285 - 290 255 - 260 245 - 250 200 - 205 200 - 205

Hard White Envelope Cuttings (31) 465 - 470

Hard White Shavings (30)

435 - 440 285 - 290 285 - 290

Coated Soft White Shavings (28) White Ledger, Manifold (41)

White Ledger, Post Consumer (40) 280 - 285

Sorted Office Paper (37) Coated Book Stock (43) New DLK Cuttings (13)

150 - 175 190 - 195

80 - 85

60 -70

75 - 80

70 - 75

90 - 95

90 - 95

65 - 70

Old Corrugated Containers (11) White News Blanks (24) Sorted Residential News (56)

140 - 145 230 - 235

145 - 155 230 - 235

150 - 155 220 - 225

165 -170 220 - 225

145 - 150 245 - 250

160 - 170 245 - 250

150 - 155 225 - 230

40 - 45 80 - 85 85 - 90 90 - 95

40 - 45 80 - 85 85 - 90 30 - 50

30 - 35 75 - 80 80 - 85 85 - 90

40 - 45

80 - 85 85 - 90 85 - 90 90 - 95

40 - 50 45 - 50 85 - 90 90 - 95

70 - 75 85 - 90 85 - 90 90 - 95

Sorted Clean News (58) Boxboard Cuttings (4) Old Magazines (10) Soft Mixed Paper (54)

100 - 110

35 - 40 50 - 55

0 - 5 0 - 5 Your input and feedback on prices is encouraged. Contact Greg Kishbaugh, Editor Phone: (317) 306-1060 Email: recycling@nvpublications.com 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5

Recycling Markets June 22, 2020 5


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