EPA Webinar (Cont’d from Page 1)
Buyer’s Guide CONVEYORS ALLEGHENY SHREDDERS Old William Penn Hwy East • Delmont, PA 15626 (800) 245-2497 • Fax: (724) 468-5919 Website: www.alleghenyshredders.com E-mail: solutions@alleghenyshredders.com HUSTLER CONVEYOR CO. Website: www.hustler-conveyor.com E-mail: info@hustler-conveyor.com MAYFRAN INTERNATIONAL 6650 Beta Dr. (PO Box 43038) • Cleveland, OH 44143 (440) 461-4100 • Fax: (440) 461-5565 4101 Crusher Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 441-8600 • Fax: (636) 441-8611
Alexander spoke next, sharing the outlook for plastics recycling. He said a few goals include increasing domestic demand for recycled plastics, helping prevent “ocean plas- tics” through higher domestic demand and mitigating the reliance on exports. From a local perspective, Sheahan shared what mayors within the U.S. Conference of Mayors are doing to better re- cycling on their level.Although many cities are scaling back or cutting off recycling now, she said that doesn’t mean they want to do that, rather it’s just something that needs to be done right now. “If we could build a more circular economy, where one person’s trash is another person’s treasure, it would be an ideal situation,” she said. Vance spoke about the EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guideline Program (CPG), created to designate items that are or can be made from recovered materials. Right now, there are 61 items within eight categories. He shared more about updating that list and how the EPA plans to do so, and that’s where Janjic’s presentation took over. Since the list hasn’t seen any updates since 2007, Janjic shared how the public and others can offer comment on current CPGs and make suggestions for others.Those com- ments are able to be made through early July, then the EPA will announce any changes. Verso To Idle Two Mills In Upper Midwest Verso Corp., a Miamisburg, Ohio-based North American producer of graphic and specialty papers as well as pack- aging and pulp, plans to indefinitely idle its paper mills in Duluth, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Rapids,Wisconsin, in an effort to offset “unprecedented market decline due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” In January, the company had reported that it was consid- ering ways to dramatically increase the recycled-content board and kraft paper production at the Duluth mill. In a Verso Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing sec- tion on its mill strategy earlier this year, the company said it had “started a conversion into recycled packaging and kraft paper grades, of which we will be producing 90,000 tons [per] year starting in January 2020.A full conversion to make 375,000 tons is being considered.” Verso reported that it is exploring alternatives for both mills, including restarting if market conditions improve,mar- keting for sale or closing the sites permanently.
Website: www.mayfran.com E-mail: info@mayfran.com
SIERRA INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY 1620 E Brundage Ln • Bakersfield CA 93307 (800) 343-8503
Website: www.sierraintl.com E-mail: info@sierraintl.com
VAN DYK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS 78 Halloween Blvd. • Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 967-1100 • Fax: (203) 967-1199 Website: www.vdrs.com Email: info@vdrs.com
HUSTLER CONVEYOR CO. 4101 Crusher Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 441-8600 • Fax: (636) 441-8611 Website: www.hustler-conveyor.com E-mail: info@hustler-conveyor.com SIERRA INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY 1620 E Brundage Ln • Bakersfield CA 93307 (800) 343-8503
Light Bros. Invests In Untha Shredder
Website: www.sierraintl.com E-mail: info@sierraintl.com
Light Bros., a metal recycling specialist based in the U.K., has installed a new Untha shredder to boost its ability to handle refrigerators. The company invested in a four-shaft Untha RS100 e-scrap shredder in order to process 350 re- frigerators per day, collected from civic amenity sites and take-back schemes. Once shredded, the liberated metals, plastics and foams can be segregated and sold for recycling.
VAN DYK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS 78 Halloween Blvd. • Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 967-1100 • Fax: (203) 967-1199 Website: www.vdrs.com Email: info@vdrs.com
8 June 22, 2020 Recycling Markets
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