

AstroYoga 101

those experiences you most want to create in this life. Chakra: 0DQLSXUD6RODU3OH[XV&KDNUD


7KH 0DQLSXUD FKDNUD LV D VSDFH RI SHUVRQDO HPSRZHUPHQW DQG DFWLYDWLRQ,WFRQQHFWV\RXWRWKHVRXUFHRISHUVRQDOSRZHUDQGPR - tivation while helping you conserve and direct your energy with pre- cision. Body Association: +HDG%UDLQDQG9LVLRQ Planetary Ruler: 0DUV 0DUVLVWKHSODQHWRISK\VLFDOPRYHPHQWDQGWKHPRWLYDWLRQ\RX KDYHWRSXUVXH\RXUGHVLUHV0DUVVXSSRUWV$ULHVLQWDNLQJDFWLRQVWR create outcomes in line with your personal vision for life. Suggested Yoga Pose: Sasangasana, rabbit pose Taurus 7DXUXVLVWKHVLJQRILQQHUKHDULQJDQGEHDXW\$VWKH¿[HGVLJQRI earth, it helps sustain and gather abundance and love for yourself and others. Chakra: $QDKDWD+HDUW&KDNUD The Anahata chakra is a space of connection to your- VHOIDQGWKHKHDUWVRIRWKHUEHLQJV,WFRQQHFWV\RXWRWKH force of love and is both generous and protective. Body Association: Jaw and Throat Planetary Ruler: Venus Venus is the planet of beauty, abundance, and what is desirable in life. Venus supports Taurus in sustaining and coalescing what is most desirable for a rich personal experience of life. Suggested Yoga Pose: +DODVDQDSORZSRVH Gemini *HPLQL LV WKH VLJQ RI OHDUQLQJ DQG XQGHUVWDQGLQJ various perspectives. As the mutable sign of air, it helps circulate mental activity so you can understand others while forming your own opinions. Chakra: Vishuddha, Throat Chakra The Vishuddha chakra is a space of learning to both listen and use \RXU RZQ YRLFH ,W FRQQHFWV \RX WR WKH VRXUFH RI SHUVRQDO GLVFHUQ - ment while helping you know and speak your truth. Body Association: 6KRXOGHUV$UPV+DQGVDQG/XQJV Planetary Ruler: 0HUFXU\ 0HUFXU\ LV WKH SODQHW RI WKRXJKW DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ 0HUFXU\ VXSSRUWV*HPLQLLQWKHWKRXJKWIXOLQWHUSUHWDWLRQDQGFRPPXQLFD - tion of experiences in life. Suggested Yoga Pose: *DUXGDVDQDHDJOHSRVH Cancer Cancer is the sign of nurture and deep caring. As the cardinal sign of water, it helps direct imagination and love to build and create a sense of home and family in all the circumstances of life. Chakra: Ajna, Third Eye Chakra The Ajna chakra is a space connecting your personal experience to PRUHXQLYHUVDOOHYHOVRIFRQVFLRXVQHVV,WVKRZV\RXKRZWRGHYHORS your spiritual practices so you always feel connected to the intelli- gence inherent in nature. Body Association: Chest and Stomach Planetary Ruler: 0RRQ 7KH0RRQLVWKHOXPLQDU\DVVRFLDWHGZLWKHPRWLRQLPDJLQDWLRQ DQGPDQLIHVWDWLRQ7KH0RRQVXSSRUWV&DQFHULQWKHDELOLW\WRQXU -

+DYH\RXHYHUSUDFWLFHGDVXQVDOXWHLQ<RJDRURYHUKHDUGDFRQ - versation after Yoga class about what phase the moon is in? Astrology DQG<RJDDUHFRQQHFWHG0DQ\SHRSOHLQWXLWWKLVIDFWEXWIHZPRG - HUQSUDFWLWLRQHUVUHDOL]HWKDWDVWURORJ\DQG<RJDKDYHEHHQOLQNHGIRU thousands of years, and that the AstroYoga connection is much deeper than you might suspect. Like Yoga, astrology is a practice to facilitate exploring the layers of your own consciousness. Through observation and meticulous prac- tice, the Yoga-astrologers of the past understood how astrology relates to the body. These sages saw how the timing of planetary movements had certain correlations in the physical and subtle body. Today, modern understanding of the body has corroborated some of these AstroYoga correlations, with observations such as the in- crease in melatonin related to solar cycles, the cycles of menstruation correlating to the moon, and the aging pro- cess occurring predictably with the timing of Saturn. Yet, many of the subtle-body correlations with AstroYoga are still being explored, because modern science has yet to fully understand every mechanism within the body.

How Does AstroYoga Work? (VVHQWLDOO\ \RXU ELUWK FKDUW LV D PDS RI \RXU OLIH ,W VKRZV\RXZKDWHQHUJHWLFSDWKVWRIROORZWR¿QGVXFFHVV and a purposeful life, as well as how to solve the various challenges that arise. The wonderful thing is, your chart helps you do these things by aligning harmonically with who you truly are. This is where AstroYoga shines: by practicing Yoga appropriate for your astrology chart and what you’d like to have happen in life, you can create the life you want by shifting from the inside-out. Our lives are made up of passages of time. From days to seasons to years, aspects of our lives shift and change,

while some vital parts of our personalities remain intact. Your As- WUR<RJDSUDFWLFHVKRXOGUHÀHFWWKLV²DOZD\VVHOHFWLQJSUDFWLFHVWKDW support who you really are, while taking into account the desires and challenges in various seasons of life. Practicing AstroYoga invites you to step into alignment with your innermost self, as well as with the cycles of time and nature. AstroYoga is the practice where the present moment meets your individual soul. AstroYoga Basics Are you curious about AstroYoga but not sure how to get started? 5HDGRQIRUVRPH$VWUR<RJDEDVLFV You’ll want to begin with the knowledge you already have about your own chart. Consider your sun sign; and if you know other pieces of your chart, like your moon sign or rising sign, consider those as well. A great place to start is by integrating your sun sign or rising sign, since these align you with key aspects of who you are. +HUH¶V D SURWLS IRUJHW ZKDW SRS FXOWXUH VD\V DERXW WKH YDULRXV signs and instead look into their essence to discover their true rele- vance in your life. Following is a brief description of each sign’s energy to help you get started. Aries Aries is the sign of reason and turning your face into the light. As WKHFDUGLQDOVLJQRI¿UHLWKHOSVGLUHFWWKHVSDUNRIOLIHZLWKLQWRZDUG

continued on page 66

PATHWAYS—Winter 22—11

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