
NATURAL LIVING EXPO • WINTER 2022 EXHIBITORS Exploration • Enlightenment • Education • Engagement

pairings & crystals through our VXEVFULSWLRQER[GLYLVLRQ+RPH Cafe Subscription. College Park Psychic 2̆ HULQJSV\FKLFSDOPDQG7DURW FDUGUHDGLQJVDVZHOODVVSHFLDOL] - ing in chakra healing and balancing works with a bio magnetic amethyst crystal healing energy mat. Daring To Dream Now &U\VWDOV*HPVWRQHV *LIWV %HDXWLIXOFU\VWDOVLQYDULRXVIRUPV including jewelry. We have crystal specimens, raw stones, tumbles, spheres, points & towers; plus a variety of carvings such as skulls, dragonheads, hearts, moons, stars and many more. DDB Serenity Blessed Hands LLC &KDLU0DVVDJH7DEOH0DVVDJH )RRW0DVVDJH Della Terra Organics Small batch, organic wellness SURGXFWVPDGHIURPSODQWV ORFDOO\FUDIWHGLQWKH'092XU product line ranges from highly VRXJKWDIWHU5HHI6DIH6XQ6FUHHQ DQG$OO1DWXUDO,QVHFW5HSHOOHQW to Sublingual and Topical Full Spectrum Cannabinoids to Alumi- QXP)UHH'HRGRUDQW DivineSense Wellness Bou- tique & Consulting 'LYLQH6HQVHFRPELQHVZLVGRP IURPWKH%ODFN6SLULWXDO7UDGL - WLRQDQG<RJDWRR̆HUVSLULWXDO  wellness coaching for individuals, health & wellness programs for RUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGDFROOHFWLRQRI natural and eco-friendly care prod- ucts to support overall health and wellbeing. $XWKHQWLF6LQJLQJERZOV0HGLWD - tion supplies and unique gifts from WKHKDQGVRI+LPDOD\DQDUWLVDQ Earth Essentials RVA LLC dba La Amatista Dorjebajra Tibet Shop La Amatista is a small fami- ly-owned business that direct sources amethysts, minerals, jewelry and other natural products IURPRXUKRPHFRXQWU\RI8UXJXD\ All items are fair trade, direct and sustainably sourced or created by

our artisan partners. Edgy Zen Spa Touching your structure and your (1(5*< Eve’s Eden Holistic Health Home Everything healing, holistic and healthy. www.evesedenholistichealthhome. com Faith Hope Enlight 3HW&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,QWXLWLYH 5HDGLQJV 5HLNL Falun Dafa Association of DC We showcase the video of Shen Yun dance and music, and have info and tickets available for future shows. ZZZVKHQ\XQFRPGF Green Leaf Medical, LLC (gLeaf) gLeaf is one of the largest medical FDQQDELVFRPSDQLHVLQ0DU\ - ODQGR̆ HULQJWRSTXDOLW\PHGLFDO SURGXFWVLQFOXGLQJÀRZHUHGLEOHV tinctures, topicals & more. We also R̆ HU)5((KRPHGHOLYHU\DQGGDLO\ deals, state-wide! Visit our website to place your order today! Habeebah’s Herbals +DEHHEDK0XKDPPDG&HUWL¿HG 5HÀH[RORJLVW&HUWL¿HG$URPDWKHU - DSLVW &HUWL¿HG0DVVDJH7KHU - apist in traditional services and 6X¿8QDQLSUHSDUDWLRQ6KHKDVD wholistic line of natural and organ- ic body products that are spiritu- ally heart created and righteously PDGH³,W¶V$ERXW&KHPLVWU\DQG Creativity.” Hello Wellness A collection of therapeutic natural & organic body, skin & hair care products made with high-quali- ty ingredients that support your health and wellness. Our collection includes products created to relieve pain, dry skin, stress, and more. ,DPD5HLNL0DVWHUZKRSURYLGHV 5HLNLVHVVLRQVWRSURPRWHEDODQFH and healing while also provid- ing tools to support that, such as *HPVWRQH-HZHOU\$UWLVDQVDQG :HOOQHVVLWHPVWKURXJK+RXVHRI $GRQLV%OXH House of Adonis Blue

The following mind-body-spirit-eco businesses are participating in our Winter Expo. This is subject to change. The final Expo program will be available on the Winter Expo page of our website:

printed pictures, plus comprehen- sive Aura Care Package available ZLWK6SLULWXDO5HDGLQJIRU/LJKW

African Earthin’Wear Products for your body from the 0RWKHUODQG AK Aveksha $.$YHNVKDDQG%DQLVWHU$WKOHWLFV 3UHVHQW7KH*UHHQ/RWXV6RFLHW\ ,QWHJUDWLYH0RELOH&OLQLF ,0&  serving on site education and nat- ural ways to soothe aging, chronic, and athletic pain. Accessible and D̆ RUGDEOH$\XUYHGD6LGGKD1HX - $OLFH$OLFMD-RQHVR̆ HUV6SLULWXDO DQG3DVW/LIH5HDGLQJVFRQQHFW - LQJZLWK\RXU+LJKHU6HOI6RXUFH Angels, Archangels, and Ascended 0DVWHUVLQYHVWLJDWLQJ6RXOSDWK UHODWLRQVKLSVDQG$NDVKLF5HFRUGV A contemporary clothing line that fuses the eccentric patterns of West $IULFDZLWKWKHÀDLURI$PHULFDQ culture. A clothing line that focuses on creating looks and timeless pieces that is not just for Africans in the diaspora, but for everyone who adores color and dresses to be unique and bold. Any Lab Test Now® — Dunn Loring *HWDQ\WHVW\RXZDQWDQGQRQHHG WRVHHWKHGRFWRU¿UVWDVZHVXSSO\ the order. Any Lab Test Now® provides direct-to-patient clinical laboratory testing for blood, urine, '1$DQGGUXJ DOFRKRODQDO\VLV without needing a doctor’s order! Freedom and Privacy! ZZZDQ\ODEWHVWQRZFRPIDLU - ID[ Authentically Holistic URNLQHWLFVDQG0RUH Alice Jones AnnaTeiko Designs 6WRSE\WRVHHKRZ4XDQWXP%LR - IHHGEDFN7HFKQRORJ\'HYLFHVFDQ promote relaxation, restoration, and energetic balance to the body’s physiological systems, which ultimately encourages a holistic lifestyle transformation. ZZZ$XWKHQWLFDOO\+ROLVWLFFRP Avillion Aura Imaging Pho- tography $XUD,PDJLQJ3KRWRJUDSK\ZLWK 3RODURLGSKRWRRI+HDUW&KDNUD 9LEUDWLRQV&KDNUD5HSRUWZLWK

%RG\([SDQVLRQ Bambootopia

%DPERRWRSLDLVDSURGXFWDQGVHU - YLFHEXVLQHVVR̆ HULQJWKHKHDOWK\ EHQH¿WVDQGZHOOQHVVRIEDPERR :HR̆ HUEDPERRFROODJHQWHD hydrating facial toner, soft bamboo socks, smooth foot rollers, bamboo ZDONLQJVWLFNV',<EDPERRSLHFHV DPSDPSPRLVWXUL]LQJEDPERR soap. Be Well with Nikki // Spiritual Medium Rhonda - Soul Portraits Your area resident & global Subcon- scious Program Eraser, Wellness & /LIH*XLGH 7UDQVFHQGDQFH&DWD - lyst using the power of science and woo woo to help you become more RIZKR\RXDUHVR\RXFDQIXO¿OO your Soul’s Creative Purpose. 5KRQGDLVDQ(YLGHQWLDO3V\FKLF 0HGLXPDQG6SLULW*XLGHG$UWLVW 6KHEOHQGV$UW0XVLFDQG0H - diumship while channeling only the highest vibrations to create a SHUVRQDOL]HGUHDGLQJH[SHULHQFH 2̆ HULQJ3V\FKLFDQG0HGLXPVKLS readings and One-Of-A-Kind Soul Portraits. Black Star Jewelry +DQGFUDIWHGRQHRIDNLQGVSLULWXDO MHZHOU\ZLWKUHDOJHPVWRQHV4XDUW] Crystal meditation implements. Fine-tooled sterling silver jewelry ZLWKJHPVWRQHV+DQGPDGHFORWK - ing. Brand Art Yoga Authentic handmade products and unique decoration to promote cre- ativity, spirituality and meditation. The Alchimyst component shop — potions and powders, everything you need. 'RULJKWEURVFRP Coffee Karma Cafe We sell organic reishi mushroom FR̆ HHWHDDQGKRWFRFRDDVZHOODV ÀDYRUHGFRFRQXWRLOFUHDPHUV:H DOVRR̆ HUDQDUUD\RIFR]\FRPIRUW Charm City Alchemy

32—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

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