
NATURAL LIVING EXPO • WINTER 2022 EXHIBITORS Exploration • Enlightenment • Education • Engagement

harmony back into your body and life. The Solarium Archive ,SOD\ZLWKEUHDWKLQJZHDYLQJOLIH into my work making it more than just something strong but making it multidimensional body art that feeds soul and spirit. KWWSDIURJ\SV\MHZHOU\VTXDUH VLWH Solutions For You Prepare for the New Year! Clear out stagnant, indoor air and surface contamination with ActivePure, proven to reduce airborne and sur- face viruses, mold, fungus, bacteria DQGPRUHE\7KHQGULQN negatively charged, alkaline water for better hydration, free radical protection and increased energy! KWWSVYROODUDFRPFRWWRQ Sonja Secrets Aromatherapy & Wellness +ROLVWLF+HDOLQJDQG$\XUYHGLF 0HGLFLQH SoulConX 6RXO&RQ;R̆ HUVDRQHVWRSVKRSIRU authentic holistic practitioners and SURJUDPV:HR̆ HUHPSRZHUPHQW coaching, psychic mediumship, Tar- ot, energy healing, past-life regres- sion, and more to help you live your purpose. 6XN\R0DKLNDULSURYLGHVIUHH PLQXWHHQHUJ\VHVVLRQV0DQ\ ¿QGWKHHQHUJ\WREHUHOD[LQJDQG rejuvenating for the soul, mind, and body. Some achieve better clarity and sense of purpose in their lives. SunPsychic Jean SunPsychic Jean is a Psychic 0HGLXPZKRIDFLOLWDWHVFRQQHFWLRQ with your loved ones and pets who have transitioned, with your Spirit *XLGHV$QJHOVDQGRWKHU+LJK9L - EUDWLRQDO%HLQJVWRDVVLVWZLWK\RXU personal and spiritual growth. ZZZVXQSV\FKLFMHDQFRP Sukyo Mahikari Susan Lynn’s Mediumlink Susan Lynne is a gifted psychic PHGLXPZLWKRYHU\HDUVRI experience. She uses all the clairs, angels, astrology, Tarot, numerolo- gy, spirit guides, and dream inter- pretation. Available for readings, FRQVXOWDWLRQV&'VDQGRWKHUJLIW items for sale.

self-mastery. 'DKOLD&RUGREDLVDTXDGUXSOHFHU - WL¿HG5HLNL0DVWHU7HDFKHUDQGDQ ordained Priestess initiated in the RUGHURI0HOFKL]HGHN OM Ayurvedic Skin Rejuvena- tion//OM Botanical 6WRSE\WKH20%RWDQLFDOERRWK and experience a paradigm shift with uniquely superior products of- fering fast visible results. Skin care the way it should be: unbleached, XQSURFHVVHGLQFUHGLEO\H̆ HFWLYH DQG\HWQDWXUDO0DGHZLWK full spectrum (whole) organically grown botanical ingredients, these PXOWLIXQFWLRQDOSURGXFWVR̆ HUD simple two-step regimen. %UXFHDQG0LQG\WUDYHOIXOOWLPH LQDIUXLWDQGYHJJLHZUDSSHG59 dubbed “The Wellness Wagon” providing unbiased nutritional educational programs for medical SURIHVVLRQDOV¿WQHVVSURIHVVLRQDOV and health coaches. KWWSVRQHGD\WRZHOOQHVVRUJ Red Carpet Remodeling A small, female operated company VSHFLDOL]LQJLQURR¿QJVLGLQJZLQ - GRZVDQGGRRUV:HR̆ HUIUHHHV - WLPDWHVDQG¿QDQFLQJLVDYDLODEOH :HDUHOLFHQVHGLQ0''&DQG9$ Relax Saunas 5HOD[6DXQDVGLVWULEXWHVIDULQ - IUDUHGUD\ ),5 SRUWDEOHVDXQDV DQG),5PHGLFDOODPSVWRGHQ - tal & medical professionals who UHFRJQL]HWKDW5HOD[6DXQDVKHOS improve and maintain health and increase core body temperature. Shakti Warrior is an eco-conscious <RJDEUDQGR̆ HULQJFRUNKHPS and natural rubber Yoga mats, accessories and more! Shelly’s Traveling Rock Shop ,VHOOVRPHRIWKHPRVWEHDXWLIXO tumbled stones you will ever see! ,ZRUNZLWKDPDVWHUJHRORJLVW who hand selects rough rock from around the world. ZZZIDFHERRNFRPVKHOO\VURFN - shop SNS Wellness 0HUJLQJZHOOQHVVFRDFKLQJHQHUJ\ healing, hypnosis & oils to bring SHAKTI WARRIOR

Third Eye Candles 5HLNLLQIXVHGFDQGOHVDQGJLIWVIRU healing and meditation, including &KDNUD+HDOLQJFDQGOHV0RWKHU %OHVVLQJFDQGOHVDQGHQHUJ\FOHDU - LQJVSUD\V+DQGFUDIWHGZLWKORYH and intention to bring you healing whenever you need it, wherever you are. Tibet Sky Emporium A social entrepreneurship focused on handcrafted and fair trade Tibet- DQ+LPDOD\DQHWKQLFLWHPVDQGMHZ - elry, felted Christmas ornaments and scarfs. ZZZIDFHERRNFRP7LEHWVN\HPSR - ULXP Total U &RSSHU-HZHOU\&U\VWDOV*HPVDQG 0LQHUDOV Touch n Heal 7RXFK1+HDOWKHUDSLHVDUHGH - signed to manage pain & illness in a natural approach, with long-lasting UHVXOWVDQGQRVLGHH̆ HFWVDQG have taken a step ahead by com- bining various techniques such as Pyramid, Water and Color thera- py (PWC Therapy). This helps in Chakra-balancing, thus eliminating a myriad of health-issues. Valley of Gems :HR̆ HUJHPVFU\VWDOVUDUHPLQ - eral specimens, healing stones, and our own handmade jewelry using unusual and beautiful minerals, gemstones and crystals set in ster- ling silver. ZZZHWV\FRPVKRS9DOOH\2I - *HPV6KRS Wilde Lake Botanicals An all natural and organic herbal products business committed to producing high quality herbal prod- ucts without the use of chemical preservatives or synthetic fragranc- es. YOLO Health and Wellness An online wellness platform and resource for people who embrace a holistic lifestyle. We create plant- based products that are not only better for your home and your skin, but better for your health and the planet.

Indigo Moon $ORFDOEXVLQHVVIRURYHU\HDUV ,QGLJR0RRQVHOOVXQLTXHZDUHV IURPWKHH[RWLFODQGVRI,QGLD Thailand and Nepal. You can shop their clothes, tapestries and jewelry at local festivals and markets. Innov8tive Posh +HOSLQJ\RXWREHDQGIHHO)$%8 - /286IURPWKH,QVLGH2873URYLG - ing a full line of skincare products for the body, face, hands and feet. Also, get all your nutritional supple- PHQWVLQ:($5$%/(3$7&+(6 Irigenics Ancestral Eye Read- ing 'LVFRYHUWKHDPD]LQJWUHDVXUHPDS your ancestors left you with an ,ULJHQLFV$QFHVWUDO(\H5HDGLQJ Purchase any of the award-winning bestselling books and journals in 7KH$QFHVWRUV:LWKLQ %RRN6HULHV for Christmas gifts for the family. KWWSV,ULJHQLFVFRP Mara Berman Psychic, Light Meditations 0DUD¶V3V\FKLFLQIRUPDWLRQLV derived from Aura colors, light sources using twelve dimensional rings, starseed energy, and the HQHUJ\ÀRZRIWKHYRUWH[5HDGLQJV involve Tarot cards, palmistry, and psychology to decipher complex questions. Nadia Kim - Truth in Light Coaching and Healing 0LQGVHWFRDFKLQJDQGHQHUJ\ZRUN New Dawn Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine 1HZ'DZQEOHQGVDQFLHQWDQG modern diagnostic tools to treat the cause of disease, thereby reducing and eliminating symptoms. Come and experience this process and learn how to improve your health! New Earth Flowers Photography, books, note cards containing the energy vibration of new consciousness. KWWS.DULQ(GJHWWDUW Blue Nyle Therapy with Dahlia Rose Nyle is an Occupational Therapist with a speciality in holistic manual therapies that consider the mind- body-spirit interplay. Nyle works with individual clients but also leads trainings to assist lightwork- ers, healers, and therapists on the path to full embodiment and

PATHWAYS—Winter 22—33

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