Pathways Expo Workshops bring mind-body-spirit-eco topics to life! Our speakers represent some of the best and brightest in their fields.
10:30 PM
11:30 PM
A Holistic Approach to Better Health Neelam Sethi Touch N Heal therapies are designed to manage pain & illness in a natural approach, with long-lasting results and no side-effects, and have taken a step ahead by combining various techniques such as Pyramid, Water and Color Therapy.
The Essence of Multidimensional Living Found in Flowers Karin Edgett I will be teaching how to make your own flower es- sences and reveal their secret gifts of updated energy that we can all use to heal and transform.
Experience the Light! Bruce McBarnette
Holiday Hustle Reboot Rachel Hartenstein Feeling the stress of the season? Join energy healer and meditation coach Rachel Hartenstein for a moment of peace and tranquility in the midst of the holiday season hustle. Enjoy a deeply restor- ative meditation to clear your mind and recharge your body and soul so you can move through your days with ease, no matter what may come.
Meditation With Light and Auras Mara Berman Meet your angels and spir- itual guides in an experien- tial meditation. Learn aura cleaning and chakra clearing. Experience the comfort of nourishing white light and twelve dimensional rings infused with light splashing down on your aura. Feel com- fortable in your own energy.
Practitioners from Sukyo Mahikari will discuss how the “light” energy works and provide free 10 minute sessions for the participants. Many find the light to be re- juvenating for the soul, mind, and body.
12:30 PM
A Wholesome Approach to Soothing Pain — Ayurveda, Siddha and Neurokinetic Systems Adhithyan Krishnan A thorough integrative discussion on natural and wholesome ways to soothe pain from an integra- tive lens of modern practices rooted in over 7,000 years of Ayurveda and Siddha systems of Health.
Resolve For Alignment This New Year Shannon Smith Each year we make resolutions, but many of them don’t work. This year will be different! Let’s talk about why that is, what needs to change, and why one simple resolution of alignment is really what you need.
Heal From Within — Using Biofeedback Technology to Achieve Optimal Health and Wellness Audra Woodley Biofeedback is a technique used to learn to con- trol some of the body’s functions. Through use of Biofeedback Technology Devices, we are able to determine physiological parameters, get to the core of disturbances, and redirect the course of our health towards a holistic lifestyle.
1:30 PM
Draw Your Dream & Manifest Nicole Batiste
Let’s Set Mind, Body, Spirit Intentions for 2023 Lindsey Van Wagner Lindsey guides you through a process of raising self-awareness, identifying unhealthy habits, & moving towards more balance. Leave inspired, motivated, & ready for the NewYear with more clarity & compassion.
101 Ways To Transition To A Plant-based Diet Bruce and Mindy Mylrea
Bring your dreams out of your head, make them reality. We’re tapping into the creative side using the DrawYour Future™ process to reconnect with yourself & what you truly want so it can be manifested.
Bruce has jam-packed this lecture with simple behavioral change strategies and nutritional tips to help your clients overcome their negative di- etary habits and transition to a healthier lifestyle.
34—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
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