

— 11 — Pathways Winter Expo & Online Marketplace, DP SP6LOYHU6SULQJ&LYLF&HQ - WHU6LOYHU6SULQJ0'&RPH support 75 local businesses by shopping locally & virtually. Spend your money & time with purpose & intention to keep resources in the communities where we live and work. Attend ZRUNVKRSVWKDWFHOHEUDWH and heal our minds, bodies, spir- its and environment as we move IRUZDUGLQWRDGYDQFH SXUFKDVHRQOLQHDQGGD\RI HYHQWZLWK2̆ FRXSRQIUHH indoor parking, accessible by the 0HWUR6LOYHU6SULQJVWRSRQWKH 5HG/LQHZZZSDWKZD\VSUR - The Awakening Soul , 11am SP,QSHUVRQVSLULWXDOGLV - cussion of 7KH$ZDNHQLQJ6RXO . +RZFDQ\RXHPEUDFH\RXUWUXH destiny as Soul? Join us every QG6XQGD\DWWKH1RUWKHUQ Virginia ECK Center for stimu- lating spiritual conversation! All guests will receive a free book while supplies last. Contact: Jan Whiteley, spiritualdiscus-

6PLOH+HUE6KRSVPLOHKHUEDO - LVW#JPDLOFRP — 4 — Holly Jolly Block Party, SP SP*HWKROO\MROO\ZLWK\RXU QHLJKERUVDORQJWKHEORFN of P Street NW in Logan Cir- FOHRQ6DWXUGD\VLQ'HFHPEHU Come for the cookies and hot cider and stay for the music from local musicians and to say hi to 6DQWD6&+('8/(6DWXUGD\ 300XVLFDOJXHVW '&6WULQJV6DW30 0XVLFDOJXHVW$DURQ0\HUV6DW 0XVLFDOJXHVW*D\0HQ¶V &KRUXVRI'&$VSHFLDOWKDQN you to our generous sponsors: Vida Fitness, Number 9 Trade Commissary, Logan Tavern, Stoney’s on P, Logan Circle Community Association. On )DFHERRNZZZIDFHERRNFRP HYHQWV "UHI QHZVIHHG 2UJDQL]HGE\'LVWULFW%ULGJHV /RJDQ&LUFOH0DLQ6WUHHWPL - FKHOH#GLVWULFWEULGJHVRUJZZZ

Stay educated, enlightened and engaged all season long with these offerings from the Pathways Community. To see these events and more, visit our interactive ONLINE CALENDAR up- dated regularly throughout the quarter. Be sure to tell them you saw them in Pathways!

Have an event to promote? Calendar listings are just $5 per listing, and accepted any time to run online. Contact us for more information:

VLOYHUVSULQJRÀLJKW#JPDLOFRP ZZZPHGLXPVK - — 3 — Foundations of Herbalism &HUWL¿FDWLRQ&RXUVH DP SPRQOLQH,QWULJXHGE\KHUEV" &RPHMRLQXVDWWKH0LG$WODQWLF 6FKRRORI+HUEDOLVP 0$6+  DQGH[SORUHWKHPDQ\EHQH¿WVRI herbal plant medicine. The herb- DOLVWVDW0$6+KDYHDFRPELQHG experience of working with plant PHGLFLQHRIPRUHWKDQ\HDUV and we are passionate about sharing the wonders of herbal medicine with our students. To UHJLVWHUZZZHYHQWEULWHFRPR smile-herb-shop-the-natural- ZD\WRKHDO


 Psychic Protection & Spiritual Hygiene Work- shop via Zoom , two weekend PRUQLQJVDPSP (67 'R\RXIHHOOLNHDSV\ - chic sponge who absorbs the emotions and feelings of others DURXQG\RX"'R\RXIHHOOLNH\RX are a target of negativity or other people’s manipulations? This hands-on workshop provides a plethora of techniques to shield and protect yourself from undue SV\FKLFLQÀXHQFHV)RULQIRDQG to register: www.mediumsha- PDQGFFRPSV\FKLFSURWHFWLRQ /HGE\.RQVWDQ]D0RUQLQJ6WDU

Explore the Divine Wisdom Within You!

The Awakening Soul

Sunday, December 11, 2022, 11am–12pm (In-Person) Embrace your destiny as Soul. This spiritual discussion will explore some clues found in The Awakening Soul . Mention this ad at the meeting to receive a free copy of the book (while supplies last.) Other topics will be covered every 2 nd Sunday at the Northern 9LUJLQLD(&.&HQWHU 0HUUL¿HOG 2OG/HH +LJKZD\6XLWH)DLUID[9$

For more information about Eckankar events, please call 703-916-0515 or visit our website at Events are free and open to the public Sponsored by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom 7KHYLGHR±³<RX$UHD&XSIRUWKH/LYLQJ:DWHU´±ZLOOEH followed by an opportunity to share your experiences and DVNTXHVWLRQV$GLIIHUHQWPLQXWHYLGHRLVVKRZQ every 2 nd Wednesday . :ULWHVSLULWXDOGLVFXVVLRQV#JPDLOFRP for the Zoom link and future topics. Timeless Wisdom to Address Life’s Challenges Wednesday, December 14, 2022, 7 – 8 pm (On Zoom)

38—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

Pathways Ad-Winter 2022.indd 1

11/8/22 9:35 AM

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