-DQWKURXJK)HESP SP³'U(EHQ$OH[DQGHU¶V near-death experience is the PRVWDVWRXQGLQJ,KDYHKHDUGLQ almost four decades of studying WKLVSKHQRPHQRQ+HLVOLYLQJ SURRIRIDQDIWHUOLIH´5D\PRQG 0RRG\0'3K'/HGE\'HQLVH +RUWRQ3K''LUHFWRU3,/ - *5,0$*($&HQWHU)RU6SLUL - WXDO+HDOLQJGUGHQLVHKRUWRQ# — 14 — Beginning Medium- ship Workshop via Zoom , DPSP2SHQXS your natural ability to communi- cate with the spirit world. Learn the fundamentals of medium- ship, experience spirit contact, learn how to nurture your gift ZLWK.RQVWDQ]D0RUQLQJ6WDU &HUWL¿HG0HGLXP6SLULWXDOLVW Teacher and Author. Also from $0WR30(67RQ -DQXDU\7RUHJ - ister: www.mediumshamandc. FRPEHJLQQLQJPHGLXPVKL .RQVWDQ]D0RUQLQJ6WDUVLO - YHUVSULQJRÀLJKW#JPDLOFRP ZZZPHGLXPVK -
when your brain has thoughts of worry, blame, anger, shame, regret, or any other painful feelings that keep you stuck in patterns of self-sabotage? 7KH'D\7KRXJKW'HWR[LVD virtual coaching challenge where you’ll work through the thought patterns that keep you stuck. ,QFOXGHV/,9(JURXSFRDFKLQJ FDOOVHDFKGD\DWSP(67 ,QQRYDWLYHPRGHOVDQGKDQGV on exercises; Worksheets and guides for in-depth practice. “After all these years of spiri- WXDOVHHNLQJ,FDQ¿QDOO\VD\ WKDW,NQRZ+2:WREHKDSS\ thanks to my work with Shawn.” Cindy Shuart. To register: www. 6KDZQPDKVKLHOSDJHVFRGD\ - FKDOOHQJHMDQ7KULYH7KLV - 7LPH//&VKDZQPDKVKLH# JPDLOFRPZZZ — 12 — Proof of Heaven: A Book Discussion Group SP SP 3URRIRI+HDYHQ$ 1HXURVXUJHRQ¶V-RXUQH\LQWR WKH$IWHUOLIH by Eben Alexander, 0'$ERRNGLVFXVVLRQJURXS meeting 4 Thursdays beginning
— 18 — Mediumship Development Circle, 8 weeks via Zoom , SPSP7KLVPHGLXP - ship circle provides participants with the ongoing opportunity to practice their ability to connect with the spirit world and receive evidential information from that realm. Each meeting includes an exercise, meditation, connection with the spirit world, sharing with others and receiving valida- WLRQDQGIHHGEDFN:HGQHVGD\ HYHQLQJVIURPSPWRDERXW SP7RUHJLVWHUZZZPHGL - XPVKDPDQGFFRPFLUFOHLQVLO - ver-spring-md. .RQVWDQ]D0RUQLQJ6WDUVLO - YHUVSULQJRÀLJKW#JPDLOFRP ZZZPHGLXPVK - Intro to Biodynam- ic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) unfolds new vistas in practitioner awareness and KLJKHUOHYHOVRIFOLQLFDOH̆ HFWLYH - ness, helping support the body’s LQQDWHDELOLW\WR¿QGEDODQFHDQG KHDO,QVWUXFWRU0LNH'XJJDQ 3RWRPDF0DVVDJH7UDLQ - LQJ,QVWLWXWHZZZ307,RUJ
Acupressure: A PMTI Free )ULGD\V2̆ HULQJ SP SP/HDUQVLPSOHWHFKQLTXHV to reduce stress, alleviate pain, & enhance well-being. Led by $OLVRQ%DELO3RWRPDF0DVVDJH 7UDLQLQJ,QVWLWXWHZZZ307, org — 9 — Modern Cupping Therapy (MCT) uses various types of cupping equipment to lift the tissue with applied VXFWLRQR̆ HULQJUHOLHIIURPSDLQ LQÀDPPDWLRQDQGVWUHVVUHOLHI <RXPD\HQUROOLQDGD\IXQ - damentals course or 4 full days IRUFHUWL¿FDWLRQLQWKHUDSHXWLF FXSSLQJ3RWRPDF 0DVVDJH7UDLQLQJ,QVWLWXWH ZZZ307,RUJ — 10 — A David Bowie Val- entine Weekend QLJKWVDW WKH3LH6KRS'&IHDWXULQJORFDO bands performing their favorite
Creative Energy Workshops Drumming, Sound Bath, Meditation, Creating Soul Reading Drawings, Intuitive Dance and Light Language
Individual Sessions or Trades: Reiki, Access Bars, (IET) Integrated Energy Therapy, and Intuitive Spiritual Readings EXPAND, EVOLVE, AND ELEVATE A 5-week fast track program for those who want to tap into your own intuition, inner guidance and gifts to upgrade themselves on their spiritual journey. Mondays & Thursdays: 6 pm–10 pm • Sundays: 10 am–10 pm Located in the City of Fairfax
Call or Text 571-451-5599
40—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
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