%RZLHWXQHV)RUWLFNHWVDQG more info: ZZZSLHVKRSGFFRP — 11 — Dream Workshop via Zoom, 2-days, DP SPERWKGD\V,QWKLV unique experiential workshop you are going to learn and apply a variety of modalities to crack the code of what your dreams are trying to convey. We are also going to work as a group with each other’s dreams so you will get plenty of practice with dream interpretation. Wheth- er you have a dream that has you stumped, a nightmare that makes you dread bedtime, or whether you just want to learn how to receive better guidance from your dreams, at the end of the workshop you will have the tools that you need. No prior
]D0RUQLQJ6WDUVLOYHUVSULQJRÀL - JKW#JPDLOFRP MARCH — 18 — Project Knitwell 2023 Knit- athon - Knit for Good! DP - 7pm. We will come together WRVXSSRUWRXUQRQSUR¿WH̆ RUWV with a fun day of Zoom presen- tations focused on knitting for wellness, comfort, and commu- nity. We hope this day will help experienced and new knitters learn more about the therapeutic EHQH¿WVRINQLWWLQJ7KLVHYHQW will be a fundraiser based on the number of minutes you plan to knit during this day-long event. Project Knitwell, www.project-
WUDQVPLVVLRQWKH0DVWHUVRI Wisdom direct energies from the spiritual planes through the energy centers (chakras) of the PHPEHUVLQDKLJKO\VFLHQWL¿F manner. This process makes the energies more useful to humanity, and other kingdoms in nature, similar to electrical WUDQVIRUPHUV,WLVIUHHDQGZLOO enhance other spiritual prac- WLFHV)RUDQ,QWURGXFWRU\7DON ZLWKWKH0HGLWDWLRQLQTXLUHDW LQIRVH#VKDUHLQWHUQDWLRQDOXV ZZZWUDQVPLV - Adams Morgan Farmers Market , Saturdays, DPSP :DVKLQJWRQ'&(YHU\6DWXUGD\ VWDUWLQJ-XQHWKURXJK'H - FHPEHUDPSPDW8QLW\ 3OD]D DFURVVIURP7KH/LQH +RWHO&ROXPELD5GDQG(XFOLG 6W:'& 6XVWDLQDEO\JURZQ D̆ RUGDEO\SULFHGIUXLWVYHJJLHV PRUHIURPRXUIDUP5$,125
UPCOMING Pathways Spring Natural Living Expo DP SP+LOWRQ0F/HDQ7\VRQV &RUQHU0F/HDQ9$-RLQ H[KLELWRUVDQGZRUNVKRSV for exploration, enlightenment, education and engagement at the premiere mind-body-spirit-eco HYHQWRIWKH'09DGYDQFH SXUFKDVHRQOLQHDQGGD\RI HYHQWZLWK2̆ FRXSRQIUHH parking and food trucks on site. Exhibitor inquiries: natural- OLYLQJH[SR#JPDLOFRPZZZ ONGOING A Meditation To Help The World, SPRQOLQH7UDQV - PLVVLRQ0HGLWDWLRQLVERWKD world service and the most po- tent technique of personal devel- RSPHQWDYDLODEOHWRGD\'XULQJ
Unroll your mat with Grace. Your local studio for yoga, Pilates®, strength, yoga teacher training & workshops with 30+ in-studio & livestream classes. experience is necessary. To reg- ister: www.mediumshamandc. FRPGUHDPZRUNVKRS.RQVWDQ -
Your First Class is FREE! Our mission at Grace. is to offer a wide variety of classes and programs that will nurture every mind and body in a welcoming, supportive environment. Located in the heart of downtown Silver Spring, we are dedicated to serving our community and creating a sense of inclusiveness.
8435 Georgia Ave, 2nd Floor / Silver Spring, MD 20910 / nd Floor / Silver Spring, MD 20910 /
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—41
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