

are awaiting our readiness to do the required work for peace, jus- tice, and right human relations so they can step forward without LQIULQJLQJRXUIUHHZLOO6KDUH,Q - WHUQDWLRQDO86$ZZZVKDUHLQ - WHUQDWLRQDOXV(QG$OO:DU You Are a Cup for the Living Water, SP SP-RLQXVIRU DQXSOLIWLQJPLQXWHYLGHR talk and follow-on discussion that can help unravel some of WKHP\VWHULHVRIOLIH(YHU\QG :HGQHVGD\IURPSP5693 WRVSLULWXDOGLVFXVVLRQV#JPDLO com for the Zoom invite. Eckan- NDURI1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQLD ZZZHFNYDRUJ

Eckankar of Northern Virginia: ZZZHFNYDRUJ WANTED: All people of goodwill. To aid in the rescue of the human family, join the network of light around the ZRUOG3UD\PHGLWDWHIRUSHDFH justice, and freedom; Support peace, economic and social justice and freedom for all by any means possible; Spread this message: For millennia, human- ity has been guided and inspired by a group of highly evolved individuals, and the World Teacher. They have worked ceaselessly from behind the scenes to inspire right action and

Diva Dannett say: “Every client is a

blessing and I have something for every diva. The boutique offers spa treatments, jewelry, make-up, cosmetics, detox and weight loss. For divas looking to add to their boss life I offer notary services and Divas at work opportunities for passive income.”

Diva Dannett’s Boutique 5618a Saint Barnabas Road Oxon Hill, MD 20745


Channels St. Germain and The Council of Light Astrological Consultant and Medical Intuitive

The Gatekeeper is the producer/director of the play that your soul wrote before you came into this lifetime.

P.O. Box 1052, Lander, WY 82520 307-335-8113 Group, Private & Phone Sessions Available

Our May 2023 Intensive is: Faith is the Key to the Inner Kingdom . It will be May 12, 13 and 14, 2023. Our Personal Growth with St. Germain continues. FAITH and FEELINGS will Bring You Home to Self beginning January 2023. Call Molly for more info. Check our website for more info on all activities.

PATHWAYS—Winter 22—43

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