
CULTIVATING COMPASSION A Trip to The Slaughterhouse BY MILTON R. MILLS, MD; EDITED BY CAM MACQUEEN $ VODXJKWHUKRXVH LQ %HUNHOH\" , ZDV VXUSULVHG ³7KH\ FRXOGQ¶W KDYHVRPHWKLQJOLNHWKDWJRLQJRQLQWKHPLGGOHRIDFLW\´,WKRXJKW %XW WKH\ GLG :LWK DQ H\H WRZDUGV FRQYLQFLQJ SHRSOH WKDW DQ unsanitary slaughtering process is one of the many reasons meat HDWLQJ LV XQKHDOWK\ , GHFLGHG WR VHH IRU P\VHOI ZKDW KDSSHQV LQ D slaughterhouse. ,VHWRXWIRU%HUNHOH\GHWHUPLQHGWRGRDVWHDOWK\H[SRV « of what , EHOLHYHG ZRXOG EH D GLUW\ DQG PHVV\ SURFHVV , SDUNHG LQ IURQW RI 0F'HUPRWW¶V0HDW&RPSDQ\WKLQNLQJWKDWWKHEXLOGLQJZDVQRWZKDW ,KDGH[SHFWHG,WZDVDUDWKHUXQLPSRVLQJVWUXFWXUHQRWSDUWLFXODUO\ ODUJHQRLPDJLQDWLYHGHVLJQMXVWDIXQFWLRQDOER[$V,SXWRQRYHUDOOV DQGDSDLURIROGVKRHV,ZRQGHUHGZKDW,ZRXOGVHHLQVLGH%ORRGDQG JRUH" *LDQW PDFKLQHV" :KDW" , FURVVHG WKH VWUHHW DQG LQVWLQFWLYHO\ DYRLGHG WKH IURQW Ṙ FH DQG KHDGHG IRU WKH IDFWRU\ LWVHOI , KXUULHG WKURXJK WKH JDWH DWWHPSWLQJ WR ORRN DV WKRXJK , NQHZ ZKHUH , ZDV going, and almost bumped into a young man wearing a blood stained apron and one of those little white hardhats the meat guys at Safeway ZHDU³&DQ,KHOS\RX"´KHDVNHG³:HOO\HV´,VWDPPHUHG³8K,ZDQW WRWDNHDWRXURIWKHVODXJKWHUKRXVHZKRGR,VHH"´³,¶P\RXUPDQ´ KHUHSOLHG7KH\RXQJPDQLQWURGXFHGKLPVHOIDV-LP0F'HUPRWWD member of the family that owned the plant. Jim not only agreed to let me see the plant, but volunteered to show me around. “What a nice JX\´,WKRXJKW²QRWDWDOOOLNHZKDW,KDGH[SHFWHG First, he showed me the holding pens in the back of the plant where hundreds of cows stood around, oblivious to what was happening LQVLGH)URPWKHSHQVWKHFRZVZHUHKHUGHGVLQJOH¿OHLQWRDFKXWH that led into the slaughterhouse. As the animals entered the chute, they caught the scent of blood and began to bellow and tried to back out. The expression on their faces was not just fear, it was absolute, desperate terror. They looked at me with a wild-eyed stare that seemed WRVD\³+HOSPH´EXW,FRXOGQ¶W,WZDVWKHQWKDW,EHJDQWRH[SHULHQFH DFUHHSLQJVHQVHRIKHOSOHVVQHVVDQGPRUWL¿FDWLRQ A series of gates in the chute allowed only one cow at a time to move ahead, and they were forced forward by repeated applications RIDFDWWOHSURG7KH¿QDOVWRSZDVMXVWLQVLGHWKHVODXJKWHUKRXVHDQG looked like a giant, three-sided concrete bathtub with a left wall made of steel. This was the stunning pen; it could hold only one animal at a time. Standing on a platform overlooking the pen was a big, pot- bellied, menacing-looking man with a steel cylinder about fourteen LQFKHVORQJLQKLVKDQG7KLVGHYLFHZDVD³VWXQJXQ´LWKDGD¿YH inch rod protruding from its front end. When a cow was secured in the pen, the man would push the rod in and place an explosive charge LQWKHUHDURIWKHF\OLQGHU+HZRXOGWKHQOHDQRYHUWKHDQLPDODQG SODFHWKHIURQWRIWKHF\OLQGHURQWKHFRZ¶VIRUHKHDGDQGVTXHH]HWKH WULJJHU%$1*:LWKDORXGVLFNHQLQJFUDFNWKHURGSXQFKHGDKROH ¿YHLQFKHVGHHSWKURXJKWKHFRZ¶VVNXOOLQWRKHUEUDLQ7KHVWXQQHG DQLPDO ZRXOG FROODSVH DQG WKH VWHHO ZDOO RI WKH SHQ ÀLSSHG RYHU UROOLQJ WKH FRZ RXW RQWR WKH ÀRRU RI WKH SODQW 6RPHWLPHV VRPH RI WKH ODUJHU DQLPDOV ZRXOG NLFN DQG ZULWKH RQ WKH ÀRRU QHFHVVLWDWLQJ UHSHDWHGDSSOLFDWLRQVRIWKHVWXQJXQWRLPPRELOL]HWKHP%XWPRVWRI the time the majority of the animals lay still. Overhead was a system of chains and hooks that moved throughout the plant. The pot-bellied man stepped down to where the stunned DQLPDOOD\DQGZUDSSHGDFKDLQDURXQGRQHRIKHUDQNOHV+HWKHQ pulled a lever and the cow was hoisted up upside-down so that its lips ZHUH DERXW WKUHH IHHW R̆  WKH JURXQG 6XGGHQO\ WKH ZKROH FRQYH\RU system lurched, and the cow moved forward about twenty feet to the next station. continued on page 48


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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—47

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