TO YOUR HEALTH Connecting Deeply with Nature... ...continued from page 13
WDQJOHPHQW´DVLWLVUHIHUUHGWRE\TXDQWXPSK\VLFLVWV%HOO¶VWKHRUHP experiment in particular shows that entanglement can happen across very great distances. /DV]ORGHVFULEHVLWDVIROORZV “That degree of instant correlation, holding over very great distances, sug- gests that it happens faster than the speed of light. Thus, Erwin Schrödinger, one of the early great quantum physicists, concluded that quantum physics reveals a basic oneness of the universe. This is important because, consider- ing a person’s relationship with nature at this most fundamental level, it is a relationship of oneness.” Realizing Oneness — The Roadmap for Restoration The oneness of humans and nature could be described as being parts of the same source without being apart from it. That’s perhaps as close as it gets. %XWZKDWFDQZHH[SHFWWRJDLQIURPUHDOL]LQJWKLVFRQQHFWLRQ" /DV]ORDQGFROOHDJXHVKDYHEHHQVWXG\LQJMXVWWKDWSRLQWIRU\HDUV Their hypothesis? “People who experience a greater sense of connec- tion to nature are more likely to care for others and future genera- tions.” There is historical precedent and modern research behind their hy- SRWKHVLV+RZPDQ\UHYHODWRU\H[SHULHQFHV²WKHNLQGWKDWFKDQJHG cultures and the course of history — took place in a natural setting? 0RVHVRQWKHPRXQWDLQWRSRU%XGGKDLQWKHIRUHVWTXLFNO\FRPHWR mind. As for the present, there are many studies that show the EHQH¿WV of connecting to nature. One study VD\V/DV]OR³H[DPLQHGµQDWXUHFRQ - QHFWHGQHVV¶DQGµKDSSLQHVV¶DFURVVDJUHDWQXPEHURIGL̆ HUHQWVWXGLHV and found … that, generally speaking, more time in nature is associat- ed with a greater sense of happiness and well-being.” 7KHUH LV DOVR WKH ¿HOG RI HSLJHQHWLFV ZKLFK DFFRUGLQJ WR /DV]OR shows that genes determine “a person’s relationship with nature. What that relationship is, whether exposed to pollution or to healthy nature, D̆ HFWVWKHSURWHLQVWKDWZUDSWKHJHQHVDQGOHDGWRJHQHH[SUHVVLRQ HLWKHUJRRGRUEDG´,WLVWKXVLPSRUWDQWWRUHODWHZHOOZLWKQDWXUHDV H[SRVXUHWRQDWXUHD̆ HFWVSHRSOHRQDSHUVRQDODQGJHQHWLFOHYHO $QHPHUJLQJ¿HOGFDOOHGXQLYHUVDO¿HOGWKHRU\VXJJHVWVWKDWFRQ - VFLRXVQHVVLVDSURSHUW\RIWKHXQLYHUVHZHFDQWDSLQWRVD\V/DV]OR as though the human brain were an instrument that “taps” or “tunes” into universal consciousness by way of “microtubular lattices” in the EUDLQ³7KHUHLVJRRGVFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFKHPHUJLQJRQWKLV´KHVD\V :KDWGRHVUHDOL]LQJWKLVFRQQHFWLRQPHDQIRUERWKKXPDQVDQGWKH environment? /DV]OR WKLQNV LW FDQ ³UDLVH DZDUHQHVV RI KRZ RXU DFWLRQV LPSDFW others, and it can transform people and leaders, in particular, by in- FUHDVLQJWKHLUHPRWLRQDOVRFLDODQGVSLULWXDOLQWHOOLJHQFH,WFDQLQ - crease entrepreneurial creativity and collaboration, and perhaps, very importantly at this time in human history, can strengthen pro-social and pro-environmental behaviors.” /DV]ORDGGVWKDW³WKHFRQVFLRXVQHVVRIFRQQHFWHGQHVV²LQFOXGLQJ a consciousness and connectedness to nature — [is] central to lasting behavioral change.” 7KDWFRXOGEHMXVWZKDWLVQHHGHGWREUHDNQHZJURXQGLQWKH¿HOG of mental health. Jerry Chesnut is an editor at 7KH(DUWK ,D:DVKLQJWRQ'&EDVHG online publication dedicated to presenting global solutions to the environ- PHQWDOFULVLV >(G1RWH7RDFFHVVOLYHOLQNVWRWKHHPEHGGHGUHIHUHQFHVGHQRWHGDVXQ - GHUOLQHGWH[WUHDGWKH:LQWHULVVXHGLJLWDOHGLWLRQDWZZZSDWKZD\VPDJD - ]LQHRQOLQHFRPPDJD]LQHFXUUHQWLVVXH@
54—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
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