
Hand Print Analysis


them with your passions, your dreams, your beliefs. Claim the free- dom of your creativity and see a new story today; every day if you can. 5HZHDYH WKH IDEULF RI \RXU OLIH LQWR D ZD\ RI EHLQJ WKDW LV QRW RQO\ evolving, but authentic in the here and now. ,W¶VDJRRGZD\WRYHQWXUHRXWFHOHEUDWLQJWKHKXPDQMRXUQH\WKDW takes us there and back again, changing us in unexpected ways as we learn into life. &DURO%XUEDQNLVDZULWHUDQGZULWLQJFRDFKIRXQGHURI6WRU\ZHDYLQJ&RDFKLQJ DQG&RQVXOWLQJ%DVHGLQ0DU\ODQGVKHUXQVWKH6WRU\ZHDYLQJ5HWUHDW&HQWHU6KH is a regular columnist for 6FLHQFHRI0LQG0DJD]LQH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQZZZ VWRU\ZHDYLQJFRP

An Accurate Life Discovery Decoding Method Based on a 40 Year Scientific Study An In-Depth Lifetime Reading of Your AUTHENTIC SOUL PURPOSE Discover your Life Agenda. Decode the blueprint on your hands to reveal life purpose gifts, lessons and your soul’s best path to abundant joy! • Call for a mailed printing kit

Gathering comes naturally...

• 60 - 75 min. reading by phone only • Includes soul coaching within the call • Includes an emailed MP3 recording

Call 301-515-0470 Get a Pathways Special Rate!

Bonnie Gordon Patterino IIHA Certified Handprint Analyst & Soul Purpose Coach One of only a few Experts in the world!


RETREAT CENTER in Agricultural Reserve of Montgomery County near Poolesville is for Sale. Sanctuary Retreat Center in Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve for Sale or Lease. Located on 28 acres, Sanctuary Retreat Center, originally, a family farm just 25 minutes from Rockville Town Center, has been in the hands of religious

RUGHUVVLQFHWKHōVƓUVWDVDFRQYHQWDQGWKHQD monastery. Today, Sanctuary is under the auspices of Am Kolel (Hebrew for “an inclusive people”), a Jewish congregation. As an ecumenical and spiritual retreat center it offers its facilities to numerous religious, social service, wellness, youth and education institutions and family celebrations. After more than 16 years, it is time to pass this beautiful property to new stewards. Also on the grounds: The grounds also feature an outdoor chapel, two meditation gardens and a seven circuit living labyrinth, one of 21 living labyrinths in the country. Sale price: $1.6 million Contact Rabbi David Shneyer for more information. 301-349-2799 or write

See more at: Sanctuary Retreat Center, 19520 Darnestown Rd, Beallsville, MD 20839

PATHWAYS—Winter 22—57

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