Project Manager
Reporting To:
Senior Project Manager
up to £47,047 plus excellent benefits
Main purpose of the job:
The main focus of the job is to provide high quality project management for the implementation and delivery of a range of capital projects within the University’s Infrastructure programme. This role will focus specifically on the delivery of the University’s Workplace 2030 programme. The programme seeks to transform the workplace areas across the University’s Streatham and St Luke’s campuses to support hybrid working. This programme will be a critical enabler of the institutional 2030 Strategy as it will deliver additional, flexible, and purpose-built space to meet the future size and shape needs of the University through Strategy 2030. The programme will also make a significant contribution to our sustainability agenda through its contribution to achieving our Net Zero ambitions.
Main duties & accountabilities:
allowance for all gross costs, including allow - ances for construction, furniture & equipment, in-house costs, promotional and fund raising material, events, etc. • Produce life cycle costs and elemental life costs to include as part of the business case and develop and refine over the life of the project. • Take a proactive role in ensuring measures to minimise or reduce carbon are incorporated in projects, including minimising construction waste and encouraging flexible working and effective use of space. • Work with colleagues in Finance Services to identify opportunities for VAT savings and en - sure any required procedures are put in place and followed. • Produce draft Communications Plan for con - sultation and agreement. Identify and agree who will be responsible for maintaining various communications, monitor and liaise as nec - essary to ensure communications are main - tained throughout the life of the project. • Liaise with other relevant University staff and University technical staff at key points in the project, ensuring that information flows to and from such staff. • Attend and/or prepare reports for other Uni- versity committees as required. • Prepare and maintain a master programme
To take responsibility for the planning, implemen - tation and management of projects within the University’s Infrastructure programme, including co-ordination of activities, consultants and con- tractors to deliver projects within scope, on time and within budget. In particular to: • Work with stakeholders to define and produce the project brief for both consultancy services and works. • Establish meetings structure for Project Working Groups, Project Monitoring Groups, and design team meetings, etc. Lay down procedure for convening, chairing, attend- ance, function, frequency and responsibility for recording of meetings and circulation of information. Monitor communications and distribution of information. Set up and chair these meetings • Ensure there is full coordination with the Uni - versity business and that full impact mitigation measures are incorporated. Carry out initial feasibility studies, with design options and budget estimates. • Support the Project Sponsor in producing the business case and other documents to comply with the University’s Capital Procedures. • Ensure that initial budget estimates and sub - sequent cost estimates and budgets include an
for each individual project from con - cept to completion. Monitor progress and take any necessary steps re - quired to maintain key dates. • Advise upon need and selection of consultants, contractors, suppliers and staff and select and appoint in accordance with University Finan - cial Regulations, ensuring best value. Establish their responsibilities, ensure that they co-ordinate their activities and monitor them in performance of duties and discharge of responsi - bilities, to ensure projects develop to the required standard within scope, programme and budget. • Prepare and check contract docu - ments (using standard templates) for Forms of Agreements for consultant and contractor appointments. • Liaise with the University’s design teams throughout the projects and ensure that all consultants/in-house staff are aware of and meet the re- quirements of the briefs and any sub - sequent amendments/amplifications.
• Liaise with appropriate staff within the University in respect of, for example, health and safety insurance, security, commissioning and ongoing FM and mainte - nance. • Ensure that suitable mitigation measures are in place to minimise any disruption to students, staff and other users of the campus. Plan and organise any decants, temporary accommodation and facilities in liaison with client representatives. • Ensure that the design documentation adequately re - flects the brief and provides sufficient detail for tender purposes. Provide advice/input into building specifica- tions for projects, providing specialist advice as nec - essary. Establish and follow procedures for checking compliance with designs and specifications and monitor standards of workmanship and materials. • Work closely with the Project Working Group, in house and external specialists and stakeholders to identi - fy requirements, produce specifications and tender documentation and procure furniture, AV, specialist equipment and any other items not included in the main contract. • Authorise any changes to projects after due consulta - tion and discussion with the relevant Project Working and Monitoring Groups. Ensure that ‘scope creep’ is minimised and any changes are controlled.
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