Recruiting Procedures
Position Requisition, Approval & Posting 1. The Hiring Manager will complete & submit the Position Requisition Form 2. Upon submission, the position will be reviewed and approved by the necessary parties 3. Once approved, the Corporate Recruiting Team is responsible for the following: 1. Creation of position in TAM 2. Assignment of position to member of the Corporate Recruiting Team 3. Posting of the position to various job boards, LinkedIN, Facebook, etc. (as appropriate) 1. The coordination / use of any external recruiting agency MUST be approved & managed by the Corporate Recruiting Team 2. Employees can direct any referrals to the Web site to apply. Applicants can list the employee referring them within their application.
Application & Candidate Experience
Online application
i. All candidates must apply online and fulfill all requirements ii. ALL candidates, without exception, MUST complete an online application prior to a phone or in-person interview 1. Candidates will be reviewed as they come in by the assigned Corporate Recruiter 2. If candidate is not a good fit, a ‘Thanks, No Thanks’ email is sent 3. The Corporate Recruiting Team follows the Recruiting SOP’s outlined for their department in evaluating candidates
Phone Interviews
1. Candidates will schedule and hold a phone interview with the assigned Corporate Recruiter 2. If candidate is not a good fit, a ‘Thanks, No Thanks’ email is sent
Effective 7/1/19
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