Spring 2022 Aquatics Schedule


free lifeguard training.

www.dothanle i sureservices .org Quest ions? Contact Courtney 334-615-3758 or cganz@dothan.org Register Today at


COMPET I T I ON DESK - 3 3 4 - 6 1 5 - 3 76 3 WEL LNESS DESK - 3 3 4 - 6 1 5 - 3 7 5 7 AQUAT I CS OFF I CE - 3 3 4 - 6 1 5 - 3 7 5 5 DOTHANLE I SURESERV I CES . ORG

KEL LY STAKELUM A ssistant Director, Dothan Leisure Services General Manager of Water World 334-615-3751 kstakelum @ dothan.org ROBERT TAL L I AFERRO A quatics Supervisor A ssistant Manager of Water World 334-615-3752 rtalliafer @ dothan.org

ALENA JONES A quatics Leader II Pool Manager Westgate Wellness Pool 334-615-3753 ajones @ dothan.org COURTNEY GANZ A quatics Manager Pool Manager Westgate C ompetition Pool 334-615-3758 cganz @ dothan.org COACH JOHN Jinri Jiang, A quatics Supervisor Head C oach - Dothan Dolphins Swim Team 334-615-3767 jrjiang @ dothan.org

ALEX MI L LER A quatics Secretary A ccounting, Reservations 334-615-3755 amiller @ dothan.org


Monday - Friday 6-8 am, 10-1, 6:30-7:30 pm $3 (or join the fitness club)

AQUACISE M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F 7 - 8 A M 8 - 9 8 - 9 9 - 1 0 1 0 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4 Gail & Janet Ning Bobbiette Ning D O T H A N L E I S U R E S E R V I C E S

$ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 4 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0 $ 6 0

Renee Renee Janet Janet Bobbiette Ning Barbara Faye Bobbiette

T T h T T h T T h T T h T T h

7 - 8 A M 8 - 9 : 3 0 9 : 3 0 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 : 3 0

Renee Renee Deidre Deidre

1 - 2 : 3 0 5 - 6 P M 6 - 7 P M 7 - 8 P M

M T T h M T T h M T T h

Registration is December 13-14, 2021 at Westgate Wellness during building hours. Lottery selection is on 12/15/21. Registration will re-open 12/17 from 8-3. After 12/17, registration will resume on 1/10/22. No classes on 1/17 & 2/21, and these classes will not be made up. Payments are due the first week of class. Questions? Contact Alena at 334-615-3753 or ajones@dothan.org. JANUARY 10 - MARCH 18, 2022 (10 WKS) MARCH 28 - JUNE 3, 2022 (10 WKS) Registration is March 14-15, 2022 at Westgate Wellness during building hours. Lottery selection is on 3/16/22. Registration will resume on Friday, 3/18/22 from 8-3. After 3/18, registration will resume on the first day of classes. No class on 5/30, and this class will not made up. Payments are due the first week of class. Questions? Contact Alena at 334-615-3753 or ajones@dothan.org.

AQUACISe Registration Procedures Generally, Aquacise registrationwill be held on the last Monday & Tuesday of the current session, unless a holiday or other event causes it to be moved to a different day. Rev. 12/1/21

On Wednesday, staff will draw names and begin filling in rosters. As rosters fill, participants will be enrolled in their first available choice. One staff member will draw names, one will fill in the rosters, and one will simultaneously enter all names into an excel document in order to cross-check for duplicate entries. This process will continue until all cards are drawn. An Aquacise representative will be present to ensure transparency. Anyonewho has turned inmore than one card will be removed from the process and given their first available choice after all other names have been drawn. The results will be posted at the pool by Thursday afternoon. Registration will continue at Wellness Friday morning at 8am for additional available spots. After the session begins, registration is ongoing at the Wellness pool desk. Payment is due at the first class you attend. You must pay the first time that you attend the first week! Paymentswill be accepted atWellness anytime that the building is open. Payments accepted are checks or cash. Anyone who has not paid by closing on Friday (of the first week of class) at 3:00 pmwill be removed from their roster.

Each participant will be given a registration card that has to be filled out and returned to the locked box at Wellness. Everyone must fill out a card. Two people cannot be on one card. You may only register for one class during this time. This can be done anytime the building is open on the Monday & Tuesday of registration. Participants will select their top five choices in order of importance. Only one card may be turned in per person. All cards are due by closing on Tuesday andwill not be accepted after. There will be a box to check if you prefer to take a class with someone (spouse, ride, sibling, etc). Please know that by checking this box, you may forfeit your first choice depending on when the second name is drawn (you have the best chance of getting your first choice by not writing in someone else’s name on your card). Do not put a name in this blank unless the person that you are listing is also writing your name in on their registration card.

Please Note

After registration, participants are enrolled only in the class that they registered for. It is not permissible to switch to other time slots unless you have registered for that class in the office. Please do not enter thewater until the class start time. These are instructional-based classes. Attendees are expected to follow the general directions of the instructor. No visitors are allowed to attend a classwithout prior registration. No visitors or guests are allowedon the pool deck at any time. No prorated feeswill be charged. No refunds or rain checks. If a participant is not able to continue in a session due to circumstances beyond their control, please contact Kelly Stakelumprior to the endof the sessionwith questions or concerns. Daily lockers are available at Westgate Wellness FREE OF CHARGE to program participants when checking in. Keys will be given from theWellness Pool deskwhen you check in andmust be returned after each use. Please lock your locker before you return the key. Because of the large number of participants that utilize the pool, personal items cannot be left in the facility lockers overnight. The Wellness whirlpool is available free of charge 15 minutes before and after the class you are registered for. The Wellness whirlpool is available to those enrolled at Wellness, and the Competition whirlpool is available to those enrolled at the Competition

pool. Please note that thewhirlpoolsmay be closeddue toCovid restrictions. DLS reserves the right to cancel classes due to lowenrollment numbers.

DO T HAN L E I S U R E S E R V I C E S spring Swimming Lessons Little Tykes

March 28 - April 7

4 - 5 years

April 18 - 28

Level I & II

6 years and up

May 9 - 19

Little Tykes

4 - 5 years

All classes are M-Th from 6-6:45 pm at Westgate Wellness Pool. Classes are $30. Online registration begins March 1, 2022. To register, please visit www.DothanLeisureServices.org/registration. Questions? Call Courtney at 334-615-3758 or email her at cganz@dothan.org.

No pre-registration required for tryouts, but please call 334-615-3763 to confirm date & time. Tryout participants must be between 6 and 18 years of age, and must be able to swim 50 yards freestyle and 15 yards backstroke. After a successful tryout, each participant is allowed a two-week free trial period prior to dues payment. January 10 January 10 February 7 March 7 April 4 May 2 DDST D O T H A N D O L P H I N S S W I M T E A M www.dothandolphins.com d Become a Dothan Dolphin!



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