Sports & Ortho PT. Relief For Radiating Neck Pain & Headach…

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Ifyoureallyhadtonarrowdownthefrustrationsthatcomewithdealingwithchronic pain, perhaps the single largest frustration would be having to deal with the pain day after day. Chronic pain has a way of interfering with the most basic activities. Getting out of bed and driving to work can become a challenge, as can sitting in a deskchairallday,orattemptingtopickupyourchildwhenheorshe isupset.Some of these tasks are more difficult to get around than are others, and, depending on how the pain is impacting your life, the stress of having to go through extra steps to make basic things happen can really get out of hand. Neck pain is one of those types of pain that is difficult to work around. Pain in the neck and back will frequently begin to radiate the longer it hangs around, and that couldmeanshootingpainupyourneckandback,all theway into thebaseofyour skull. Once neck pain begins to turn into headaches, attempting to concentrate at work can become exceedingly difficult. LOWER BACK PAIN IN THE UNITED STATES There are a large number of culprits that could be behind your experience of neck pain, includingaccidents,suchasacaraccidentoraslip-and-fallaccident,aswell assporting injuries.Thereasonwhyneckpainfrequentlybecomessosevere isdue to the fact that blood vessels have to pass through your neck to reach the head.

A spasm in the neck muscles could lead to constricted blood circulation, and therefore migraine headaches. What’s worse, since the neck is connected to the spinalcolumnandthereforeconnectedtothenervoussystem,pain intheneckcan quicklydevelop intotinglingornumbness inthehands,armsandfingers,whichcan be uncomfortable and frustrating when you are going about daily tasks. When neck pain develops as a result of a pinched nerve, the radiating neck pain canresult insevereheadaches,and insomecases,evenmigraineheadaches.The pinchednervecancausepain toradiatefrom theneck into theskullandcancause a disruption to typical nerve patterns. Working with a physical therapist can help youaddresspaincausedbyapinchednerve,and thereforecanreducetheseverity of headaches that develop as a result of neck pain. Are you suffering from headaches or neck pain? Call your physical therapistatSports&OrthoPTtoscheduelyourappointmentandstart your pain-free life today!


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