
3 Corporate Governance Report

Service Quality Committee (SQC) Committee members

managing cases of damp and mould are robust. Updates to the RSH Consumer Standards including collection of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been discussed by the committee. Anchor published its performance in respect of the TSMs on 27 June 2024. As well as the above matters, the committee has received regular performance reports, updates from the Safeguarding Committee, lessons learned arising from whistleblowing reports, resident involvement and community safety. The committee has completed deep dives into use of agency workers in care, the cost-of-living impact on customers and arrears and lone working. Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) Committee members Meetings attended Mike Green (Chair) 6/6 Peter Hay 5/6 Katy Taylor 6/6 Fred Angole (from Sept 2023) 3/4 Mike Green and Fred Angole are qualified accountants and have held senior finance roles in large organisations, satisfying the Corporate Governance Code requirement for at least one member of the committee to have had significant, recent and relevant financial experience. Having reviewed the ARC membership during 2023, the Nominations Committee recommended that last year’s non-executive director search included financial accounting experience and qualification. Fred Angole was appointed to the committee immediately on joining the Board. Members of the Executive Committee together with senior representatives of the external auditor and internal auditor (outsourced) attend each meeting. At each meeting there was an opportunity for internal and external auditors to discuss matters with the committee without any members of the executive team being present. ARC Activities for the financial year 2023-24 The primary role of the ARC is to provide the Board with assurance on the integrity of the financial reporting and the external audit process and on Anchor’s systems of internal control and risk management, including internal audit. Business Assurance The Director of Risk and Assurance presents the Risk Register and movements on the scoring of existing and emerging risks to each quarterly meeting. The committee considers Anchor’s risk profile in the context of the housing sector risk profile and global risk review. Particular focus was given this year to the oversight of risks related to the cost-of-living crisis and challenging economic environment. The committee received operational risk deep dives in the year on assurance mapping, new developments and finance. ARC discussed and challenged each deep dive to ensure each area was operating within a strong control environment, and where necessary requesting action be taken to strengthen controls.

Meetings attended

Peter Hay (Chair) Mike Green Katy Taylor Denise Peart

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5/5 The SQC is responsible for maintaining a detailed focus on service quality and outcomes, ensuring that the voice of the Anchor customer shapes all aspects of service delivery. The cross-committee membership of the SQC Chair and ARC Chair ensures a complete coverage of risk and assurance matters across both committees, without any unnecessary duplication. The Executive Director of Housing Services and the Managing Director of Care Services attend each SQC meeting, as does the Director of Care Quality. Service Quality Committee activities for the financial year 2023-24 SQC focuses upon the performance of services across the organisation in relation to resident outcomes and ensures that the voice of the resident is listened to and acted upon. The committee has monitored and responded to the change in regulatory approach from the CQC. Their single inspection and risk-based approach has resulted in some changes to the frequency and depth of inspections to Anchor care homes. The committee reports on the impact of these changes to the Board. Significant progress has been made with implementing digital care planning and digital medication management in care homes. The committee has received demonstrations and regular updates and will monitor the ongoing performance and reporting improvements expected as a result of the new technology. SQC has continued to provide input into our programme to transform the way we deliver housing services. The committee’s oversight helps to ensure that the impact on and benefits for customers are at the forefront of all decisions made to change and improve services through transformation. The changing requirements of the Housing Ombudsman have informed a review and restructure of Anchor’s customer experience function. The committee will continue to monitor complaints performance and anticipates seeing an increase in satisfaction as a result of the changes implemented. The committee has received updates from the damp and mould working group. The group has been co-ordinating activities in relation to this important health and safety matter. This has included self-assessing against the Housing Ombudsman’s ‘Spotlight on Damp and Mould’ publication. Some updates have been made to Anchor’s Damp and Mould Policy and procedures and an action plan is in place to ensure that Anchor’s arrangements for


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