Board Converting News, June 21, 2021

TAPPI: Establish A Corrugated Training Path For New Hires

professional packaging curriculum developed at Clemson University. TAPPI’s Best Practices on the Corrugator Course is delivered once again in person, ( ), August 7-8 in Orlando, Florida, in conjunction with TAP- PI/AICC SuperCorr Expo. This course is designed to give an understanding of each element in the corrugating pro- cess, which will lead to higher productivity and profitability, and better quality, as well as reduce waste and downtime. SuperCorrExpo 2021, considered one of the most in- fluential corrugated packaging-focused trade shows in the Western Hemisphere, is happening live and in-person, August 8-12, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. With more than 240 exhibitors, eight re- ceptions and other relationship building opportunities, five keynoters (include two industry CEOs), two award ceremo- nies and the Box Manufacturing Olympics all planned for the show floor, there is much to see and do at this year’s event. Visit for more details. In addition to training, arm your crew with resources from TAPPI Press like the bestselling Corrugated Contain- ers Manufacturing Process, a comprehensive textbook which describes the entire process of manufacturing corrugated containers. The Corrugating Defect/Remedy Manual provides a basis for common knowledge of terms, definitions, and methods of correction of corrugated op- erational defects. These and other corrugated packaging resources are available from .

If you are looking to reduce turnover and increase job satisfaction among your new hires, you need to develop a training path utilizing essential resources from TAPPI Academy and TAPPI Press to help your employees feel welcome, imperative to your operations and better pre- pared to advance within your plant. More Than a Box: Box Plant 101 ( ) is a basic, introductory video that is recommended for new employee orientation and provides baseline knowledge to anyone new or associated with the plant. It includes a view of a typical box plant, how a quality box is made, an over- view of the corrugator and a review of materials handling. Individuals can purchase streaming access using the web link above. Site licenses are available to accommodate multiple learners. Contact for details. Corrugated Packaging - Box Plant Basics ( www.tappi. org/boxplantbasics ) is a great next step. This eLearning course provides an overview of corrugating equipment, terminology and basic processes. It is a self-paced online course that includes 10 learning modules that incorporate narrated animations. There are previews on each of the modules so you can assess the content/delivery. For a variety of courses, look no further than our part- ner The Packaging School, the exclusive licensee of a


June 21, 2021

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