The future of payroll
management technology payroll will no longer have to enter the data as it is entered at source, meaning that payroll no longer receive physical piles of confidential data to input, check and keep locked away. These checks can be done digitally anywhere the technology can be accessed, such as at home. However, a drawback to this is that team connections can be lost when everyone is working outside of the traditional office environment and payrollers could lose their connection to the business and its culture. Maybe in the same way there are HR business partners, payroll business partners are the answer to this. n What is the future of payroll? The future of payroll is one that is open to definition both from a payroller’s and an employer’s perspective, and it’s important to remember the role of employee experience in also defining this. Both sides will need to work together to define the purpose of payroll and ensure it is a value-adding function. The first part of this change will come from payrollers themselves. together to define the purpose of payroll and ensure it is a value- adding function
operation of payroll? The immediately obvious challenge is that of managing compliance and risk. To what extent does the responsibility of the payroll function start and end around the engagement and payment of independent contractors? How can the payroll function gear up to respond in an agile fashion to the plethora of ways in which the modern workforce is engaged, deployed and paid? Employee experience is driving further change in payroll. The old adage of ‘paying people correctly and on time’ is table stakes. Employees expect more from a job than a payslip and an employee’s experience with pay (the delivery of it, not just the quantum) is directly correlated to how they feel about the organisation. Payroll holds myriad useful data on employee pay, but is this being leveraged? The drive for employee experience is going to drive change in the output of payroll.
Are you ready for: ● pay on demand ● personalisation of pay data ● smart integrated user interfaces
● using pay data to drive initiatives on financial wellness in the organisation? Smart organisations are gearing up now to get ahead of the curve. Workplace: where does the work get done? Don’t worry, I’m not going to re-open the issue of where a payroll should sit within an organisation! This will be more of a look at the physical location of the work. The traditional model of having a payroll team within an access-controlled office, within an office, is becoming a thing of the past. The advancement of digital communications and technology is changing the model significantly. For instance, in cloud human capital
Currently being delivered
via virtual classroom
Case law continually produces changes to employees’ statutory holiday leave and pay entitlement, which are covered in this informative course, alongwith the various types of leave and the calculation of pay.
This course covers: l Understanding the legal framework l Calculating entitlement and handling requests l Calculating holiday pay l What to include in holiday pay l Handling part-time, shift, casual and agency workers l Sickness absence
Book online at or email for more information. CIPP_UK @CIPP_UK
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |
Issue 60 | May 2020
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