King's Business - 1923-05



influences th a t daily su rround you, and the tone of society th a t you and your w ife are obliged to meet, render it well nigh impossible for you to be an earnest, decided, active Christian. “ But in th is you are m istaken, for th e grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for all His tru e followers, and will be sufficient for you. A few years ago Captain John T ro tter of the Queen’s Life Guards was th e gayest and most fashionable young man in London. H is fath e r had left him and an only sister four m illion pounds ster­ ling, and he threw himself into the vortex of worldly pleasure w ith a splen­ did physique, and an insatiable appe­ tite. There was no p arty among th e nobility where he was not the recog­ nized leader, and it was esteemed an honor by th e first people of the city to form an acquaintance. “But when it pleased God to reveal His Son in him, and to pluck him as a b rand from th e burning, while he still kept up in some respects his ele­ gant style of living, he was wholly de­ voted to th e Saviour, and was th e in­ strum en t in God’s hands of bringing many to Christ. The late Lord Chief Justice of England was led by him to th e Cross, and his whole • life was a constant and blessed m inistry of love. “My dear friend, you can not be con­ te n t w ith a sham, w ith a Sunday morn­ ing religion while th e rest of th e week is given up to thorough worldliness of spirit, and I am so anxious th a t you should become an out and out, devoted, happy Christian. Why not come now? Only believe, and you are saved, and saved forever. T ru st in Christ to guide you w ith His counsel, and afterw ard to receive you into Glory, and He will

The following le tte r was w ritten in 1873 by Dr. Jam es H. Brookes, to a member of his congregation in St. Louis. As a resu lt of it, th e party who received it is now approaching th e end of 50 years of fru itfu l service. We commend it to all who have not definitely accepted Christ. “Near th e close of th is morning’s ser­ vice, your face wore an expression of intense sadness. Of course I do not know th a t you were troubled by th e though t th a t you have so long refused to confess Christ, as your Lord, but, you were m anifestly troubled about som ething; and th is is enough to call forth,m y sympathy and interest. Weary w ith th e incessant labor of several weeks, I lay down afte r dinner to rest, bu t you were constantly coming before my mind, and I was a t length com­ pelled to arise, and send you th is note of regard and affection. “Let me ask you th e plain question, w hether you are happy in neglecting so g reat salvation? You know th a t Jesus says, ‘I am th e Way, th e T ru th , and th e life ;’ ‘neither is th e re salvation "in any o ther: for th ere is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we m ust be saved;;’ and ‘if thou sh alt confess w ith thy mouth the , Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in th in e h ea rt th a t God h ath raised Him from th e dead, thou sh alt be saved.’ “All th is you know, and have been tau g h t from your childhood; why then do you not confess Christ before men, and tak e up your cross, and follow Him? Doubtless the reply of your h ea rt will be, th a t th e confirmed h abits of your life, th e p articu lar circle of friends w ith whom you are most intim ate, th e

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