King's Business - 1923-05



do it. “Now is th e accepted tim e; behold, now is th e day of salvation." May th e Lord lead you to Himself, and make you his faith fu l w itness, and crown you a t last. Your sincere friend.” — J. H. BROOKES. m m NONE LIKE IT The Bible is always light-giving in every circum stance of life. “There’s none like it,” Dr. J. W ilbur Chapman has said. “There’s none like it when your head is aching! T here’s none like it when your h e a rt is breaking! There’s none like it when th e day is w ithout th e sun and th e night w ithout it ’s star. There is nothing like it when your children are motherless! There’s none like it when you bury your baby! There’s none like it when th e springs of life are snapping! There is none like it when you reach th e end of life’s journey and pillow your head on its prom ises and God stoops and kisses you to sleep.” HAVE YOU READ IT ? In th e Jo u rn al of Education, Ver­ non P. Squires, professor of English in th e University of North Dakota, re­ ports an exam ination of 139 students as to th e ir knowledge of the Bible. E ight quotations were asked, and only eight and one-half per cent, of the studen ts passed an average of seventy-

five p er cent., the average for th e Whole body being less th a n forty per cent. Seven per cent, could not name a book of th e Old Testam ent, and less th a n fifty per cent, could give ten books of th e Old Testament. And some doubt as to th is is caused by th e spell­ ing of some 'of th e books such as “Deuteromy,” “Deuferomoty,” “Deuter- omeny,” "D euterom iny,” “ Goshua," “Salms,” “N ehim iah,” “ Joob,” “ Jobe.” Fou rteen named “Hezekiah” as one of th e “Books of Moses.” Among original ideas were th e mentioning of Old Testa­ m ent books, “P au l,” “T imothy,” ««ic­ tu s,” “ 1 and 2 Romans,” “ Philistines” and “Xerxes.” The answers in regard to th e New Testament were still more unsatisfactory. Twelve— eight and one- half per cent.— were unable to men­ tion a single book; only forty-six—— th irty -th ree and one-third per cent.__ mentioned ten, as requested. Five put Samuel in th e New, Testament, th ree th e Psalms, th ree Ruth, and two E sther. One mentioned “ 1 and 2 Judges.” Seventeen mentioned “P au l,” or “St. P au l," or “P au l’s." Three sug­ gested “ Simon,” two “ Jacob.” There was th e mention of “Thelesians,” “Phil- lipi,” “Thomas,” “Lazarus” and "Sam ­ son Agonistes.” m m A Correspondence Course in Bible S tudy is worth considering .

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